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Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria

certainly not like Turks who lost their empire to Russia .

you know whats funny? You replied such a post in a very good date...today is the anniversary of the Great Offensive. Just ask it to the French, Italian, Greek, Armenian and to your dad the British. They remember well happened those days...


Yes, we were a key player, belligerent.
What major role? It's not you who are strong, it's JEW NATO behind you who is strong.

Dude, WTF? The Nato/Jews didn't get involve during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan :lol: chill out.
Enough of you quarrel, do not you know - the more wars around the world, the richer become the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and other Anglo-Jewish "masters of the world"?
German and Russian in two World Wars slaughtered each other, have lost their empires (and the Turks, too) - but the Anglo-Sax grown fat and captured almost the entire world.
Wake up guys. Old Roman rule - divide and rule is still in force.

Turks are nothing but peasant foot soldier of Rothschild-rockefeller. As far I am concerned ,nuke the hell out of them.
Enough of you quarrel, do not you know - the more wars around the world, the richer become the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and other Anglo-Jewish "masters of the world"?
German and Russian in two World Wars slaughtered each other, have lost their empires (and the Turks, too) - but the Anglo-Sax grown fat and captured almost the entire world.
Wake up guys. Old Roman rule - divide and rule is still in force.

What is it with you and so-called Anglo-Saxons?

What If I told you that my name was Michael Smith and that I was from Derby in Derbyshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom? A Jewish Anglo-Saxon moreover. Would you suffer a seizure again then?


Get over it. The commie theocracy that was the Soviet Union has collapsed long ago. It will never reappear again in its former form. Get used to that thought.
What is it with you and so-called Anglo-Saxons?

What If I told you that my name was Michael Smith and that I was from Derby in Derbyshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom? A Jewish Anglo-Saxon moreover. Would you suffer a seizure again then?


Get over it, the Commie land the Soviet Union has collapsed long ago. It will never reappear again in its former form.

Maybe you read Mackinder's work on the Heart land theory.
Maybe you read Mackinder's work on the Heart land theory.

Beg you pardon? I am not that fond of conspiracies. You know Al-Sauds being Jewish agents, Jews ruling the whole world etc. I am sorry.

Why is there so much hate against Jews? I would understand if you were a Palestinian who had suffered because of them or an Arab that was against Zionism or their political line as I am and nearly all Arabs.

But why should we hate the REGULAR Jew. Have you not learnt anything from the Holocaust?

Also what's with your locations? Why is an Indian, likely a Hindu, so in love with Russia?

Russians hate you anyway and consider Indians second class people. They are racist against Chechens and Caucasians who are Caucasian (white). I wonder what many would feel if a Indian like you walked across a normal street in let us say Volgograd.
Beg you pardon? I am not that fond of conspiracies. You know Al-Sauds being Jewish agents, Jews ruling the whole world etc. I am sorry.

Why is there so much hate against Jews? I would understand if you were a Palestinian who had suffered because of them or an Arab that was against Zionism or their political line as I am and nearly all Arabs.

But why should we hate the REGULAR Jew. Have you not learnt anything from the Holocaust?

The jewish oiligarchs after the fall of USSR.The jewish russian mafia.

Second,we can roast your little nation anyday.Islamic terror/jihad lol... bring it on...Thats why we have ebolapox for you muslims.. It will make easy work of any islamic nation who try jihad with us.
The jewish oiligarchs after the fall of USSR.The jewish russian mafia.

Second,we can roast your little nation anyday.Islamic terror/jihad lol... bring it on...Thats why we have ebolapox for you muslims.. It will make easy work of any islamic nation who try jihad with us.

So you are now a Russian?:laughcry:

Go kill the 200 MILLION Indian Muslims that live in India first.

Yes, and Putin is the head of that oligarchy and mafia that you cry about. And last time I checked he is not a Jew.

Besides 20% of all Russians are Muslims including many of the oligarchs. They would not like your comment.
Beg you pardon? I am not that fond of conspiracies. You know Al-Sauds being Jewish agents, Jews ruling the whole world etc. I am sorry.

Why is there so much hate against Jews? I would understand if you were a Palestinian who had suffered because of them or an Arab that was against Zionism or their political line as I am and nearly all Arabs.

But why should we hate the REGULAR Jew. Have you not learnt anything from the Holocaust?

Also what's with your locations? Why is an Indian, likely a Hindu, so in love with Russia?

Russians hate you anyway and consider Indians second class people. They are racist against Chechens and Caucasians who are Caucasian (white). I wonder what many would feel if a Indian like you walked across a normal street in let us say Volgograd.

The only ones hateful are the pro-western ones in Moscow and Moscow is just a bunch of ultra modern western/fascist/emo kids who are directionless. Its a lot different in Voronzeh or Vladivostok or St.Petersburg.Moscow kids are a bunch of sissies compared to other russians.

I have seen you saudi and arab and how you talk about indian.Russia is million times better than your kinds,saudi

So you are now a Russian?:laughcry:

Go kill the 200 MILLION Indian Muslims that live in India first.

Yes, and Putin is the head of that oligarchy and mafia that you cry about. And last time I checked he is not a Jew.

Besides 20% of all Russians are Muslims including many of the oligarchs. They would not like your comment.

Putin head? lol.... who says so you , saudi who are most corrupt and barbarian type lol....
What is it with you and so-called Anglo-Saxons?

What If I told you that my name was Michael Smith and that I was from Derby in Derbyshire, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom? A Jewish Anglo-Saxon moreover. Would you suffer a seizure again then?


Get over it. The commie theocracy that was the Soviet Union has collapsed long ago. It will never reappear again in its former form. Get used to that thought.

Anglo-Saxons - UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland. And, of corse, Anglo-Saxons are very strong in former colonies and occupied countries - where their troops stand.
What does the Communists? Russia was a great power before Communists, and it will continue.
Anglo-Saxons - UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland. And, of corse, Anglo-Saxons are very strong in former colonies and occupied countries - where their troops stand.
What does the Communists? Russia was a great power to the Communists, and it will continue.

Russia is going to give birth to Red Christianity ,my friend in a matter of time for the church is speaking increasingly for the dispossessed and the western oiligarchs are scared .The finest hour will dawn for Russia is Hyperborea. I am all for also creation of Red Hinduism .

What the hell is "Red Christianity" or "Red Hinduism".:laughcry:

This forum makes my day. Never disappoints me. If I want a laugh I always go here and I am guaranteed of getting one.


I am literary laughing loudly right now.


Beg you pardon? I am not that fond of conspiracies. You know Al-Sauds being Jewish agents, Jews ruling the whole world etc. I am sorry.

Why is there so much hate against Jews? I would understand if you were a Palestinian who had suffered because of them or an Arab that was against Zionism or their political line as I am and nearly all Arabs.

But why should we hate the REGULAR Jew. Have you not learnt anything from the Holocaust?

Also what's with your locations? Why is an Indian, likely a Hindu, so in love with Russia?

Russians hate you anyway and consider Indians second class people. They are racist against Chechens and Caucasians who are Caucasian (white). I wonder what many would feel if a Indian like you walked across a normal street in let us say Volgograd.

That's a lie. Nobody hate Caucasians - only terrorist and bandits, so as Russian bandits too.
Besides - Half of African and Asian politicians studied in Russia and parts of Latin America.
Friendship of nations - was one of the components of the Soviet Union and nothing has changed. IN Russia has never been racism such as in England, the U.S. or Germany. When Russia joins the new land, the local nobility was equal to the Russian nobility, and the population became subjects of the Empire with all its rights. Russia - not the West, there can not be a racist, simply because most of the territory of Russia - Asia.

What the hell is "Red Christianity" or "Red Hinduism".:laughcry:

This forum makes my day. Never disappoints me. If I want a laugh I always go here and I am guaranteed of getting one.


I am literary laughing loudly right now.



You can laugh all you like.But the shias are yearning for freedom and rebelling against Saudi terror regime in Saudi Arabia,Bahrain etc.But you are nothing but an Al-Saud thug.
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