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Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria

lol,wahabbi is talking about freedom....thats the joke of the century:woot::woot:

Thats changing as the church speaks for the poor these days and the communists are literally bending backwards to the church. They the commies have realised that suppressing the church was the most futile thing to do as the Orthodox Church has been a socialist type of force for centuries and very similiar to the Jesuits who happened to be the one of the first kind of the socialists.
You should come clean,show us your real identity.
Why hide behind those flags?
Dont worry people are nice here,when you are.
The Russians or wannabe-Russians are just mad that we Arabs once even conquered their land and that today 20% of their population are Muslim due to our legacy. Or the Arabs that caused misery and havoc for the Russian monsters and cowards when they attacked the peaceful Chechens who have been exposed to genocide by the Russians, deported to Kazakhstan and whose land was stolen by the Russians 150 years ago.

We have many people from Caucasus originally in the Arab world and even share genetic/ancestry with many of them. Just read about genetics.



You Russians are outnumbered by us Arabs by nearly 1:4. The support of the Child-Murderer in Syria will not be forgotten and you already have barely any friends in the Arab world. 1 or 2 of the over 20 Arab countries.

Trying to suck up to the GCC as well.

All thinking that the Cold War is still present or that you have any chance against the West/Nato/Muslim world.

Just a big LOL.:laughcry:

Communism is dead while Islam is eternal and nearly 2 billion people across the entire world adhere to it. Even the father of the American president was an Muslim. From Kenya. Former part of Arab colonies (Omanis) and Islam reached Africa through the Arabs and trades there. Swahili itself is an Arab word and influenced heavily by Arabic words.

Come on, do something to protect the Child-Murderer in Syria. We invite you formally.

Or the Afghanistan fiasco. Remember that Russian?:laughcry:
Trolls like him should be banned immediately. İt's just a waste of the bandwith of this site :)

I don't give a rat about what they say. They just have to make sure not to give themselves a death sentence by " bombing Saudi " or enslaving the Turks. LoLz

If they do this. US/Israel/Azerbaijan should do strike on Iran and reconquer their land. Iran is supporting terrorism and dictators like Assad. If they cut the head of the snake, everything will eventually go silent and there will be peace in the middle-east.

Don't worry homie, Neither KSA or Turkey will go anywhere. :lol:
So you are now a Russian?:laughcry:

Go kill the 200 MILLION Indian Muslims that live in India first.

Yes, and Putin is the head of that oligarchy and mafia that you cry about. And last time I checked he is not a Jew.

Besides 20% of all Russians are Muslims including many of the oligarchs. They would not like your comment.

There is an Indian-American, Jay of Atlanta, who speaks as if he owns the USofA so it is no wonder that this guy is acting as if he owns Russia. May be this trait is peculiarly Indian associated with its majority.
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Yes...the US Army has sent tanks to crush our citizens and used fuel-air bombs on us.....no...wait....that was Russia on her own citizens (who threw your army out for quite a while....lucky you got bigger bombs and took it back...)

Just wait for few years. All America will look like Detroit.

All those that came to the Soviet Union came from countries under the Soviet influence. Including thousands of Arabs. Only because they did not have many other options living in dictatorships.

Likewise the regular Pole, Czech, Slovak, East German etc. could not leave his country to study in the West because they were part of the Warsaw Pact.

We know the racism towards Muslims and Caucasians in Russia. Or towards colored people.

Neo-Nazism is more common in Russia than anywhere else. If any Pakistani/Indian here went to Russia and was caught by one of such types and there was no law to persecute them you would all be dead right now. Trust me. It has been done before and takes place even today.

In fact there is no SIGN, WHATSOEVER of Russia turning towards communism. Rather the opposite. Russia has not been more capitalistic than today.

Biggest evidence of that is the slowly changing mentality becoming more "Western" in thought, the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church (which was oppressed during communism since communism is against religions) and the CAPITALISTIC financial system.

They youth is not interested in communism anymore but personal freedom etc.

All the wealthy Russians are imitating Western culture and thoughts. You even both admitted that.

Only the poor and forgotten seek refugee in communism because they know that they would at least receive some kind of welfare and some recognition for being the "truth" peasant/worker sons of Russia.

I know what is going on across the world and Russia is no exception. I have lived in 3 continents and speak/understand several languages. Hell, I even have experience of Russian influence in Southern Yemen from close hand. What a FIASCO that was, LOL.

A set of stamps, lies and propaganda.
Russia - a Christian country, while the West - a stronghold of sexual perverts, aggressive minority people. Lost their roots, will soon lose everything else.
Xenharmonia Dragon is an Indonesian Muslim who probably fell to the lures of Qom or he is just plain lunatic. I don't know why the mods still do not ban this useless troll. News like Putin striking Saudi Arabia can be nothing but a joke.

Emercom is probably an immigrant Russian of Indian origin with Hindutva dreams. Just like some Hindutva Indian-American dreams to use US/West to destroy Muslims, specially Pakistan (and may be Bangladesh) and reconvert them back to Hindu, I think this Emercom hopes that a new Red Russia will destroy Muslims. Day dreaming comes easy to some people.

Problem is Putin's stupid policies in Syria was big blunder for his country, but may be he was hoping to increase oil prices from an unstable Mid-east, who knows. Russians are definitely dumber than their West European cousins, but they are valuable for Muslims and can be useful in the future as an immediate neighbor.
You should come clean,show us your real identity.
Why hide behind those flags?
Dont worry people are nice here,when you are.
well some are racist, obsessed about genetic, untolerant , insulting other countries
what to expect from fanatics . and this forum having many fanatics.

all these stupid guys from all ideologies and opinions in this forum:
the moderators don't do the job

for all the other forums i know moderators do the job, but this one... they seem just not care
that even their own rules are not even respected (religion stuff for exemple) they don't care ;)
@Desert Fox

The Afghans couldn't do a damn thing to begin with. Without Gen Zia and Fahad, things could have never been turned that way. Simply and plainly, It was none other than Pakistan, KSA, and the Taliban who acted out in response to the invasion. The Afghans didn't have guns or bullets, nor have they ever had been trained to carry out a guerrilla warfare

A lot of misconception, highlighted in bold.

1). Afghans, even without modern weapons, or limited modern weapons, were putting up resistance against the Red Army. Otherwise Charlie Wilson and those who supported his commitment to arming the Afghan rebels, would not have made the decision to do so in the first place. Its the will of the man (or men) behind the machine that matters and not the machine itself.

2). Taliban as a movement only came into existence in the 1990's, years after the Soviet-Afghan war ended (1989). Though, the founders of the movement did participate in that war, however they were part of other factions that existed in that time.

3). The Afghans did have guns and bullets, though not enough to cause considerable damage to the Red Army with its modern weaponry. And most Afghans were still armed with WW2 rifles left by the british.

However, i believe it is ignorant to say that the Afghans had no experience in guerrilla warfare. History proves otherwise. Afghanistan is a trap for any invading army. The Afghans know the mountains, tunnels, valleys, caves, and hilltops more than anyone else and they have used this geography to their advantage throughout history against the most powerful armies in the world; armies that conquered empires yet failed to suppress and defeat the Afghan spirit of resistance and freedom. No Arab country or America was there to provide assistance and weapons to the Afghans in those previous wars in which they achieved victory on their own, and no Arab country or America is supporting them in their struggle today.

Just an FYI, ~10k Saudis died for your own country, you may not know that, and we don't care if you do or don't, but these are static historic facts.
I don't deny that Arabs fought and died in the struggle against the Red menace. And neither will i claim credit of their sacrifices for my own people. That would be injustice.

However, the war was largely a Afghan struggle, and majority of those who died were Afghans.

Regarding the insult on the Pashtuns, if you care to read what's been said in that thread, you will be seeing my post condemning such use of a poor language from YOUR END to Al-Hasani's.
Well, if you thought i was referring to you, then you are mistaken.

Apparently, Arabian Legend was cheering on al-hasani's posts that contained insulting remarks against my people. And here he is taking claim of the Afghan victory against the Soviet Red Army?:disagree:

Funnily enough, you have been insulting us for almost a year, yet, we didn't whine about your poor attitude simply because we try not to sink into a level of immaturity.

That is one hell of a accusation. That means my every post on this forum for a whole year contained insults to Arabs.

Can you provide evidence for this? That shouldn't be a problem for you though, since my every post for the whole past year must have contained one insult or another against Arabs (as you claimed).

If you can provide evidence for this accusation (which shouldn't be hard since my every post for the past year contains insults against Arabs, as you have claimed), then i will admit my fault readily.

However, if you fail to do so, then, well, what would that make you look like? I'm sure you already know.

We didn't claim anything that supposed not to be ours. You will want to ask @Aeronaut @BATMAN @Pakistanisage @Imran Khan and hear back from them.
That's fine then.
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An evidence :woot:? Hell, this thread is filled of racists remarks against us :lol:

If you can provide evidence for this accusation (which shouldn't be hard since my every post for the past year contains insults against Arabs, as you have claimed), then i will admit my fault readily.
However, if you fail to do so, then, well, what would that make you look like? I'm sure you already know.

You already have apologized twice to me, apologizing for the third time won't make you look different.
Thread should be closed as it is based fake news then 14 pages of hyberbole.
what i say..is coming from prophet sahih hadist.................only stupid khawarij arab not believe........

i like turkey........based prophet hadits only arab people will erased from mother earth....
turkey people will survived & turkey will have great future in imam mahdi era

see egypt...............arab king support the military to kill innocent muslim.............arab kingdom today are is enemy of islam ummah from inside..

before al-mahdi emergence in mecca.............al-rum (russia) & muslim army will fight & destroy the roman (usa & nato)............roman will lost...
Russia will conquer 70% of the world.............alliance will breaking......

muslim ummah will have internal conflict between themself...........
after that The New Imperium Army With Roman People (America & europe) and 80 non-muslim country will launch full military invasion to arab land.......yes........all arab kingdom will destroyed........qatar,saudi,uae,jordan etc....all arab kingdom,arab city & arab king will destroyed into ash..

Russia army will attack & conquer istanbul/turkey too............they will have turkey for 5 or 6 years

only mecca,madina & al-aqsha will safe.......angel army from sky will protect this city....

in that time the western army will reach khyber...city near madina....they will try to attack meca & madina....they failed....Allah SWT protect that city

imam mahdi will emergence in mecca and angel voice come from the sky tell muslim ummah ....Al-Mahdi The Caliph Of Muslim people is coming....
some arab ruler will try to kill him....but they failed.......
Imam Mahdi & Muslim Army From Khurasan/Central Asia will fight them & expel the western from arabia peninsula.........after that they will launch attack to conquer the istanbul/turkey for second time...and the last they will launch attack to conquer Al-Aqsha & kill all jews into hellfire

in the war........
all arab people is dead & erased forever...................only few survived..some hide in underground shelter other hide in mecca,madina & al-aqsha....

Dont worry about turkey people they are safe & survived....Allah SWT will protect them...............

do you not believe me...is up to you.........


imam mahdi will emergence insya Allah on 2021-2025 CE.....

1500 H = 2076 CE......The End Of Islam Caliphate......

Prophet Hadist

"The Sign Of End Time Is The Destruction Of Arab"
what i say..is coming from prophet sahih hadist.................only stupid khawarij arab not believe........

i like turkey........based prophet hadits only arab people will erased from mother earth....
turkey people will survived & turkey will have great future in imam mahdi era

see egypt...............arab king support the military to kill innocent muslim.............arab kingdom today are is enemy of islam ummah from inside..

before al-mahdi emergence in mecca.............al-rum (russia) & muslim army will fight & destroy the roman (usa & nato)............roman will lost...
Russia will conquer 70% of the world.............alliance will breaking......

muslim ummah will have internal conflict between themself...........
after that The New Imperium Army With Roman People (America & europe) and 80 non-muslim country will launch full military invasion to arab land.......yes........all arab kingdom will destroyed........qatar,saudi,uae,jordan etc....all arab kingdom,arab city & arab king will destroyed into ash..

Russia army will attack & conquer istanbul/turkey too............they will have turkey for 5 or 6 years

only mecca,madina & al-aqsha will safe.......angel army from sky will protect this city....

in that time the western army will reach khyber...city near madina....they will try to attack meca & madina....they failed....Allah SWT protect that city

imam mahdi will emergence in mecca and angel voice come from the sky tell muslim ummah ....Al-Mahdi The Caliph Of Muslim people is coming....
some arab ruler will try to kill him....but they failed.......
Imam Mahdi & Muslim Army From Khurasan/Central Asia will fight them & expel the western from arabia peninsula.........after that they will launch attack to conquer the istanbul/turkey for second time...and the last they will launch attack to conquer Al-Aqsha & kill all jews into hellfire

in the war........
all arab people is dead & erased forever...................only few survived..some hide in underground shelter other hide in mecca,madina & al-aqsha....

Dont worry about turkey people they are safe & survived....Allah SWT will protect them...............

do you not believe me...is up to you.........


imam mahdi will emergence insya Allah on 2021-2025 CE.....

1500 H = 2076 CE......The End Of Islam Caliphate......

Prophet Hadist

"The Sign Of End Time Is The Destruction Of Arab"

Congratulations. You are official moron :rofl:
just wait sir....................soon................what prophet muhammad say will coming true...........yes turkey will fallen...

egypt,syria & iraq will destroyed into ash.........

and all arab race will erased from mother earth.....

imam mahdi will coming
dajjal will come.....
and prophet isa will back to earth

All Kuffar Will dead All Sunni & All Shia will erased & eliminated......

all muslim ummah will united.........

One Earth One Islam.........

everything is coming From Allah SWT............The Creator Of Universe...........

Just Wait Sir............Insya Allah The Time Will coming Soon...........

if yaumul qiyamah coming.......are you ready sir ? all kuffar & munaffiq people will not believe....with islam religion......hellfire is betterplace for them

"Prophet Muhammad SAW say the lifespan of my ummah will not exceed 1500 years"............

Beware Step By Step All Islamic Propechy Will Fullfilled......

good night o children of adam.............hoho

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