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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

Putin is right. Sacred thing is not for mocking. It is true for all the religions, not for Islam only.

Thats a ridicolous thing to say. Religions did some sick stuff in the past and still today.

You think ripping peoples hearts out to sacrifice Quetzalcoatl is nothing to make fun about today? Or the laughable witch trials?

I might remind you that it was religion which destroyed most of the knowledge that humanity had and brought us hundreds of years of dark ages.
It means you also support anyone who mocks and make fun of holocaust ?

Yes, South Park had a great episode about this. Ever saw the Drawn together episode where Princess clara calls Schindlers list her favorite comedy?

There is nothing on earth that is off limits to laugh about it. Because laughing is a great emotion and freedom.

Something you can laugh about, cant chain you or scare you.
There should be limits.

Nobody sets limits for what i can laugh at. I´m too intelligent to be a religious person and i always question authority, even more so when the ones who want set me limits are not on my intellectual level.
Nobody sets limits for what i can laugh at. I´m too intelligent to be a religious person and i always question authority, even more so when the ones who want set me limits are not on my intellectual level.
If you want to do it,do it at home. Outside,you will respect the others,just like you want them to respect you. I hate it when I see blasphemous posts and photos during Christmas and East time,because Atheists want to provoke.

Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

3 minutes

Fast News

During his annual press conference, Putin expressed the importance of artistic freedom without hindrance to religious freedom.

Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms.
Putin said artistic freedom should not infringe on other freedoms. (Reuters)
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said insulting Prophet Muhammad does not count as freedom of expression.
Insults to the prophet are a "violation of religious freedom and the violation of the sacred feelings of people who profess Islam,", Putin said on Thursday during his annual news conference, Russian News Agency TASS reported.
Putin also criticised posting photos of Nazis on websites such as the one titled the Immortal Regiment dedicated to Russians that died in World War Two.
Putin said these acts give rise to extremist reprisals, citing as an example the attack on the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris after its publication of cartoons of the prophet.
READ MORE: Macron: I won't condemn caricatures of 'Prophet Muhammad'

While praising artistic freedom in general, Putin said it has its limits and it should not infringe on other freedoms.
Russia has evolved as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, so Russians, he said, are used to respecting each other’s traditions.
In some other countries, this respect comes in short supply, Putin said.
READ MORE: Is Russia on the path to marginalising its Muslim population?

Source: TRT World
Greetings & Respect for Mr Putin Presedent of Russia from Pakistan & whole world Muslims...
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.

So why can't you question the Holocaust in Europe? I thought there was freedom of speech.
In Europe millions died for the freedom of speech. Its a absolute core value and we will not sink back into medival times where religion rules over freedom. Its that simple.

And btw comedy is not swearing.

You guys feel insulted for evrything and honestly, some crazy mullahs wont decide for what i can find funny.

Im conservative right and believe most of religion can be mocked. Diagoras is a good example for that.

Do mention who specifically died for freedom of speech ? If it was Renaissance then you should take a look at history again with what happened to those freedoms during WW2. I am sure Europeans were butchering millions of Jews while fully enjoying Freedom of speech. Why is that even talking about a different view on holocaust (not that I agree with that) is illegal by law in most European countries ? Do they take those freedoms, twist & bend them then shove them up in their arses or is it that it only applies in certain scenarios ?

Freedom of speech related to anything including politics & religion is of course a good value as long as it is productive and not targeted for hate. I mean I can probably find humor (probably you do to considering your so intelligent) in a funny cartoon of your mother (only using it to make a point because as we have utmost respect for them I am sure that is probably not the case for Europeans but I didn't have a better scenarios to describe it in an example, please don't take any offence) having coitus with a filthy ape but that doesn't mean I should publish that in front of the advertisement screen outside your house does it ? There are always limit to what is allowed and now allowed in a society comprising of people with different views whether it be murder, rape or insulting those who more than 1 billion people cherish more than their own lives.

Not sure if you are naïve or just hateful but you should look into it.

And talking about Renaissance do look into how Renaissance started in Europe you might learn a few things.
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If you want to do it,do it at home. Outside,you will respect the others,just like you want them to respect you. I hate it when I see blasphemous posts and photos during Christmas and East time,because Atheists want to provoke.

Blasphemous? Are we back at the spanish inquisition?
So why can't you question the Holocaust in Europe? I thought there was freedom of speech.

Why should i question a fact? I also dont question the night when izs dark outside, Beside that its whataboutism. Im not a muslim so their prophet naturally means nothing for me.

You want force me to bow to islam or what? If they want believe in it, its their thing. Im not a muslim so its not my thing.
Blasphemous? Are we back at the spanish inquisition?

Why should i question a fact? I also dont question the night when izs dark outside, Beside that its whataboutism. Im not a muslim so their prophet naturally means nothing for me.

You want force me to bow to islam or what? If they want believe in it, its their thing. Im not a muslim so its not my thing.

Funny how you easily accept all of the confines that your society places on you but you call yourself a fighter for freedom. You don't care an iota for the truth, you just have a huge ego and you constantly have to feed it.
Do mention who specifically died for freedom of speech ? If it was Renaissance then you should take a look at history again with what happened to those freedoms during WW2. I am sure Europeans were butchering millions of Jews while fully enjoying Freedom of speech. Why is that even talking about a different view on holocaust (not that I agree with that) is illegal by law in most European countries ? Do they take those freedoms, twist & bend them then shove them up in their arses or is it that it only applies in certain scenarios ?

Freedom of speech related to anything including politics & religion is of course a good value as long as it is productive and not targeted for hate. I mean I can probably find humor in a funny cartoon of your mother (only using it to make a point because as we have utmost respect for them I am sure that is probably not the case for Europeans but I didn't have a better scenarios to describe it in an example, please don't take any offence) having coitus with a filthy ape but that doesn't mean I should publish that in front of the advertisement screen outside your house does it ? There are always limit to what is allowed and now allowed in a society comprising of people with different views whether it be murder, rape or insulting those who more than 1 billion people cherish more than their own lives.

Not sure if you are naïve or just hateful but you should look into it.

And talking about Renaissance do look into how Renaissance started in Europe you might learn a few things.

Renaissance started un Europe because ottomans destroyed the byzantine empire and large numbers of educated greeks escaped to western europe.

But thats not the point. The pojnt is, im not a muslim. Your religion means nothing for me. What you believe in means nothing for me either. And that is my absolute right.

You can believe whatever you want. I will not question your religion, but at same time i have full right to not believe in what you believe in and if i find aspects of it funny, i can smile and laugh about it.

I was in Egypt just few days ago. It has a large muslim population and in the morning before the sun did rise they did that prayers through loud speakers. I accept that, that doesnt mean i cant pull the pillow over my head and turn around to keep sleeping.

As Greek i was raised christian but my family is not very religious. For us its more like customs and to do it because its done that way. I cant believe in those stories, no matter how much i try. Going to church doesnt touch me in any way. I sit there like i sit at a train station.

When i go into a church i put my had off and i often got told from elderly people what a respectful young man i am. But that cant change what my thoughts are. And thoughts are always free no matter how repressive a regime is.

To be honest the only religious building that actually was "touching" me, was the great pyramide of Khufu.
We are a Christian country,we can't have blasphemous art and mocking of our sacred,publicly. There should be respect.

The most blasphemous acts and mocking is done from priests and the church itself. Its gigantic corruptions and crimes against the people. The church doesnt respect what it preaches.

Tell me, why should i have more respect for an organisation than the staff of that organisation has for itself? We even had bishops sued for drug dealing. We had priests active as central players in activities as disparate as trial-fixing, antiquities smuggling and election rigging.

The church is part of our identy and that i respect. But dont tell me i cant mock the clowns that stand there to preach.
The most blasphemous acts and mocking is done from priests and the church itself. Its gigantic corruptions and crimes against the people. The church doesnt respect what it preaches.

Tell me, why should i have more respect for an organisation than the staff of that organisation has for itself? We even had bishops sued for drug dealing. We had priests active as central players in activities as disparate as trial-fixing, antiquities smuggling and election rigging.

The church is part of our identy and that i respect. But dont tell me i cant mock the clowns that stand there to preach.
I'm telling you to respect the Saints,the Mother of God,the Lord. The Old Testament,the New Testament. Everything sacred in our faith.

There are bad priests,but the majority are good people. Respect the office,at least.
Renaissance started un Europe because ottomans destroyed the byzantine empire and large numbers of educated greeks escaped to western europe.

Lol ... Do quote some references for this.

But thats not the point. The pojnt is, im not a muslim. Your religion means nothing for me. What you believe in means nothing for me either. And that is my absolute right.
And who said it is not ? No one here arguing says that. Where did you get that it should mean something to you ?

You can believe whatever you want. I will not question your religion, but at same time i have full right to not believe in what you believe in and if i find aspects of it funny, i can smile and laugh about it.
You can smile and laugh all you want no one is stopping you. What you should not do is insult a figure who is central to our very existence and our way of life. You can disagree with teaching in its entirety and that is your right but insulting the central figure of a religion by means of cartoons or just abusive language cannot be considered freedom of speech. Abuse of speech sure but not freedom of speech

I was in Egypt just few days ago. It has a large Muslim population and in the morning before the sun did rise they did that prayers through loud speakers. I accept that, that doesn't mean i cant pull the pillow over my head and turn around to keep sleeping.
Hey no one is asking you not to put the pillow over your head and listen to it. You can do whatever you deem necessary to not listen whether it maybe be pillow, noise cancelling headphone or just pouring burning oil in your ear to get rid of it permanently. It is definitely your right and no one is arguing with that.

As Greek i was raised christian but my family is not very religious. For us its more like customs and to do it because its done that way. I cant believe in those stories, no matter how much i try. Going to church doesn't touch me in any way. I sit there like i sit at a train station.
I am sure your are way too smart to believe in the stories being taught in Church. I know I am.

When i go into a church i put my had off and i often got told from elderly people what a respectful young man i am. But that cant change what my thoughts are. And thoughts are always free no matter how repressive a regime is.
Of course your thoughts are your own. I am sure they are busy solving origins of the Universe and have no time for stupid Church. Man I haven't listened to church either even once what a collection bo-hoo.

To be honest the only religious building that actually was "touching" me, was the great pyramide of Khufu.
I am sure you are touched in all the right places and the spirituality inside your just lit up when you got touched by it.

Not sure how all this was the rebuttal/answer/explanation of my post but you get points for trying. It could be you are too intelligent to answer who am I to judge.
I'm telling you to respect the Saints,the Mother of God,the Lord. The Old Testament,the New Testament. Everything sacred in our faith.

There are bad priests,but the majority are good people. Respect the office,at least.

I do respect that, im a patriot you know. But that part of our identity doesnt touch me in any way.

I feel more connected to the old gods since they at least represent aspects of nature and humanity.

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