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Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

But can it fly *well* is the issue... can that airframe handle well at transonic and supersonic speeds? Can it even reach supersonic speeds? Is it capable of supercruise with current engine technology? Does it have enough inherent instability to do high AOA manoeuvres at low speed? Does low or high altitude flight have significant negative effects on flight? Does it have a safe landing speed?

For god sake what are you talk about...don't start like those kids online..most of them are talking BS and never read nothing about...calling it Iranian 5th gen aircraft...... it is CAS/frontline bomber and SUBSONIC aircraft ,that design is atcually very good for what is intended and it is not replacement for fighter aircrafts or as someone state exuce for not investing in IRIAF.
They chose that plane for very good reson...it is cheap...it is subsonic so they have engines for it and design is good foor high speeds at low atlitude ,it is intended to do missions like SU-25 or A-10 and since it is low RCS it can approach very close to ships armed with ASM ..in fact I think that is main role where they see it ,penetrate at low atlitude ..fire missiles and get out.
What supercrouse???And I really can't understand why people can even think this is 5th gen aircraft and talk about supersonic cruising...... when they clearly stated what is this aircraft for...in every article I read every officials said it is CAS subsonic aircraft....
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You are very welcome. I too enjoy your bullshit "analysis" on a daily basis. I assume you got your "expertise" from being the best bullshitter in your Basij class.
Here we go again

Edited by Mod

@Serpentine May i ask you sir, what are you doing in this forum? Why you allow this piece of crap to pollute Iran-related sections?

@cabatli_53 Please teach our mod, how to treat trolls that are destroying threads and military related sections.
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An informative article by Babak Taghvaee about this "fighter" jet:
And He ..idiot as it is...said two contradictional things in just one line of thext..."Take the Qaher F-313 fifth generation" combat aircraft for example. Reported to be a sub-sonic close air support aircraft

Now you can see what is reported and also what He is saying(5th generation)...aircraft can't be CAS subsonic and 5th gen in same time since it is subsonic...

CAS aircrafts needs to have very low minimal speed ,the lowest the better...the best thing for this is turboprop or helicopter but they are easier targets and also in most cases you need to have ability to fly slow and fast in same mission....on frontline mostly troops are very close and aircraft has too slow down to do the job and also they fly very low in most cases...
Here we go again

Product of American brothels comes here, insulting respected Iranian members.

@Serpentine May i ask you sir, what the fuk are you doing in this forum? Why you allow this piece of crap to pollute Iran-related sections?

@cabatli_53 Please teach our mod, how to treat trolls that are destroying threads and military related sections.

@Serpentine knows how to keep trolls away from military related threads. Just report them.
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Here we go again

Product of American brothels comes here, insulting respected Iranian members.

@Serpentine May i ask you sir, what the fuk are you doing in this forum? Why you allow this piece of crap to pollute Iran-related sections?

@cabatli_53 Please teach our mod, how to treat trolls that are destroying threads and military related sections.
Every time someone disagrees with your "experts" you start your name calling. You take after your beloved IRI: no dissent, no discussions, just take our word for it and be quite. Very informative.

And He ..idiot as it is...said two contradictional things in just one line of thext..."Take the Qaher F-313 fifth generation" combat aircraft for example. Reported to be a sub-sonic close air support aircraft

Now you can see what is reported and also what He is saying(5th generation)...aircraft can't be CAS subsonic and 5th gen in same time since it is subsonic...

CAS aircrafts needs to have very low minimal speed ,the lowest the better...the best thing for this is turboprop or helicopter but they are easier targets and also in most cases you need to have ability to fly slow and fast in same mission....on frontline mostly troops are very close and aircraft has too slow down to do the job and also they fly very low in most cases...
Why an idiot?
Here we go again

Product of American brothels comes here, insulting respected Iranian members.

@Serpentine May i ask you sir, what the fuk are you doing in this forum? Why you allow this piece of crap to pollute Iran-related sections?

@cabatli_53 Please teach our mod, how to treat trolls that are destroying threads and military related sections.

First, please mind your language, you are not talking to your servant here, and I can not be online 24/7 to serve you and do what you like.
Second, you have received a pre-warning for insulting back instead of simply report the post and leave it. If you want to run here calling anyone you don't like 'product of American brothels' no matter how bad their post is, this forum is not a place for you.

@WordsMatter You also keep thing civil or you will be banned for derailing threads. You can have your opinion, no matter what it is, in a civil way. No one bothers you as long as you keep it civil. Otherwise, things won't work like that.
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Why it's so much iran & anti-iran things in this thread? This is Training / CAS / Subsonic Plane with stealth features and some interesting design innovations but not 5th gen fighter plane. Keep things that way.
Every time someone disagrees with your "experts" you start your name calling. You take after your beloved IRI: no dissent, no discussions, just take our word for it and be quite. Very informative.

Why an idiot?
Because he is not capable to give any information or professional view of anything without put in political contest... he use very primitive ways to promote his own political agenda...when you read his tweets you would thing IRIAF and Iran government are two non relatet things...everything he think is bad about IRIAF will blame Iran government than you'll see in second tweet how He publish some success in IRIAF and give all credits to IRIAf ..like government and it airforce are not conected at any ways.BUT I have go to far...we shouldn't call anyone with any names...you are right I was wrong to do that
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First, please mind your language, you are not talking to your servant here, and I can not be online 24/7 to serve you and do what you like.
Thanks for all you have done in Iranian section. Though a mod should be watching own section 24/7, not allowing someone like @warfareknow to make fun with IR members

Sometimes i miss an strong mod who can keep trolls away, Pakistani members apparently have full- freedom of speech but why would you allow an American to troll and insult Iran's military organizations, and at the same time, calls most respected members of Iranians, hired agents of Basij and Sepah. Iranians maybe even critical of Basij or Sepah, but if they loved Iran, would immediately get labeled as a hired agent of Basij or Sepah or Mullahs.

If he dares to continue with his craps, i will host the guy with my own beautiful words. You can ban me :meeting:
Thanks for all you have done in Iranian section. Though a mod should be watching own section 24/7, not allowing someone like @warfareknow to make fun with IR members

Sometimes i miss an strong mod who can keep trolls away, Pakistani members apparently have full- freedom of speech but why would you allow an American to troll and insult Iran's military organizations, and at the same time, calls most respected members of Iranians, hired agents of Basij and Sepah. Iranians maybe even critical of Basij or Sepah, but if they loved Iran, would immediately get labeled as a hired agent of Basij or Sepah or Mullahs.

If he dares to continue with his craps, i will host the guy with my own beautiful words. You can ban me :meeting:
I am not insulting anyone but expressing my beliefs. Just because one disagrees with an expressed opinion does not make that an insult, fgs. Stop threatening people that you will tongue lash them, it's unbecoming and immature. You express your opinion and I'll do mine, in a civilized manner.
For god sake what are you talk about...don't start like those kids online..most of them are talking BS and never read nothing about...calling it Iranian 5th gen aircraft...... it is CAS/frontline bomber and SUBSONIC aircraft ,that design is atcually very good for what is intended and it is not replacement for fighter aircrafts or as someone state exuce for not investing in IRIAF.
They chose that plane for very good reson...it is cheap...it is subsonic so they have engines for it and design is good foor high speeds at low atlitude ,it is intended to do missions like SU-25 or A-10 and since it is low RCS it can approach very close to ships armed with ASM ..in fact I think that is main role where they see it ,penetrate at low atlitude ..fire missiles and get out.
What supercrouse???And I really can't understand why people can even think this is 5th gen aircraft and talk about supersonic cruising...... when they clearly stated what is this aircraft for...in every article I read every officials said it is CAS subsonic aircraft....
This thing makes no sense at all in its current form. Who the hell makes a stealth CAS aircraft? Who the hell makes a stealth trainer? Who the hell makes a subsonic fighter plane? It makes no logical sense.

Every time someone disagrees with your "experts" you start your name calling.
Disagrees? What the hell are you doing talking about earthquakes in a thread about a combat aircraft program? That isn't "disagreeing", that's derailing and trolling.
I read Iran only invested 10 million USD. Does this thing even fly?? [emoji849]
I read Iran only invested 10 million USD. Does this thing even fly?? [emoji849]

If you’re referring to information from Babak Taghvaee about $10 million going towards domestic aviation projects; that is unconfirmed.

Even if true though, Iran took out $2.5 billion from the National Development Fund of Iran, and a significant amount of it will be going to aviation programmes.

Check out my last post in Iranian Chill Thread
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