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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

Is that your way of saying shut up Moslem and take the cartoon drawings on your chin?

Fvck you and your hypocrisy. Trying to confuse honor killings with insulting drawings of our prophet PBUH. Both have absolutely zero connection.

God damn foreigners. A bunch of cvcks and nobodies trying to lecture us about our way of life. Just piss off and mind your fvcking own business.

Dalit man, I am a Muslim myself. Please read my previous posts on this very thread. :)
You are a very specific kind of Muslim. I know the kind of Muslim you are.

Please do tell the forum of this. :)

These cvnts come here to lecture us on freedoms and what not. We know the true face of these so-called freedom lovers. We have seen it in the past decades how they ganged up and invaded one Muslim country after another. They come here and put a straight face to talk about freedom. It is a mockery.

When the Muslim-majority country Libyan Jamahiriya was invaded in 2011, along with the thousands of voluntary criminals from Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood there were 40+ government militaries who included the Western-leadered Crusader militaries and then there were so-called Muslim militaries of the GCC and of Turkey.

Women is an object of honour in their culture....if you want to insult someone, abuse his sister,wife,mother etc....their languages are full of explicts like sis f*ker,mother f*ker, rand* ki aulad(son of a prostitute).

And what are the words "MC" and "BC" among the Hindus in India ? :) Don't Hindus honor kill their females seeing those females as being the primary upholders of honor for the entire family ( distant relatives included ) and if that female goes against the norms of that family or locality or village or town - the "Samaaj" - then the solution is to honor kill that female. Here's a recent case from Maharashtra state :
In a shocking case of 'honour killing', the Maharashtra Police have arrested an 18-year-old youth and his mother for allegedly hacking off his elder sister's head with a sickle, clicking selfies and sharing it with friends, officials said here on Monday.

The incident took place on Sunday afternoon in the Goygaon village in Vaijapur tehsil of Aurangabad and hours after the gruesome murder, the accused Sanket S. Mote, 18, along with his mother Shobha S. Mote, 40, surrendered to the police and confessed their crime.

The Goygaon Police Patil (PP) Suryakant R. Mote who is part of the probe team, said preliminary investigations indicate a case of 'honour killing' as the accused and his mother were enraged after the daughter Kirti, 19, and her boyfriend Ajay S. Thore, both living in the same village, eloped on June 21.

A few days ago, the couple returned to the village after getting married at Alandi, Pune, some six months ago, and some unconfirmed reports suggested she was pregnant.

Upon learning of their return, the mother-son duo went to meet the girl at her husband's home, hinted at a rapprochement, following which she went to the kitchen to prepare tea and snacks for them.

The mother-son followed her to the kitchen, where Shobha Mote grabbed her legs, while her son Sanket whipped out a sickle and beheaded her.
Woman is an object of honour in their culture....if you want to insult someone, abuse his sister,wife,mother etc....their languages are full of expletives like sis f*ker,mother f*ker, rand* ki aulad(son of a wh*re).

What is a woman in your Hindu culture? A rape and lust object?

GTFO here Indian cvck.
You are a very specific kind of Muslim. I know the kind of Muslim you are.

These cvnts come here to lecture us on freedoms and what not. We know the true face of these so-called freedom lovers. We have seen it in the past decades how they ganged up and invaded one Muslim country after another. They come here and put a straight face to talk about freedom. It is a mockery.

Now their *** is on fire because Putin says it how it is. They want to culturally and otherwise assimilate 1+ billion Muslims and keep them under their control. They failed to do that for centuries.

We dont lecture you on freedom of speech, infact i dont care what you do in your countries. Just dont try to lecture us.
Woman is an object of honour in their culture....if you want to insult someone, abuse his sister,wife,mother etc....their languages are full of expletives like sis f*ker,mother f*ker, rand* ki aulad(son of a wh*re).

Yes i noticed. Its quite bizarre.

Keep in mind i said not a single word about their prophet and only defended freedom of speech. The result is that some crawl from their rock and hurl insults against my mother and they believe that somehow that bothers me. I dont even know this people.
You should clarify if you are talking about Islam or of Muslims from South Asia.

I dont know where those individuals who insulted my mother come from. I didnt bother enough to check their profiles.

When you drive with a car through some slum and some beggar throws insults on you, do you stop and ask for their heritage?

All i noticed is, they somehow all insult some random women to make their point.

Its always like that, they either insult your mom or vomit the word "holocaust" on their keyboard. Its tiresome.
Yes i noticed. Its quite bizarre.

Keep in mind i said not a single word about their prophet and only defended freedom of speech. The result is that some crawl from their rock and hurl insults against my mother and they believe that somehow that bothers me. I dont even know this people.

Did you notice that I tagged you in my reply to the Indian member you quoted ? It is he too who was being bizarre.

When you drive with a car through some slum and some beggar throws insults on you, do you stop and ask for their heritage?

Sorry but that shows your unfortunate Capitalist mindset where you don't realize that that beggar may not have money to buy three-meal food in a socio-economic system where most things require money but you will have money to put petrol in your car because you want to go to a bar to spend on alcohol and buying silly heels and an expensive handbag for your girl.
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We dont lecture you on freedom of speech, infact i dont care what you do in your countries. Just dont try to lecture us.

Yes i noticed. Its quite bizarre.

Keep in mind i said not a single word about their prophet and only defended freedom of speech. The result is that some crawl from their rock and hurl insults against my mother and they believe that somehow that bothers me. I dont even know this people.

What are you doing on this forum? What is your purpose here? Are you lost? We don't think alike. We belong to different cultures and civilisations. Don't come here to give lectures on freedom of speech. Our freedoms differ from your freedoms. Western civilization and culture doesn't belong in Eastern nations. The days of colonisation are long gone. Also we proved it very recently when we defeated you in Afghanistan.

Now Putin gave you a slap in your face. He is right. Your freedom of speech to ridicule others isn't exactly freedom of speech. We agree with Putin. Deal with it and don't argue.
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I dont know where those individuals who insulted my mother come from. I didnt bother enough to check their profiles.

When you drive with a car through some slum and some beggar throws insults on you, do you stop and ask for their heritage?

All i noticed is, they somehow all insult some random women to make their point.

Its always like that, they either insult your mom or vomit the word "holocaust" on their keyboard. Its tiresome.
Your mother did a bad job... this is my freedom of speech to tell you this. :D
Says the guy who supported barrelling bombing of children and hospitals. Him, Iran and all the Kafirs may die horrible death.
What are you doing on this forum? What is your purpose here? Are you lost? We don't think alike. We belong to different cultures and civilisations. Don't come here to give lectures on freedom of speech. Our freedoms differ from your freedoms. Western civilization and culture doesn't belong in Eastern nations. The days of colonisation are long gone. Also we proved it very recently when we defeated you in Afghanistan.

Now Putin gave you a slap in your face. He is right. Your freedom of speech to ridicule others isn't exactly freedom of speech. We agree with Putin. Deal with it and don't argue.

You defeated me in Afghanistan? I did not know i was there? When and where?

Beside that yes, western culture doesnt belong in the east and your culture does not belong to the west. Here in Greece we ban things of you, that are not compatible with our culture. Like halal meat or covering women up. I hope you also agree that evry easterner must comply with our culture when he comes here.
Your mother did a bad job... this is my freedom of speech to tell you this. :D

Thanks for telling me.
You defeated me in Afghanistan? I did not know i was there? When and where?

Beside that yes, western culture doesnt belong in the east and your culture does not belong to the west. Here in Greece we ban things of you, that are not compatible with our culture. Like halal meat or covering women up. I hope you also agree that evry easterner must comply with our culture when he comes here.

Thanks for telling me.
Greeks had no right to build a Orthodox Church also. it's our right to turn it into a Mosque or burn it down. its our freedom to destroy...

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