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Qatar Calls Arabs SHEEP

The Arab world plays host to the cradle of civilization, it also have a very diverse cultural and historical tradition. Shame it is also the most troubled.
ًWhat are you trying to say?
btw Turkey is the same.. Turkey would be nothing without NATO... Turkey always asks NATO for help... just recently they asked for Patriot... that shows that Turkey can not defend itself...
at least Algeria has its own Army... no need for help from NATO...

Yeah Yeah ...Turkey is nothing without NATO...It is better you say Mafia Army of Assad is nothing without Iran and Russia...
in 1974 Turkey intered Cyprus and liberated norht region as NATO still was sleeping in the bed...If it nessesary turkey can do that better than then in any time at any other place again..

But after your Father Assad lost Golan hills he didnot fire at Israel even a pistol so far for Golan..Now Israel begun to worrying so that its clamest border in dengarous.

Turkey pay value its citizen life.. againist any possibiliry of cehmical attack by mafia army it take precautions.... We dont pay NATO any charge for that..
if Assad launch a scud to turkey then he will see how turkey defend itself
Yeah Yeah ...Turkey is nothing without NATO...It is better you say Mafia Army of Assad is nothing without Iran and Russia...
in 1974 Turkey intered Cyprus and liberated norht region as NATO still was sleeping in the bed...If it nessesary turkey can do that better than then in any time at any other place again..

But after your Father Assad lost Golan hills he didnot fire at Israel even a pistol so far for Golan..Now Israel begun to worrying so that its clamest border in dengarous.

Turkey pay value its citizen life.. againist any possibiliry of cehmical attack by mafia army it take precautions.... We dont pay NATO any charge for that..
if Assad launch a scud to turkey then he will see how turkey defend itself

First of all Alasad will not attack Turkey.... he made that clear many times.... it just Turkey scared for some reason... well actually erDOGan taking orders from the west so he had to...

About Golan height... we lost it 1967 Alasad was not the president back then...
And the reason the borders were calm is because of UN resolution... if Syria attacked Israel.. the whole world will attack Syria and first ones would be the GCC and Turkey...

And we saw you people against Israel... they killed your people and you couldn't even get an apology from them...
stop talking about Israel likes its your enemy... Israel controls NATO.. including Turkey... we all know that for sure...
Question.... Why did Sheikh Zayed of UAE, requested that Alasad pray on him in his will ? I will tell you why, because Alasad was the only true leader.. the rest were nothing but puppet... you can see in this picture the King of Saudi is just standing in the front... however Alasad fulfilled Sheikh Zayed testament and prayed on him...
Syrian former leader Hafeez Assad supported PKK, never accepted our borders. Then Turkey threatened to invade Syria. Assad regime got scared and expelled PKK. Because Turkey and Syria are enemies, it doesnt mean one of each serve non-Muslim interests.

You Alawites hardly represent your country. Step down, acknowledge the demands of Sunni majority. Otherwise, Israel and Kurds would be winners. But Alawite regime thinks, we will destroy anything rather than giving into demands of Sunnis. Poor mentality.
Syrian former leader Hafeez Assad supported PKK, never accepted our borders. Then Turkey threatened to invade Syria. Assad regime got scared and expelled PKK. Because Turkey and Syria are enemies, it doesnt mean one of each serve non-Muslim interests.

You Alawites hardly represent your country. Step down, acknowledge the demands of Sunni majority. Otherwise, Israel and Kurds would be winners. But Alawite regime thinks, we will destroy anything rather than giving into demands of Sunnis. Poor mentality.
Your post says that you know nothing about Syria... Syrians never mentioned Sunni or Shia or Alawite, we knew each other as Syrians... we lived together for thousand years with no trouble.. until democracy and freedom came... every Syrian is equal and has full right... just remember who is the VP, MP, and most MP are.... you are ignorant kid... don't ever mention Syria and religion together.
Your post says that you know nothing about Syria... Syrians never mentioned Sunni or Shia or Alawite, we knew each other as Syrians... we lived together for thousand years with no trouble.. until democracy and freedom came... every Syrian is equal and has full right... just remember who is the VP, MP, and most MP are.... you are ignorant kid... don't ever mention Syria and religion together.

Yeah, who killed Sunnis in 1982?

Hama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you call terrorists muslims?? the islam brotherhood are nothing but terrorists.... they bombed school, hospitals, military sites and more... and now you are defending them?? if you like them so much move somewhere where they rule.. or wait you can stay in Turkey because AKP is like them...

stop defending terrorism.... Hafez Alasad saved Syria from them... and probably saved Syria's neighbors from them....
now of course the western media will call it a massacre.. just to butcher the facts...
again in Syria we never spoke of religion until democracy and freedom came from the west and terrorists supporters... I can post videos here about how those freedom fighters are beheading people... but I think you know YouTube....
First of all Alasad will not attack Turkey.... he made that clear many times.... it just Turkey scared for some reason... well actually erDOGan taking orders from the west so he had to...

Maybe the reason is a terrorist psychopath who have nothing else to lose and have dozens of chemical weapons in his command, which are only good for terrorizing innocent people.

Yeah, we demanded Patriot missiles from our ALLIES in order to protect our people from a psycopath that you are worshipping. Deal with it. Btw, if he decide to attack Turkey, you will see what Turkey is without NATO :tup:

You see, the concern of Turkey is not how it can destroy Assad and his thugs in matter of days in case of an attack, but how we can do that with minumum casulties. Of course you are free to take that as a sign of weakness if it makes you sleep better...
WYour name says it all, an evil family with a horrible history.

Abu sufyan who was one if main leaders of bani omaya fought prophet Mohammed. His wife hind killed hamza and ate his liver. Muauwaya son of Abu sufyan faught against Ali Ibn abi talib, than against Hassan Ibn Ali. Yazid Ibn muawaya killed the prophets grandson and his whole family, and took the women of the prophets family captives. Wow what a great history. You must be really proud.

Allow me to say screw you and Banu omaya. Why haven't you chosen bani Hashim instead, or your hate for the prophets family doesn't allow you. Iraqi Kurdistan may be ejected because it has no use for iraq, it is just a cash drainage, but iraq won't split, that's just a dream that you would like to happen. Iraq is growing stronger and by 2020 we will put the gulf states in their real place, it is iraq who has the say in the region, just because iraq is weak right now it doesn't mean it wit rise again.

Anbars Sunni tribes are the ones go made the sahwa and faught against Sunni extremists. Besides all the oil resources are in Shia south, so unless they want to split from a thriving economy, join syria instead which barely has money to sustain its own citizens, they won't do it. The Iraqi army controls all the towns and cities in anbar.

Iraq didn't die not even during the worst of its states in history (2004-2007). It's not going to now, especially since there is a stronger army, Better economy.

You Saudis couldn't even deal with the houthis although they are just a sma banned of fighters, So you Shouldn't be talking. Anyways all the Shia south is safe, so any conflict will mostly affect the Sunnis.

Religious debate is restricted on PDF otherwise I will wipe the floor with you not only on this issue but also on your invented faith. Behave when speck about Sahabha (R).
Maybe the reason is a terrorist psychopath who have nothing else to lose and have dozens of chemical weapons in his command, which are only good for terrorizing innocent people.

Yeah, we demanded Patriot missiles from our ALLIES in order to protect our people from a psycopath that you are worshipping. Deal with it. Btw, if he decide to attack Turkey, you will see what Turkey is without NATO :tup:

You see, the concern of Turkey is not how it can destroy Assad and his thugs in matter of days in case of an attack, but how we can do that with minumum casulties. Of course you are free to take that as a sign of weakness if it makes you sleep better...

All I have to say is that if you are so scared about terrorists and your own people.. then why you are hosting terrorists and arming/training them in Turkey??
Enough said...

And let's see Turkey make a move without NATO....
All I have to say is that if you are so scared about terrorists and your own people.. then why you are hosting terrorists and arming/training them in Turkey??
Enough said...

And let's see Turkey make a move without NATO....

Because, Erdo wanted to do so. But you should know that majority of Turkish people, including the AKP voters are not supporting FSA nor AKP's policy. But Assad become a terrorist while fighting against the terrorists. Enough said...

Turkey has no plan to act without NATO since this is not something between Syria and Turkey but Syria and International community. If Syria does not decide to make it something between Turkey and Syria by attacking Turkey, why would Turkey act without NATO?
you call terrorists muslims?? the islam brotherhood are nothing but terrorists.... they bombed school, hospitals, military sites and more... and now you are defending them?? if you like them so much move somewhere where they rule.. or wait you can stay in Turkey because AKP is like them...

stop defending terrorism.... Hafez Alasad saved Syria from them... and probably saved Syria's neighbors from them....
now of course the western media will call it a massacre.. just to butcher the facts...
again in Syria we never spoke of religion until democracy and freedom came from the west and terrorists supporters... I can post videos here about how those freedom fighters are beheading people... but I think you know YouTube....

Assad has become a terrorist now. He bombs his own cities, kills his own people. And His father was well known terrorist organisation supporter. Because of Hafeez, many Turkish soldiers martyred.

Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Nice saying, I heard somewhere.
Because, Erdo wanted to do so. But you should know that majority of Turkish people, including the AKP voters are not supporting FSA nor AKP's policy. But Assad become a terrorist while fighting against the terrorists. Enough said...

Turkey has no plan to act without NATO since this is not something between Syria and Turkey but Syria and International community. If Syria does not decide to make it something between Turkey and Syria by attacking Turkey, why would Turkey act without NATO?
erDOGan is taking Turkey into a deep hole.... Turkey now became an enemy with its neighbors.... at least Syria which shares a long border with Turkey.... now like I said before Syria made sure it will not attack Turkey... what will Syria benefit from attacking Turkey... if Syria had to attack a nation it will probably be Israel... now that's a different topic...
Trust me Syrian people and Turkish people do not see each others as enemies or foes... we once had open border policy.. and erDOGan betrayed Syria..

Assad has become a terrorist now. He bombs his own cities, kills his own people. And His father was well known terrorist organisation supporter. Because of Hafeez, many Turkish soldiers martyred.

Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Nice saying, I heard somewhere.

Alright so now you're doing good by supporting the bloodshed in Syria??
and you must be out of your mind... if Alasad was killing his people.. do you think he would last? he has the west, gcc, and turkey against him how can he survive? Alasad power comes from the people.. and if the people wanted Alasad out he would have been gone already... because NO POWER ON THIS EARTH CAN OVERCOME THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE...

You are just a victim of erDOGan policies...

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