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Puducherry home to Pakistani student

Why go for reservation?
If a pakistani or bangladeshi wants to study in an university go though proper channels...
Apply for a Management seat....go through the paper work...
If she/he fullfills the requirements, then admission wont be a problem....
Dont agree with reservation systems...
There is nothing that requires guts or spine to click the flags of India and Pakistan while modifying one's profile on the internet.

The spine comes from what you do in real life.

The guts comes from making a choice and embracing it.

Not the cowardice of going across and flinging stones once the bridges have been burned.

I am sorry but I must ask you again.

Change your flag please. You do not have the right to fly it anymore.
Tum apna page badal lo.i'll fly the flags.ye tumhare baap ki property nahi.
it is not difficult to accept per se. i'm simply against such policies. just my opinion
There are two solutions...
1. either increase the number of institutes proportional to the population
2. Reservations.

first one require more funds
while 2nd one requrire just passing an amendment to constitution.
As for me i'll do both.
In such a case, don't start from 5%, why not .5%? That surely doesn't hurt anyone!
yaar i fear (based on observation) people who took advantage of the reservation always seemed to have a chip on their shoulders, that they got admission as a pittance; not based on their knowledge. similarly regular students often feel discriminated against in school time and let's not forget companies continue to be reluctant to hire graduates who fall in such categories since they dont fully trust their proficiency.

the whole notion of reservation if deeply flawed in my humble opinion. but i truly welcome students and employees being hired for their talents (from PK and BD). hell we already hire talented pakistani artists in our entertainment industry, i hope similar trend begins in other industries as well. PK is surprisingly strong in IT and we should open our doors for such talent
Don't have any problem with Pakistanis studying in Indian universities, infact it is a great gesture. The new generation will get to know each other's perspective in a better way through student exchange and such. But reservation is a strict no no.

But lets put some sense here, the amount of hard work one requires to get into even in second class IITs is enough to earn you a seat in premier US ivy leagues or such universities with decent scholarships. I have a friend failed to get required cut-off in GATE, but now studying in University of Cincinnati with full scholarships.

So the summary is, it'll be very hard for average Pakistanis to get into premier Indian institutions, and most of the private institutions aren't worth such investments. And if they can get a seat through their merit, they are/should be more than welcome.
I'll suggest GOI keep aside 5% reservation for pakistanis and 5% for bangladeshis in education and jobs in premier institues like IIT,IIM BARC,DRDO,HAL etc.that way indian defence industry atleast learn from their experience on how to build arms planes on time.Aalso BARC scientists will learn how to make nuke that dont fizzle.
Is that so??If Pakistanis are so learned and knowledgeable then WTH are they coming to India to learn??And u guys please don't talk about nukes!!Hopefully the job of translating ur nuke manuals from Mandarin to Urdu have been completed by ur researhers!!??
yaar i fear (based on observation) people who took advantage of the reservation always seemed to have a chip on their shoulders, that they got admission as a pittance; not based on their knowledge. similarly regular students often feel discriminated against in school time and let's not forget companies continue to be reluctant to hire graduates who fall in such categories since they dont fully trust their proficiency.

the whole notion of reservation if deeply flawed in my humble opinion. but i truly welcome students and employees being hired for their talents (from PK and BD). hell we already hire talented pakistani artists in our entertainment industry, i hope similar trend begins in other industries as well. PK is surprisingly strong in IT and we should open our doors for such talent
There is solution to it ie limit the reservation to one generation only.If father avails reservation then his son will not be eligible for it.Coz for that generation reservation serves the purpose of bringing person up the social order.
There is solution to it ie limit the reservation to one generation only.If father avails reservation then his son will not be eligible for it.Coz for that generation reservation serves the purpose of bringing person up the social order.

Then why not base our reservation on poverty and not on caste or religion?
Already the no of IITs and IIMs existing in India is not enough for the Indian Students itself. In India many are trying to join there but not getting seats, we cant fulfill our students needs also. So talking about reservation for other country students is bullshit.
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