Well not only that but if the theory is true then what about Punjabi Jatts (90+% of whom claim descent from Rajputs, in personal life and elsewhere). . Moreover somebody said that Punjabi Gujjars ORIGINATED in Rajasthan and then came to Punjab (read my previous posts on this thread regarding this). Somebody also said that punjabi rajputs HAVE to be from Rajasthan originally.
Well if all Punjabi Jatts, Gujjars, Rajputs ORIGINATED elsewhere (rajasthan) and came to Punjab in the last 1000 or so years, do you know what this would imply lol?
What about the arain or countless other tribes who share 'gotras' with gujjars and Jatts etc. All these people came recently to Punjab?
That's millions and millions of people lol.
Most of Punjab's Jatts, Gujjars , Rajputs etc. are local people
who emerged from kingdoms like Kekaya and Kaurava
IN THE PUNJAB. Granted there's continutiy to surrounding areas (including Rajasthan). But we have to be critical and nuanced about this. Heck not only Jatts, but so many other communities claim descent from Rajputs, are they all from Rajasthan lol?
If there was mating between locals and Hepthalites it must have happened IN THE PUNJAB too or did it just bypass Punjab and took place all the way in Rajasthan only to come back for whatever reason.
Morevover different rajput groups have been described everything under the sun from 'Turanian', 'Aryan' to even Turko-mongol and latter 'hepthalites'. There's a reason why this rajasthan theory is not accepted in academia but on this site people are pushing it
Also if you test hundreds or thousands of people , you'll get what I'm pointing to. On harrapa there's hardly any info about PUNJABI gujjars and neither about punjabi Rajputs (barring one or two samples, I remember Zack finally had one punjabi rajput sample and he was cheering in joy
but there's hardly much data). Moreover in Punjab many non-rajputs claim to be rajput nowadays so we need to have hundreds if not thousands of samples.
Rajputs, Gujjars, jatts are just kshatriyas or somewhere on the Kshatriya scale from ancient times
in the Punjab who HAVE assimilated blood of Hepthalites etc. Yes, they have continuity to surrounding areas but they DIDn'T originate there . That defies simple LOGIC