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"Punji Hunting": Indian bashing Aussie gang member walks free from court.

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This makes them form their own communities and so called "strong holds" or monopoly groups in corporates which cause the "indianisation" of these venues....and in the end people actually end up getting irritated by them.

Reality is most recent immigrates do that. Chinese, Indian, Korean, back in the days Polish, Jewish, etc. Stuck to each other, this is normal.

Those videos are insane!

Sexual predators are everywhere, every race, religion, etc. Thats nothing new.
interesting how indiens claim their country is "developed" yet they flock over to australia where they know they are targeted.

---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 AM ----------

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Sure, but that second video was just unbelievable. Complete insanity.

Then you should watch more episodes of 'to catch a predator'. More crazier things then that one.

One man brings his son along with him....................

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lol pakis how about some justice for


as i said indians are not good when it comes to respecting the authority of the law of the land...they think they can get away with crimes and corruption just like they do in india....largest export of india is indians....they dont have anything to live for in india other than crime,corruption,poverty and lawlessness

Indians are one of the most law abiding immigrants. Better educated and one of the most successful.

Don't be gullible and believe everything your read on rupee news.
Indians are one of the most law abiding immigrants. Better educated and one of the most successful.

Don't be gullible and believe everything your read on rupee news.

dont lie indian students are involved in prostitution and gambling in australia....thats what pisses the white man and they come after you....have u ever heard australian coming after Pakistanis?They respect law but u indiand break it

---------- Post added at 07:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 AM ----------

lol pakis how about some justice for



calm down punji ...what is this??:lol:
LOL mate they pakistani immigrants!!!!

they are as pakistani as you! :cheesy:

Ashfield gang rapes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

they are of Pakistani origin but they dident broke the law in Pakistan neither to they hold Pakistani passports....indians gangs operate in india on their own turf...goa the tourist destination...there is a gang there that targets women of slavic origin...those from Russia and serbia....
Then you should watch more episodes of 'to catch a predator'. More crazier things then that one.

One man brings his son along with him....................

That is pretty crazy as well, but the award still goes to the naked guy with the cat.
dont lie indian students are involved in prostitution and gambling in australia....thats what pisses the white man and they come after you....have u ever heard australian coming after Pakistanis?They respect law but u indiand break it

The Chinese bring in vulnerable women on student visas and engage them in prostitution. You may be confusing asian with Indian. Once in a while you have authorities busting some Chinese madam for running a illegal brothel or sex slaves. Sydney mainly.

Indians are good law abiding immigrants. If anything there were a domestic related violence incidents. Haven't heard of any trouble by Pakistanis in Aus. There was one Pakistani in Howard's time caught on video and phone looking for targets and trying to get some bomb making material during Howard's time.

Pakistanis here are mostly an invisible lot. I have come across a few from "Lahore" and "Karachi" but none from "Pakistan". They come off visibly disturbed when they try to mention they are from Pakistan. Not making up.
Let the haters hate..Chew on this news though. Obviously they can't ask law abiding Pakistanis for this.

Australia looks to India to plug skills shortage

Tens of thousands of Indian graduates could be trained to Australian standards in a bid to plug the gap in Australia's booming resources sector.

Australian and Indian officials have started talks with tertiary institutions and training bodies in both nations about opening up Australia's training system, the Australian Financial Review (AFR) reports.

As many as 100,000 Indians would be trained under the plan to work in both countries and up to 30,000 Australian-trained graduates could be recruited locally.

India prompted the initiative after a realisation it needs about one million skilled workers to develop its own mining industries.

Demand for the Indian graduates will rely on the demands of mining companies, who have also been involved in discussions with officials from both countries.

Australia's senior trade official in India, Peter Linford told the AFR the skills training program offered huge opportunities for education and industry.

Mr Linford said Austrade was working with the mining sector and India's skills development group on the scheme which could become a model for other industries in other countries.

Indian trainees would be trained to Australian standards and employed on the same conditions as Australians.

They would be subject to existing immigration rules.

A Skills Australia report earlier this week said Australia would need 2.4 million extra skilled workers in the next four years to meet the demands of the mining boom.

Treasurer Wayne Swan said the government's priority was to train Australians first and foremost for jobs but skilled migrants would be needed.

"What the government is going to do is train Australians... we're going to make sure that Australians can participate in the benefits of the boom," Mr Swan told Sky News.

Too many Australians were able to join the workforce but were not, the treasurer said.

"In particular there are some concentrations of inter-generational or welfare dependants in parts of the country that we need to deal with, we need to help those people back into the workforce."
Indians over seas wether in Australia, Britain or KSA have this sense of low-esteem that nobody likes them and people look down upon this.
This makes them form their own communities and so called "strong holds" or monopoly groups in corporates which cause the "indianisation" of these venues....and in the end people actually end up getting irritated by them.

And indian media simply reflects this mentality in their false / manipulated reporting.

Have you ever typed "Muslims in Britain" in Youtube. Do it please it would increase your general knowledge. If you have time type " Pakistanis in Britain" and "Indians in Britain" too.. Indians have low self esteem, thats why Britain's biggest employer in Private sector is TATA. Britain's richest man is Lakshmi Mittal, an Indian.

Britain prime minister calls your country "terrorist safe haven" and begs for trade from our country. I could go on.

India is Australia's fourth largest trading partner soon to become third. Bite this.

Indians may fill resources skills gap

KSA has over 2 million Indians. They are our fourth largest trading partner. Soon theres gonna be FTA with GCC.

gulfnews : UAE, Saudi Arabia enjoy trade benefit of Indian economic boom

You can keep crying.
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