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Puducherry home to Pakistani student

No i dont think we should do that. National Competitive edge and all. Its not about the money for these institutes, they are funded by the govt directly. You have no idea how tough it is to get into those. Really many people keep Stanford/Princeton/NUS etc as backups!

But i agree. We should have a SAARC quota in IIT/IIM's. Within that quota, it should be merit based competition for all SAARC countries treated equally. This was we get to share as well. All the seats of the quota should be added to the existing number of seats instead of marking them from the current pool.

Actually, the SAARC idea will also work. :tup:

But i agree. We should have a SAARC quota in IIT/IIM's. Within that quota, it should be merit based competition for all SAARC countries(minus India obviously) treated equally. This way we get to share good educational institutes with neighborhood countries as well. All the seats of the quota should be added to the existing number of seats instead of marking them from the current pool.

Edited my post again.

This would help build bridges with the bright stars of the rest of nations as well.
I wonder why the govt has not thought of it already!
The rest whom you call as 2nd class citizen instead have exploited muslims for 65 yrs.its for indian govt's duty to pull out the muslim masses from poverty and exploitation.and thats around 550 million muslim population of indian subcontinent who deserve more rights to resources of subcontinent .

Are you fool or simply trolling
come on sardar sahab now u cant compare the education that is dispensed in european or american universities with some unknown university in tamil nadu.....the guy couldnt get admission in some european or Pakistani university.....so he decided to head to tamil nadu...where there is no merit.

Do u even comprehend things? Do u know what u r talking? Keeping European and Pakistani universities in same bracket. :hitwall:

You really think u get admission in India since u dint get admission in great pakistani universities which are highly recognized in the world?

The rest whom you call as 2nd class citizen instead have exploited muslims for 65 yrs.its for indian govt's duty to pull out the muslim masses from poverty and exploitation.and thats around 550 million muslim population of indian subcontinent who deserve more rights to resources of subcontinent .

Better dont talk bout 550 subcontinent muslims. Agar yahi jazba hota muslims mein to partition nahin hota n ye problems bhi nahin. Pakistani muslims never saw other muslims on subcontinent with same spectacle.
No i dont think we should do that. National Competitive edge and all. Its not about the money for these institutes, they are funded by the govt directly. You have no idea how tough it is to get into those. Really many people keep Stanford/Princeton/NUS etc as backups!

But i agree. We should have a SAARC quota in IIT/IIM's. Within that quota, it should be merit based competition for all SAARC countries(minus India obviously) treated equally. This way we get to share good educational institutes with neighborhood countries as well. All the seats of the quota should be added to the existing number of seats instead of marking them from the current pool.

I disagree with the bold part. For many Indian students it's a dream to join in IITs, but many not able to get seats there because of limited seats(when comparing our population i feel it's very very less). So it's not time to think about quota for other country students.
I'll recommend both scholarship and reservation just like afghan students.

On what basis you are comparing Afghan Student with Pakistani and Bangladeshi…. India never had any Issue with Afghanistan in any circumstance.

Its actually a good idea to develop the informal relations between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Already India is planning/developing almost 9-11 new IITs/IIMs in India, so seats will eventually increase, and few of these seats can be alloted to SAARC countries. On basis of merit/entrance exam the students from all SAARC countries can compete with each other and get admission. When you consider subcontinet, the ratio is like 800 million hindus to 650 million muslims, so nobody is in minority on subcontinental level, so there should be no reservations, just study hard and compete for success.

Or Second option is even better with setting IITs/IIMs in capital cities of all SAARC countries, so that brand becomes truly multinational.
sounds like some nalaiq student from patoki village....no one is interested in indian education...pondicherry lol ...look at the name...plus its in tamil nadu that is 3000 kilometers south of kasur,punjab.

I am unhappily used to reading peculiar reactions on PDF of late, from Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Chinese alike, but this one is a really superior bit of addle-pated lunacy.

What earthly relevance do the 'points' made have to do with anything?
I'm simply telling the truth though i know its hard for you to digest it.


What is the truth?

For all the practical purposes we are partitioned...India and Pakistan are two different countries. Come to reality and stop living in lala land.
come on sardar sahab now u cant compare the education that is dispensed in european or american universities with some unknown university in tamil nadu.....the guy couldnt get admission in some european or Pakistani university.....so he decided to head to tamil nadu...where there is no merit.

Yes we will take that!
Because if an Indian is not able to get admission anywhere in the world, still he wouldn't even dream of going to pakistan for higher education. Not that there anything wrong with it. He just wont. :P
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