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Qatar Calls Arabs SHEEP

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Qatar Prime Minister said Most Arabs are SHEEP and Israel a wolf... and Hezbollah response to him saying "If you want to become/be a sheep, then you are a sheep. But there are heroes and Lions in Palestine and Lebanon. Everyone must only speak about themselves... if someone sees himself as a sheep, then he can say that about himself... Yes it's true there are sheep in Arab countries but not all of them... there are governments who are sheep....."

"Aka GCC, who did not even dare to send a gun to Gaza..."
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lol so why Nasuralshyatan is hidding like a rat in his sewer pipes specking behind cameras. :cheesy:

Because people like you will give him as a gift to Israel... At least he fights against Israel unlike GCC who bows down to Israel..
And I like how you pissed against Hezbollah for defending and saying we are not sheep.. but you got mad because you are one....
Be angry at the Qatareal who called Arabs sheep...
what has your king done for the Arab cause? atleast Nasrallah managed to free Lebanese land. no offence but all saudis are good at doing is sitting behind the screens. Nasrallah gave his son in defence for his country and the Palastanian cause, what have you or your whole country given?

why is your country names after the ruling family and why are saudis raised to follow the kings orders without question? I think the KSA needs a revolution soon

other than turning into prostitutes for the western agenda's of course. Thats the sad reality that you are not willing to admit although you kno its true. (unless your an idiot, thats the only reason you wont be able to realize that the gulf states just puppets)
Because people like you will give him as a gift to Israel... At least he fights against Israel unlike GCC who bows down to Israel..

we will not give him to anyone we will hunt him down once the syrian revolution ends. all the iranian militias in Lebanon and iraq will be eliminated.
what has your king done for the Arab cause? atleast Nasrallah managed to free Lebanese land. no offence but all saudis are good at doing is sitting behing the screens. Nasrallah gave his son in defence for his country and the Palastanian cause, what have you or your whole country given?

other than turning into prostitutes for the western agenda's of course. Thats the sad reality that you are not willing to admit although you kno its true. (unless your an idiot, thats the only reason you wont be able to realize that the gulf states just puppets)

They are nothing.... Qatar prime minister is right... they (GCC) are sheep...

we will not give him to anyone we will hunt him down once the syrian revolution ends. all the iranian militias in Lebanon and iraq we be eliminated.

So Israel can be happy with you... you don't want to upset your masters in Tel Aviv.. and D.C...
what has your king done for the Arab cause? atleast Nasrallah managed to free Lebanese land. no offence but all saudis are good at doing is sitting behing the screens. Nasrallah gave his son in defence for his country and the Palastanian cause, what have you or your whole country given?

other than turning into prostitutes for the western agenda's of course. Thats the sad reality that you are not willing to admit although you kno its true. (unless your an idiot, thats the only reason you wont be able to realize that the gulf states just puppets)

The big mistake my king has ever done, he stood beside iraq during the war with iran. He should have left Iraq to become a part of Iran at that time.

Nasralshaytan has don't nothing. he led to the destruction of Lebanon. how many Lebanese civilians have died in that war comparing to Israel forces number of death? We will not allow this rat to turn Lebanon into another Gaza. Assad has done enough. He gave Al Golan hight to the Zionists to save his throne. Prize Nasaralshyatn all you want but doesn't change the fact that he is killing innocent people in syrian on a daily basis.
The big mistake my king has ever done, he stood beside iraq during the war with iran. He should have left Iraq to become a part of Iran at that time.

Nasralshaytan has don't nothing. he led to the destruction of Lebanon. how many Lebanese civilians have died in that war comparing to Israel forces number of death? We will not allow this rat to turn Lebanon into another Gaza. Assad has done enough. He gave Al Golan hight to the Zionists to save his throne. Prize Nasaralshyatn all you want but doesn't change the fact that he is killing innocent people in syrian on a daily basis.

tell me what you have done to Gaza?? all you did is begged Hamas to stop firing at Israel.. then call Arabs sheep... Gaza would be erased without the weapons they get from Iran and Syria... Saudi Arabia didn't even send a gun... you did nothing to help Palestine... and some of GCC kicked the Palestinian refugees out of their country... And about killing civilians... like Israel does care about civilians.. Israel kills civilians on purpose to weaken the resistance and people like you start hating it.. Israel does not care... and its goal is to kill civilians... hahah stop defending Israel and blaming Hezbollah of Israel's crime...

We are not talking about Iraq war here.... we are talking about how Qatar prime minister called Arabs sheep.. and why you pissed at Hezbollah?? does that mean Qatar is right ? Arabs are sheep?? you should stand up and defend Arabs instead of insulting Hezbollah who defended Arabs name...
dude the last time you came to "hunt" down the shia militias in iraq (I know you mean shias) this is what happened. unless your mujahideen want to get their ***** drilled this time, I suggest they stay home.

your welcome anytime,

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What is qatar and other muslim countries doing, when it comes to show middle finger to china, when china is silencing uighur muslims?
he didnt stand beside Iraq, The KSA was helping Iraq for several reasons.
1. make the two neighboring countries continue fighting other
2 use the time to build up while Iraq is exhausted by war
3 give loans at high interest which the saudi government is still calling to be paid off. the KSA is one of the few countreis that didnt drop the loans which accumulated billions of dollars of interest.

neither Iraqis nor Iranians wanted this war, It was imposed upon us.

who are "we", didnt "you" turn syria into another ghaza? syria was safe and sound until the KSA and qatar started preaching for all out secterian war, why didnt "you" prevent the destruction of syria? you did the same thing in iraq by supporting terrorism for years.

the gholan heights have a long story behind them. if we were to talk about land and treaties then we must mention the saudi islands occupied by israel that you probably know nothing about, how about all the treaties signed between the gulf states and the US and Israel. do you thing the US would sell advanced weaponry without ensuring safety for israel?. and the american colony of qatar which hosts the largest US air base in the middle east.

If your house if made of glass, dont be throwing stone.
tell me what you have done to Gaza?? all you did is begged Hamas to stop firing at Israel.. then call Arabs sheep... Gaza would be erased without the weapons they get from Iran and Syria... Saudi Arabia didn't even send a gun... you did nothing to help Palestine... and some of GCC kicked the Palestinian refugees out of their country...

It is quite funny because Saudi Arabia simply doesn't support militias rather than official governments. President of Palestine himself is flying every day to the UN seeking peaceful solution based on the border of 1967. Palestine suffer devision within itself. P.S Saudi Arabia has done a lot to Palestine. In fact Saudi Arabia rank on top list as a leader in Foreigner aid and assistance.You also pointed out that GCC countries kicked Palestinian refugees which is not true unless you backed up your claim. but on the other hand Assad and Nasaralshaytan have killed Palestinian refugees in many area take Yarmok camp as example.

We are not talking about Iraq war here.... we are talking about how Qatar prime minister called Arabs sheep.. and why you pissed at Hezbollah?? does that mean Qatar is right ? Arabs are sheep?? you should stand up and defend Arabs instead of insulting Hezbollah who defended Arabs name...

I totally agree with the prime minister that arabs are sheep otherwise we will not see Assad and his thugs from Lebanon, Iraq and Iran killing our brothers and sisters in syria while we are silence. shame on us..

Reply to post #8

Oh i forgot.. The legend didn't GCC help the U.S to invade Iraq in 2003? and now you want to say that you care about Iraq??

no, Iran did. not only to Iraq to but also to afghanistan. Of course I don't care about many of em who sold their land to Iran. Still I care about some... but it is not relevant any way...
yes you should be ashamed for your terrorist sponsoring state which is named after a corrupt ruling family. The sunnis were living peacefully for years under Bashar, what did you think prompted him to kill your brothers and sisters as you say?

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