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Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria

So why are you living in USA? Go to Canada or Australia .Will be safe in WW3...

As far as I know, this year, the U.S. Army got permission to use the weapons in the country, in case of riot (food riots). And they do not need permission of the President or Congress.
Here is such a "citadel of freedom."
The saudis are the biggest crooks ever, they only kill arabs with their Al Qaeda mercenaries full of dollars.

They never even shot 1 5,56 bullet to the JEWS

(GOOGLE) -Drug Smuggling Saudi Prince Gets 10 Years
-Gay Saudi prince attacked manservant in hotel lift
-Saudi preacher who 'raped and tortured' his five -year-old daughter to death
-Arrest of a Saudi Prince in New York City-August 6, 2012
-Saudi Princess On $5m Bail In 'Slavery' Case
A few Kh-55 launched from Yassen or Sckula SSN will do the work .We just need to target the oil processing facilities,refineries,terminals and LNG plants and we will cripple Saudis for years.

Lowering of the last Soviet flag, Moscow, 26 December 1991 - YouTube

Interesting per logic vit :D

The saudis are the biggest crooks ever, they only kill arabs with their Al Qaeda mercenaries full of dollars.

They never even shot 1 5,56 bullet to the JEWS

(GOOGLE) -Drug Smuggling Saudi Prince Gets 10 Years
-Gay Saudi prince attacked manservant in hotel lift
-Saudi preacher who 'raped and tortured' his five -year-old daughter to death
-Arrest of a Saudi Prince in New York City-August 6, 2012
-Saudi Princess On $5m Bail In 'Slavery' Case
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Interesting per logic vit :D

:laughcry: What do you mean?

Vietnam was the last real freedom war made by the USA, there were no oil there, and Israhell is very far

Now the JEW USA is the unconditionnal slave of Israhell killing arabs for a yes or a no, for oil and overall for the lady Israhell

I often compare Al Qaeda to the vietcongs: dirty people cleaned out by the medias

In Vietnam the vietcongs won, i hope AL Qaeda won't for Syria.They already have Libya with the air support of JEW NATO
And we are the Takfiris :lol:

You always pretend to be genuine muslims, but you never shoot 1 bullet to the JEWS

All you can do is help Israhell killing arabs and have USA base

After the Qaran you are not muslims anymore

I remind you that Allah said in the Qaran:"The one who take them [judeo christians] as allies belong to them, and don't belong anymore to Islam"
Khatab's legacy is eternal.

RiP Khatab :wave:

I suppose that It won't take another 600k Iranians to realize what the major role we played during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? :lol:

So sorry, but you aren't muslim, which means, you can't speak on their behalf. :lol:
What major role? It's not you who are strong, it's JEW NATO behind you who is strong.

That's why salafists kill only 4 JEW french soldiers in Mali without JEW NATO support, and 120 000 arabs in Libya with JEW NATO air support

And for me you saudis are not muslims, you only behead arabs & make car bomb attacks against them, never against the JEWS your masters

Sunnis leaders are losers, Saddam only killed 150 coalition members in 1991 & 200 USA terrorists soldiers in 2003

It was the Mahdi Army who killed +4000 USA terrorists during the occupation.
Assad resist for +3 years a JEW NATO international invasion with 29 salafists dogs, NATO Turkey, Jordania dog of Israhell

Quote : The Iranian-backed Shiite group responsible for most of the attacks against U.S. forces<---
(Google) Iranian-backed militant group in Iraq is recasting itself as a political player
I dont get why would the US attack Russia let alone send nukes flying if Russia attacks Saudi Arabia? its not as if they would risk a missile strike on US mainland from Russia.
Or just plain and simple genocide. Soviet crimes are still second to none - aside from their commie brethren in China.

The cannibal beheader monster saudi speaks about morale *sarcasm*

Who are the only barbarians to behead & proud of it for the cameras? The saudis beasts.

You can speak with you car bomb attacks, dirty cowards & no limit spoiled kids of JEW NATO

The Afghan war was a cold war, led by the USA against Russia. It was an answer to the Vietnam war.
Only the saudis are stupid enough to be used by the USA and be beaten after like dogs

They used you like dogs against Russia & Iran in Afganistan, and few years later beat you like dogs in the same place and call you terrorists. They called you freedom fighters only when they need it

Who are the only people used & still under use by the JEW USA?? It's the wahabits, NOT IRAN

Who are beaten like dogs by the JEW USA in Afghanistan & Mali?? The wahabits Al Qaeda

You must be very stupid to be used and beaten after, and never remember.
Iran is not sutpid like you, always sleeping with the JEW USA and get beaten after & still be used by them
What major role? It's not you who are strong, it's JEW NATO behind you who is strong.

That's why salafists kill only 4 JEW french soldiers in Mali without JEW NATO support, and 120 000 arabs in Libya with JEW NATO air support

And for me you saudis are not muslims, you only behead arabs & make car bomb attacks against them, never against the JEWS your masters

Sunnis leaders are losers, Saddam only killed 150 coalition members in 1991 & 200 USA terrorists soldiers in 2003

It was the Mahdi Army who killed +4000 USA terrorists during the occupation.
Assad resist for +3 years a JEW NATO international invasion with 29 salafists dogs, NATO Turkey, Jordania dog of Israhell

Quote : The Iranian-backed Shiite group responsible for most of the attacks against U.S. forces<---
(Google) Iranian-backed militant group in Iraq is recasting itself as a political player
Are you that prostitute on your avatar?
Enough of you quarrel, do not you know - the more wars around the world, the richer become the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and other Anglo-Jewish "masters of the world"?
German and Russian in two World Wars slaughtered each other, have lost their empires (and the Turks, too) - but the Anglo-Sax grown fat and captured almost the entire world.
Wake up guys. Old Roman rule - divide and rule is still in force.
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