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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

Brother eastern culture is a broad term...cultures of india, and south east asia differ a lot from islamic countries...you will not be abused or beaten for expressing your views in countries like India, and countries that are influenced by india like japan, Thailand, South korea and many south east asian nations.
India is a country where religions like buddhism , and jainism were born and thrived...these religions criticised bad customs and rituals of hindu or vedic religion.Nobody threw insults or abuses at Buddha or Mahaveera Jain..on the contrary buddha is revered as one of gods reincarnation in hinduism.
I admit these days some hindus in india have become a little bit intolerant to criticism...that is a reaction to oppression of hindus by muslim rulers for centuries ...besides india was broken into pieces because of muslims...even after we got freedom lakhs of hindus were killed by muslims in kashmir , and other parts of India in various attacks and bomb blasts.
All this has contributed to peaceful hindus becoming a bit less tolerant...even now most hindus are very liberal in their outlook.
Indians ( hindus)are amiable...amicable and can easily assimilate in any culture

LOL man, just recently there was a conference of Hindutvadi leaders in Haridwar city where speaker upon speaker call for ethnic cleansing of Muslims from India. They spoke of the "Myanmar solution". One female speaker called for killing of two million Indian Muslims to begin with. The chief minister of that state has been photographed touching the feet of one of the speakers. The matter is hot right now and you are talking about amicability of Hindutvadis ( not all Hindus but the Hindutvadis ).

And you are also talking about Buddhism in India to the point of deification of Buddha. Just some hours ago in another thread I was talking about the almost-decimation of Buddhism in India at the hands of past Hindu rulers.

And may I draw your attention to this picture from the Hindutvadi-initiated Delhi riots of early 2020 ?

@Apollon, why are you not replying to my tagging you in context of me replying to Aryadravida ?

Not a Salafi. Just hate war criminals

No doubt you also hate Assad and Gaddafi too. NATO has convinced you they are war criminals.
LOL man, just recently there was a conference of Hindutvadi leaders in Haridwar city where speaker upon speaker call for ethnic cleansing of Muslims from India. They spoke of the "Myanmar solution". One female speaker called for killing of two million Indian Muslims to begin with. The chief minister of that state has been photographed touching the feet of one of the speakers. The matter is hot right now and you are talking about amicability of Hindutvadis ( not all Hindus but the Hindutvadis ).

And you are also talking about Buddhism in India to the point of deification of Buddha. Just some hours ago in another thread I was talking about the almost-decimation of Buddhism in India at the hands of past Hindu rulers.

And may I draw your attention to this picture from the Hindutvadi-initiated Delhi riots of early 2020 ?

@Apollon, why are you not replying to my tagging you in context of me replying to Aryadravida ?

No doubt you also hate Assad and Gaddafi too. NATO has convinced you they are war criminals.

What did you tag me at? I saw not yet.
Please do tell the forum of this. :)

When the Muslim-majority country Libyan Jamahiriya was invaded in 2011, along with the thousands of voluntary criminals from Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood there were 40+ government militaries who included the Western-leadered Crusader militaries and then there were so-called Muslim militaries of the GCC and of Turkey.

And what are the words "MC" and "BC" among the Hindus in India ? :) Don't Hindus honor kill their females seeing those females as being the primary upholders of honor for the entire family ( distant relatives included ) and if that female goes against the norms of that family or locality or village or town - the "Samaaj" - then the solution is to honor kill that female. Here's a recent case from Maharashtra state :


Well you know i know how blessed we are in Greece to be at a place thats like paradise compared to large areas of the world. When i see all the horrors going on in other nations i thank so much that we live in this peaceful and prosperous area of the world. As all nations, ours is not perfect, but we certainly have it good.
It does not rile me up, i dont care about it since it has no effect anyways.

Satire and caricature are an important part of european culture and evrything can be made fun off. You will have to live with that since it wont change anyways. Infact you only make it worse.

Its caleld the "Streisand effect". The more you freak about it, the more fun is made.

What started as a small cartoon in a magazine that nobody knew turned out to become suepr famous, was reprinted in biggest newspapers and and at end even South Park mocked him.

So in the end you made it famous.

You were huffing and puffing. You can say all you want.

So called Europeans are not the only ones but every culture and civilisation have satire and comedy. It just the matter of who is more civilised then other and who knows when satire becomes a mockery and start riling up other people. You are deliberately asking for trouble when you are mocking someone who is near and dear to billion plus people all over the planet. Mock your kind all you want, but you have no right to make fun of someone who dont belong to you (by your own admission). Coz when you do that, then I reserve the right to deal with you in my own way,according to my own culture and narrative. And no one will be laughing after that.

Famous? Lol. It's infamousy. Caused people to die! Streisand effect!! Lol. This is the effect of it. Enjoy!

Look, no one cares if you lot act as stubborn bastards but be prepared to face the consequences and they wont be pretty, you have already seen what it does.

All you are doing is acting as uncivilized rats.
You were huffing and puffing. You can say all you want.

So called Europeans are not the only ones but every culture and civilisation have satire and comedy. It just the matter of who is more civilised then other and who knows when satire becomes a mockery and start riling up other people. You are deliberately asking for trouble when you are mocking someone who is near and dear to billion plus people all over the planet. Mock your kind all you want, but you have no right to make fun of someone who dont belong to you (by your own admission). Coz when you do that, then I reserve the right to deal with you in my own way,according to my own culture and narrative. And no one will be laughing after that.

Famous? Lol. It's infamousy. Caused people to die! Streisand effect!! Lol. This is the effect of it. Enjoy!

Look, no one cares if you lot act as stubborn bastards but be prepared to face the consequences and they wont be pretty, you have already seen what it does.

All you are doing is acting as uncivilized rats.

Just checked our constitution if you are right that i could not mock...nope. According our constitution i have that right.

And yup i have seen what happened. It was printed in a small local magazine. But then in all big media. Your rants and demonstrations made it so famous that evryone saw it in Europe and then it also swept to USA and South Park mocked him too.

If you had stayed silent nobody would knew about it. You made it famous.
Well tbh Putin is not saying anything new here.

Provocative language about religions etc is a crime in most countries anyway under incitement to hatred laws.

The difference between what Putin and the world are saying Vs Pakistan is that no one else sanctions the death penalty for it.
Guys, just leave that Greece guy alone. We cannot force our belief to other person. This is what is stated in Quran : "My religion is mine, your religion is yours" . Religion can be belief as well.

Any way freedom of speech has been quite profound since early Islam. Any way we can see God wants us to punish thief, killer, etc, but there is no punishment stated in Quran about making statement. Even in Quran there is verse like this :

Thats what i said. I dont insult other religions. But i will always defend freedom if speech. The moment we bow to religious extremists would be a return to the dark ages in my opinion.

So even so i disagree with some caricatures, i would always defend them. I believe that is a reasonable approach.
Your reasoning is incorrect. Erdogan's party is nothing but the Turkish branch of the regressive and criminal group Muslim Brotherhood whereas AFAIK Ataturk was a secularist.

Yes, you are correct on that score but I was making a different point: in that Erdogan wants to radically transform Turkey like Ataturk before him.
I want say a general thing, because i guess some here dont umderstand what i mean.

I am a very respectful person. I dont make jokes about your prophet or stuff that offends anyone, simply because i see no value in it. But for me freedom of speech is important, infact one of most important things and i will always defend others freedom of expression. I dont have to like cartoons painted to defend them.

For me personal religion is something that means not so much for me. Someone here called me stupid becausemof it, but this is nothing i can influence since believes cant be changed by will. I do respect religion, that doesnt mean i can influence to believe in it.

What does this mean? I go to church like evryone does here. I sit silent, and put my hat off if i wear one. I treat church representives with respect for example when visiting nuns near my home.

When i was in Egypt our driver had prayers on his radio and even asked us if its ok for us or he would turn it iff. I told him its his car so he decides what to listen, it did not bother me.

I do think that is respectful.

On the other hand i would never visit a mosque, simply because i dont believe in it and dont want cause any trouble. So when we had a mosque on program i simply opted to wait outside.

So i hope that clears this up.

What i will never do is to bow to another religion. I would not mock your prophet but also never bow to him or acknowledge. What you get from me is that i tolerate and respect your religion but nothing more.

I dont believe in your religion nor has it any cultural connection to my country. So i believe that i can also expect that this is respected to not try to force it on me.

You trippin nigga. You disrespectful af. LMAO You're a straight up *** mane, don't be coming round here talking about how you're respectful and shit.

I will agree that we shouldn't ban the freedom of speech but there's a difference between being legally allowed to do something versus being supportive of stupid people being stupid. When you go around purposely insulting people, you're a stupid *** who's asking to get socked man. Simple as that.
Just checked our constitution if you are right that i could not mock...nope. According our constitution i have that right.

And yup i have seen what happened. It was printed in a small local magazine. But then in all big media. Your rants and demonstrations made it so famous that evryone saw it in Europe and then it also swept to USA and South Park mocked him too.

If you had stayed silent nobody would knew about it. You made it famous.

Fk your constitution. It's about basic human decency and common sense.

It's called infamous. People died becuase of silly stupid behaviour of some idiots. Now everyone is talking about Islamophobia and protection of prophet (PBUH) honour. You idiots are now left isolated and just like when you killed Jews and later had to made laws so no one mock holocaust, basically eat your own shit, you will be made to eat your own crap.
Fk your constitution. It's about basic human decency and common sense.

It's called infamous. People died becuase of silly stupid behaviour of some idiots. Now everyone is talking about Islamophobia and protection of prophet (PBUH) honour. You idiots are now left isolated and just like when you killed Jews and later had to made laws so no one mock holocaust, basically eat your own shit, you will be made to eat your own crap.

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