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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

Im orthodox christian and dont want such bridges.

Beside that Putin is a dictator and can get lost.
Christians are good God fearing people. Don't compare yourself to them.

Dictator....lol the west love dictators...they install them finance them and support them globally. Yes Christians of the west support these dictators
Its easy. Dont push your believe system on me. My redline is, that no one tells me what i can find funny. If we allow that, we become a medival shithole again where fairy tales rule over people.

Time of enlightenment, Renaissance. It was a big thing you know?

Im christian on passport and culture. Its a cultural thing. I dont believe in religion, i only follow the customs of my people.
Hi dude you are really funny , you have a redline ?what happened to the freedom of speech.
Dont push your believe system on me. My redline is, that no one tells me what i can find funny.

Under the same freedom you are an asshole who talks Shyte. You are also a pennyless Greek who is owned by the Germans. You think you are European but the English make so much fun of you that you have no idea.
Ignorant people like you should never mention any man of God. You stick with the Jews who laugh at you whilst dancing in the streets chanting we killed Jesus. A Muslim stands up for Jesus as we love him like we love all the Prophets including Muhammed pbuh and moses pbuh.
You are so dumb that I rank an Indian rss in his sexy shorts above you.

All the above is my right to express my freedom. I am sure you are not hurt and endorse all the about you gay greek twat .
Why do you have to be hateful towards Greeks now? You can't behave for once and not show your hatred towards us? He doesn't speak for all of us. Just like you don't speak for Pakistan.
If I say your mom was a hooker and I impregnated her so you were born, would that be my freedom of speech?

What if i tell you that i give a shit about what others say about my mother? You belittle yourself with rubbish like that and i dont bother about such petty insults. The sun doesnt care either when space dust rains on her.
To not believe in God is the height of stupidity, degradation from man to senseless waste of oxygen. Only stupid believes something came from nothing and the screen you are staring at came by its own LOL

I cant believe in a god. Its not something someone choses to. I cant force me to believe something. So obviously god made a mistake, since no matter how hard i try i cant believe in it . Its not free will to believe something, when you cant believe it, then it is that way.
Under the same freedom you are an asshole who talks Shyte. You are also a pennyless Greek who is owned by the Germans. You think you are European but the English make so much fun of you that you have no idea.
Ignorant people like you should never mention any man of God. You stick with the Jews who laugh at you whilst dancing in the streets chanting we killed Jesus. A Muslim stands up for Jesus as we love him like we love all the Prophets including Muhammed pbuh and moses pbuh.
You are so dumb that I rank an Indian rss in his sexy shorts above you.

All the above is my right to express my freedom. I am sure you are not hurt and endorse all the about you gay greek twat .

I give a shit about what you say, so yes doesnt hurt me the slightest. I dont even know you.
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What if i tell you that i give a shit about what others say about my mother? You belittle yourself with rubbish like that and i dont bother about such petty insults. The sun doesnt care either when space dust rains on her.

Why do I belittle myself when I curse your mom? She is insignificant, so you are. I am just exercising my "freedom of speech", you just simply laugh with me calling you a bastard of a hooker. Clearly, you are riled up with my freedom of speech.

Now, understand this very clearly, there is a very thin line between freedom of speech and hate speech, freedom of expression and expression of hatred. Ignorance is no excuse, you and your kind are expected to exercise common sense.
Why do you have to be hateful towards Greeks now? You can't behave for once and not show your hatred towards us? He doesn't speak for all of us. Just like you don't speak for Pakistan.
My point is proven...
Freedom of speech has limits.

Ps...I don't hate Greeks. Big hug to all nice people including Greeks 🤗
What if i tell you that i give a shit about what others say about my mother? You belittle yourself with rubbish like that and i dont bother about such petty insults. The sun doesnt care either when space dust rains on her.

I cant believe in a god. Its not something someone choses to. I cant force me to believe something. So obviously god made a mistake, since no matter how hard i try i cant believe in it . Its not free will to believe something, when you cant believe it, then it is that way.

I give a shit about what you say, so yes doesnt hurt me the slightest. I dont even know you.
Looool you reaction says otherwise..u are stupid 🤣
I'm not going to waste my time with this guy....he's of dull intellect (exceuse my freedom of speech).

For the rest of you, I can assure you that in the west I CANNOT go around saying whatever I feel like. I CONFIRM that insulting the prophet is pure hypocrisy and is driven by hatred and nothing else.

Here is an example of a Christian preacher being arrested for reading the bible in public (verses pertaining to homosexuality)

PS I highly recommend the blogging theology YouTube channel. He has very good videos.

I also find it odd that Europeans seem to be the only people that go around dictating to other cultures and nations what they shouldn't find offensive. This is again from a position of power and superiority. Poorer nations for example can't go around joking about the holocaust only to dictate to Europe that you shouldn't find it offensive.

Every nation has their "holy cow", and that should be respected.
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.
Bio ibAsolutely not there is a mater of respect it dosent mean that what u choose

if freedom of expression is right than go to ur presidential palae and abuse him he will show u your freedom of speech at that same poiont

has highest respect even in his enemies

Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

3 minutes

Fast News

During his annual press conference, Putin expressed the importance of artistic freedom without hindrance to religious freedom.

Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms.
Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms. (Reuters)
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said insulting Prophet Muhammad does not count as freedom of expression.
Insults to the prophet are a "violation of religious freedom and the violation of the sacred feelings of people who profess Islam,", Putin said on Thursday during his annual news conference, Russian News Agency TASS reported.
Putin also criticised posting photos of Nazis on websites such as the one titled the Immortal Regiment dedicated to Russians that died in World War Two.
Putin said these acts give rise to extremist reprisals, citing as an example the attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris after its publication of cartoons of the prophet.
READ MORE: Macron: I won't condemn caricatures of 'Prophet Muhammad'

While praising artistic freedom in general, Putin said it has its limits and it should not infringe on other freedoms.
Russia has evolved as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, so Russians, he said, are used to respecting each other’s traditions.
In some other countries, this respect comes in short supply, Putin said.
READ MORE: Is Russia on the path to marginalising its Muslim population?

Source: TRT World
he is probably trying to get support of muslim countries for his upcoming invasion of ukraine.
he is probably trying to get support of muslim countries for his upcoming invasion of ukraine.

Putin is saying what Muslims are saying. Regardless of his motives on the hind side, his statement should be welcomed.

Ukraine shares a border with Russia and USA+NATO are trying to establish a military foothold there. When you poke the bear (eagle or dragon per se), the bear (eagle or dragon) will respond. Any support from Muslim countries or not, Russia will act to safeguard its territory.
Why do I belittle myself when I curse your mom? She is insignificant, so you are. I am just exercising my "freedom of speech", you just simply laugh with me calling you a bastard of a hooker. Clearly, you are riled up with my freedom of speech.

Now, understand this very clearly, there is a very thin line between freedom of speech and hate speech, freedom of expression and expression of hatred. Ignorance is no excuse, you and your kind are expected to exercise common sense.

Because you dont know her anyways. You are an anonymous internet troll when doing so. Why should i bother with that?

You use this example because for you obviously it means something bad, but i really dont care.
Putin is saying what Muslims are saying. Regardless of his motives on the hind side, his statement should be welcomed.

Ukraine shares a border with Russia and USA+NATO are trying to establish a military foothold there. When you poke the bear (eagle or dragon per se), the bear (eagle or dragon) will respond. Any support from Muslim countries or not, Russia will act to safeguard its territory.

Ukraine is not russian territory. Ukraine can chose what security it wants, without some rottem nigeria with snow deciding for it. If Ukraine wants join NATO they are free to do so.

Btw bears who cause problems usually get shot.
Putin has killed how many Muslims in Chechnya? How many more in Syria? How can anyone take a dictator like Putin seriously? I guess the same people who think Erdogan is the second-coming of Ataturk. :rofl:

Biden takes him seriously, hence talks to him? Does Biden take you seriously enough?
I'm not going to waste my time with this guy....he's of dull intellect (exceuse my freedom of speech).

For the rest of you, I can assure you that in the west I CANNOT go around saying whatever I feel like. I CONFIRM that insulting the prophet is pure hypocrisy and is driven by hatred and nothing else.

Here is an example of a Christian preacher being arrested for reading the bible in public (verses pertaining to homosexuality)

PS I highly recommend the blogging theology YouTube channel. He has very good videos.

I also find it odd that Europeans seem to be the only people that go around dictating to other cultures and nations what they shouldn't find offensive. This is again from a position of power and superiority. Poorer nations for example can't go around joking about the holocaust only to dictate to Europe that you shouldn't find it offensive.

Every nation has their "holy cow", and that should be respected.

You do understand that your prophet is not a prophet outside your culture right and that you cant force your religion on me?
I want say a general thing, because i guess some here dont umderstand what i mean.

I am a very respectful person. I dont make jokes about your prophet or stuff that offends anyone, simply because i see no value in it. But for me freedom of speech is important, infact one of most important things and i will always defend others freedom of expression. I dont have to like cartoons painted to defend them.

For me personal religion is something that means not so much for me. Someone here called me stupid becausemof it, but this is nothing i can influence since believes cant be changed by will. I do respect religion, that doesnt mean i can influence to believe in it.

What does this mean? I go to church like evryone does here. I sit silent, and put my hat off if i wear one. I treat church representives with respect for example when visiting nuns near my home.

When i was in Egypt our driver had prayers on his radio and even asked us if its ok for us or he would turn it iff. I told him its his car so he decides what to listen, it did not bother me.

I do think that is respectful.

On the other hand i would never visit a mosque, simply because i dont believe in it and dont want cause any trouble. So when we had a mosque on program i simply opted to wait outside.

So i hope that clears this up.

What i will never do is to bow to another religion. I would not mock your prophet but also never bow to him or acknowledge. What you get from me is that i tolerate and respect your religion but nothing more.

I dont believe in your religion nor has it any cultural connection to my country. So i believe that i can also expect that this is respected to not try to force it on me.
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.
Yes but there is a limit. You can not say everything in name of freedom. Whatever you think of the muslim prophet, he has 1.8 billion followers. So some consideration is necessary.

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