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"Punji Hunting": Indian bashing Aussie gang member walks free from court.

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See these are the kind of lies the Indian media and others are spreading. They make you believe that the Indian community is the only community having crime committed against them.

This is not true. EVERY community within Australia has crime committed against them. It's not racially motivated.

To create a story, the Indian media reported everytime a person of Indian decedent had crime committed against them to add to their fake "racist" story.

Crime happens to everyone

Well what about this incident ?

Dozens of Australian police officers under investigation over racist and pornographic emails - Telegraph

Victoria police in racist email scandal | thetelegraph.com.au

when police officers - the law keepers and guardians of Aussie society have such mentalities its too much to expect other civilians , let alone criminals to co-exist peacefully with other communities .

If it was just a figment of the "indian media's " imagination - Victoria Pm John Brumby would not have apologized for it , SM Krishna ,our Ext affairs minister would not have to fly all the way to Australia to convey PM singh's message ....and most importantly Indian Tourism ministry would definitely not issue a travel advisery against Australia.

The racist element in the attacks was even acknowledged by Simon Overland , Victoria Police comnsr....

However Racism in some form or the other exists in all countries of the world , taking this under consideration -it isn't fair to just single out Australia . As I stated in my previous post , till such time Indian community - gets into the political setup and buys a certain amount of influence with the establishment , any sort of redressal or deterrence of such actions in the future , will remain elusive.
It means Punjabi and i think pakistan also have lots of them.

no it means indian....nowhere does it says Pakistan....only indians and indian punjabis.....:lol:.....dont compare Pakistani punjabis with indian punjabis....Pakistani punjabis wash them up 5 times a day....whereas in india most pious is the person who refrains from taking bath for the longest..:woot:....so punjis are indians :lol:

Urban Dictionary: Punji
pakistanis target white women aswell

just listen to their excuses for this crime

these are not Pakistanis....they live in a foreign land and are not Pakistani nationals...while indians operate and hunt for slav girl in goa,India
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as i said indians are not good when it comes to respecting the authority of the law of the land...they think they can get away with crimes and corruption just like they do in india....largest export of india is indians....they dont have anything to live for in india other than crime,corruption,poverty and lawlessness
this is what indians think of their own land :lol:

Racism exist in every country including India, Australia is no exception, i'm not sure whats the real reason behind this so-called Indian bashing.

My personal experience in US, there are some Indians dress, talk and even walk like blacks with hip hop style, thats how they get themselves in trouble in our neighbourhood....sometimes, the racism was actually targeting blacks but since when you intentionally act as blacks, perhaps they mistaken your identity in a wrong way.:undecided:

Well, You obviously don't like blacks. Can't even hide your racism?
as i said indians are not good when it comes to respecting the authority of the law of the land...they think they can get away with crimes and corruption just like they do in india....largest export of india is indians....they dont have anything to live for in india other than crime,corruption,poverty and lawlessness

I didn't want to reply. But this is amusing. Pakistani accusing Indians for not following rule of the land. hehe..Irony..made my day..
as i said indians are not good when it comes to respecting the authority of the law of the land...they think they can get away with crimes and corruption just like they do in india....largest export of india is indians....they dont have anything to live for in india other than crime,corruption,poverty and lawlessness

I didn't want to reply. But this is amusing. Pakistani accusing Indians for not following rule of the land. hehe..Irony..made my day..
pakistanis target white women aswell

just listen to their excuses for this crime

these so called pakistanis have british passports, are born and raised in britain have white britain friends, work in britain,pay taxes to brits support britain army but they are pakistanis right :rofl::rofl:
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Indians over seas wether in Australia, Britain or KSA have this sense of low-esteem that nobody likes them and people look down upon this.
This makes them form their own communities and so called "strong holds" or monopoly groups in corporates which cause the "indianisation" of these venues....and in the end people actually end up getting irritated by them.

And indian media simply reflects this mentality in their false / manipulated reporting.
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