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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

Time of enlightenment, Renaissance. It was a big thing you know?

Look you’re fooling no one and you don’t sound very educated.

Just a while ago Europe was full of fascist lunatics creating all sorts of crazy laws and killing each other by the millions.

Freedom of Speech in Europe in the way we know it today is an American export in the latter half of the last century.
Look you’re fooling no one and you don’t sound very educated.

Just a while ago Europe was full of fascist lunatics creating all sorts of crazy laws and killing each other by the millions.

Freedom of Speech in Europe in the way we know it today is an American export in the latter half of the last century.

No, Freedom of speech is a concept of Kant, Nietzsche and Voltaire.

Voltaire said: " "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Which is the corner stone of my believe system.

And i dont care if i sound educated to a nobody.
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.
So freedom to lie? lol :P
I just don't understand why a religion of 1.8 billion are so affected to the point where they need leaders to make statements? If someone has a bad opinion of you then you should look to understand why and change their mind instead of silencing them.

What does it matter in the grand scheme, you are 1.8 billion followers. If a person on the road said something negative, or a group of hillbilly in texas said something negative? Does it matter? Also this will mean Muslims can never challenge other faiths and claim superiority. Not sure how this is going to work.
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i think we should not insult any religion or believer. Respect to Putin for this.
No, Freedom of speech is a concept of Kant, Nietzsche and Voltaire.

Voltaire said: " "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The idea itself has existed for centuries but even 70 years ago it wasn't an important part of political discourse in Europe. Criticizing the state and its policies could cost your life. As I said Freedom of Speech as we know it today is a recent American export to Europe and (much later) to other Westernized nations in Asia.

And i dont care if i sound educated to a nobody.

You don't sound uneducated, you actually ARE an uneducated idiot because "millions of Europeans died for Freedom of speech" never happened. What you care about concerns me less than the lies you peddle in the forum.
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.

If I say your mom was a hooker and I impregnated her so you were born, would that be my freedom of speech?
Nobody sets limits for what i can laugh at. I´m too intelligent to be a religious person and i always question authority, even more so when the ones who want set me limits are not on my intellectual level.

To not believe in God is the height of stupidity, degradation from man to senseless waste of oxygen. Only stupid believes something came from nothing and the screen you are staring at came by its own LOL

Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

3 minutes

Fast News

During his annual press conference, Putin expressed the importance of artistic freedom without hindrance to religious freedom.

Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms.
Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms. (Reuters)
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said insulting Prophet Muhammad does not count as freedom of expression.
Insults to the prophet are a "violation of religious freedom and the violation of the sacred feelings of people who profess Islam,", Putin said on Thursday during his annual news conference, Russian News Agency TASS reported.
Putin also criticised posting photos of Nazis on websites such as the one titled the Immortal Regiment dedicated to Russians that died in World War Two.
Putin said these acts give rise to extremist reprisals, citing as an example the attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris after its publication of cartoons of the prophet.
READ MORE: Macron: I won't condemn caricatures of 'Prophet Muhammad'

While praising artistic freedom in general, Putin said it has its limits and it should not infringe on other freedoms.
Russia has evolved as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, so Russians, he said, are used to respecting each other’s traditions.
In some other countries, this respect comes in short supply, Putin said.
READ MORE: Is Russia on the path to marginalising its Muslim population?

Source: TRT World
Now here is a man speaking common sense but hated in the west because he doesn't kiss zionist butt
Great point, but coming from him you know there is an upcoming agenda (considering his past actions against Chechens). I know there are a lot of Putin fans mostly cause of his anti-West stance but keep in mind the upcoming Russia-Ukraine war + global conflict, every nation will soon have to line up and ally themselves to one of two sides ala Cold War-WW2 era style again.
This is true...however Umar RA ..
Do u know his past before he became an honorable man.
Men change with age and wisdom can come at any time. It may not be total wisdom but a little is better than non.
Putin has killed how many Muslims in Chechnya? How many more in Syria? How can anyone take a dictator like Putin seriously? I guess the same people who think Erdogan is the second-coming of Ataturk. :rofl:
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.
So if someone say anything against holucost will it also be considered as freedom of expression? :undecided:
Im orthodox christian and dont want such bridges.

Beside that Putin is a dictator and can get lost.

Try doing that with Holocausts and Jews. You Europeans are the biggest hypocrites of all time, you freedom of speech only comes to Muslim because you want reaction to further your agenda's, try that with Jews and their religion and see how far you go..

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