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Putin approved the sale of C-400 to China

Russia will sell export version. export version=monkey model. Google monkey model.

China won't buy, which is why the Russian media is monkeying over it.

like they are able to to copy it in the first place, chinas s300 copy only looks like our s300. We dont know if it really is equal to an original s300.

China's versions of the S-300 are now being replaced by their domestic long range missiles. That says a lot about their regard to the former.

By your logic china should also be able to produce by now the most recent boeing and airbus planes and the latest cars from porsche because they can buy them.

That statement is like saying Russia should now be able to build ships like the Mistral just because they "bought" them.

Russia can buy everything what europeans are producing unlike china whos embargoed by the eu, euro fighter or jaguar tanks all could be bought by russia if we wanted. And europeans of course are free to buy russian weapons if they want. But neither is buying except for the mistral deal, because at least for russia i can tell we dont need their western technology because ours is equal if not better than what eu countries have to offer.

Great. Since that argument exemplifies how one's freedom to buy a product does not imply one's dependence on such, then China's freedom to purchase the S-400 is independent of its technological standing relative to the system.

It seems china is the only one feeling uncomfortable with his stuff its producing

Is that why virtually all of the weapons being produced for the Chinese military is from ... you guessed it, China?
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Is that why virtually all of the weapons being produced for the Chinese military is from ... you guessed it, China?

youre still one of the largest importers of weapons and despite that you have an EU embargo
china is overtaking in all areas because they have massive population, in gdp per capita and anything measured to their population its less productive than northern states.

True that Russia is ahead of China in GDP/capita.China is catching up though with growth of 7-8% as opposed to the around 3% that Russia should be able to achieve over the medium term.

Like you say, 150 million Russians cannot hope to be rich or as powerful as 1.4 billion Chinese over the long-run. China has had a bad 200 years but will soon retake it's position as the richest and most powerful country on the planet

Dude, I am a big fan of Russia and wish it success resisting the Western hegemony. In fact Russia and China are in an ideal position to co-operate for the common good against Western imperialist, and Russians should not necessarily feel apprehensive in a more powerful China.
True that Russia is ahead of China in GDP/capita.China is catching up though with growth of 7-8% as opposed to the around 3% that Russia should be able to achieve over the medium term.

Like you say, 150 million Russians cannot hope to be rich or as powerful as 1.4 billion Chinese over the long-run. China has had a bad 200 years but will soon retake it's position as the richest and most powerful country on the planet

Dude, I am a big fan of Russia and wish it success resisting the Western hegemony. In fact Russia and China are in an ideal position to co-operate for the common good against Western imperialist, and Russians should not necessarily feel apprehensive in a more powerful China.
i am not against a stronger china, its opposite so stronger china is so less you will see Americans bitching about Russia
i am not against a stronger china, its opposite so stronger china is so less you will see Americans bitching about Russia

Good to hear that.:tup:

A superpower China will mean that the US would have to tie down it's major resources in the Pacific while Russia cleans up in Eastern Europe.
youre still one of the largest importers of weapons and despite that you have an EU embargo

So is the United States and most of European countries; that is no more indicative of their relative standing in such areas than is some civilian report that claims China is buying the S-400, which has been a rumor from 2009.
Both China and Russia learn they can't antagonize each other and not crumble by their own weight with the pressure from the US and E.U. Russia and China need each other like E.U and U.S are tag team tandem powerhouse.
All this weapon sales have one thing in common. It all come from the mouth of our Russian friend.
And why is it that China is a supa bowa dare not raise a word regarding the Su-35 & S-400 sale? Why don't you publicly flat out reject the idea? Because you guys are still into this as well, not just the Russian.
China doesn't have anything close to the S-400.They will have in some years when the russians have S-500 and so on.Always a step behind,thst's what you get when you copy and don't innovate.Tough luck.

Usually, I saw that you loved to antagonize Russia with every available opportunity, yet you have a very small sight about the world to realize that the S-400 is not the alien technology for a powerhouse like China.

Of course, China still has some fields lag behind Russia, but to believe that Russia is ahead of China in every field is nothing but delusional and simple minded.

Do you think that I should trust an American expert or an anonymous Romanian troll?

China simply is too big and too powerful for the small country folks like you to understand.

Brian Weeden, a former U.S. Air Force space analyst, published a 47-page analysis on the website of The Space Review, which he said showed that China appears to be testing a kinetic interceptor launched by a new rocket that could reach geostationary orbit about 36,000 km (22,500 miles) above the earth.

Analysis points to China's work on new anti-satellite weapon| Reuters

Only one thing China want from Russia is: land.

We should claim our border after 1945, and stop making the delusional claim like this.

We can surpass Russia in technology, but Russia with its nuclear asset is still untouchable for anyone including the US.

You don't touch Russia's land, and Russia won't touch you.
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Russia has officially joined the bragging brigade
S-300 been bragged that can shoot down any western airplanes
S-400 is said can deal with any flying objects
So according to the line of bragging
S-500 can deal with any speed of flying things under the atmosphere
S-600 can destroy any lighting speed objects within the solar system
S-700 can neutralize any planets within the Milkyway
S-800 can destroy any objects within the known space
S-1XXX no words can match its might```:P
And why is it that China is a supa bowa dare not raise a word regarding the Su-35 & S-400 sale? Why don't you publicly flat out reject the idea? Because you guys are still into this as well, not just the Russian.
Are you living in a cage? In the Su-35 purchase, we have said that a deal is not possible at the moment and debunk rumors that a deal is not finalized. Are we interest in Su-35? Sure but depends. It can be useful to maybe have a few squadron to use while our Air Force waiting for J-20. As with any new plane, there is time needed for training and practicing. Is it worth to spend billions to train and maintain Su-35 and later add on J-20? It's stupid. It is a strategic outline that we need to know before making any advance purchase of Su-35, otherwise, we will just be wasting our money. We are intelligent and pragmatic. We will not buy anything that will not have a long-term practical use. If we indeed fully interests in buying Su-35, it would have happened a long time ago. It is also worth to know the reason we interest in Su-35 is the engine as we still haven't complete our WS-15 engine testing development.

Now for S-400, again same rumor coming from Russia. Are we interest in S-400? Perhaps so if we really don't know what is the core technology in S-400, we can buy it to test it against our own. You know, the best needs to know other best's weapon system in order to produce a counter measure and upgrade version. Russia knows we are mainly interest in Russia tech to create countermeasure. That is why they always want us to buy in a bunch, and not a few. It shows that we are actually buying to test out. That is just smart superpower game. For you Vietnamese, this is out of your range of thought and strategy. As for our official response, it is in PLA official doctrines that do not respond to rumor and unofficial news. Our PLA never, if ever rarely, take a response to outside "noise" unless it is authorized from above. S-400, just like Su-35, is a rumor. Until we officially announce it, stay tight and wait, my VIETNAMESE FRIEND. LOL

then come over maybe you will like it
You take the bait too easily. I request you delete those video. Do not forget, there are those pretending to be Chinese or Western NGO working to destroy our two close relation.
Nothing need to be shy or hiding before the history. We Chinese Han is too weak and fake right now, lost our ancestor's blood.
That's blood made us so big and survived us thousands of years. You lost it, you will die, be removed by other stronger nation.

Russia made herself so huge is not due to her friendship with China, it is because they're deadly tough.

China lost most of her land to nobody but Russian no earlier than 150 years ago.

We may not take back our land in any near future. I do think it will.
This post should get some positive rating from members who can give positive rating.
Su-35 is nothing like it is bragged but a flanker with outdated PESA and avionic with massive imported western small parts```

its holy deadliness can only making sense on their adverts
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