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"Punji Hunting": Indian bashing Aussie gang member walks free from court.

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I guess they need this thread to calm their nerves downs amidst the talks of aid suspension...talks of having failed as a responsible nation...and having america carry out commando operations on the outskirts of their national capital...
they need all the sick laughter they can get.
this is what indians think of their own land :lol:


But Afrcia is not poorer than India. India has more people living below the poverty line then the entire Afrcian continent combined.
they are of Pakistani origin but they dident broke the law in Pakistan neither to they hold Pakistani passports....indians gangs operate in india on their own turf...goa the tourist destination...there is a gang there that targets women of slavic origin...those from Russia and serbia....

mate these brothers immigrated to Australia in 2000 and started commiting these crimes from 2001-02, They were still pakistani citizens holding pakistani passports when they commited these crimes!!!
Their defense in court was they didnt know that rape was a crime because it was accepted where the came from in pakistan. Muslim leaders slammed these brothers for saying that Rape was socially acceptable in islamic society.

glad to know that you guys have behaved so well in this thread.

one of those tcap guys was actually trinidadian (his user name was something trini ). but it's okay. Pakistanis and Indians fighting just happens, while the rest of the world moves forward. The division of one nation into many has worked perfectly. After all, if America fractured into East coast and West coast vs. Middle America they would always be fighting too.
glad to know that you guys have behaved so well in this thread.

one of those tcap guys was actually trinidadian (his user name was something trini ). but it's okay. Pakistanis and Indians fighting just happens, while the rest of the world moves forward. The division of one nation into many has worked perfectly. After all, if America fractured into East coast and West coast vs. Middle America they would always be fighting too.
a pakistani colleague told me he hates pakistani's and pakistan itself,so he migrated to other country:woot:

i can asure you i have also encountered some indians when asked if they are from south, they become aggitated, believe me its true
Punjis(pronounced Poonijis) is a slang for Punjabis, glad to see Pakistanis making fun of their own kind.

As for the news itself, only one of them have been let off with about 150 hours of community work, and his car has been disposed off. I think this punishment is quite fair. Am sure the others from the "gang" will get stricter sentence.
Punjis(pronounced Poonijis) is a slang for Punjabis, glad to see Pakistanis making fun of their own kind.

As for the news itself, only one of them have been let off with about 150 hours of community work, and his car has been disposed off. I think this punishment is fair enough. Am sure the others from the "gang" will get stricter sentence.

First off, Pakistanis in punjab are more proud of being pakistani than being punjabi, You will hardly see any pakistani punjabi callin himself punjabi and not pakistani.

Secondly around 80% of pakistani punjabis have nothing to do with bharti punjabis, Bharti punjabis are mostly jats or wannabe jatts, while around more than 50% pakistani punjabis claim central asian descent
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