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Puducherry home to Pakistani student

Abhishek, this maybe an extremely nice gesture, and most opportune moment to build bridges with the future decision makers of Pakistan!
sirjee with all due respect, our current development doesn't afford us such gestures. my apologies for disappointing you.
i'm all for having exchange programs and providing education/employment opportunities to students. but reservation is a non-starter. it must be merit based
What kind of gibberish blah blah are you talking about???:blink:
Muslims have first rights to resources of india?:blink:the rest 2nd class citizens or what?
Since u live in India u should know how things work here...
Dont talk rubbish on a public forum....
People will get to know ur level of Intelligence....:hitwall:
The rest whom you call as 2nd class citizen instead have exploited muslims for 65 yrs.its for indian govt's duty to pull out the muslim masses from poverty and exploitation.and thats around 550 million muslim population of indian subcontinent who deserve more rights to resources of subcontinent .
The rest whom you call as 2nd class citizen instead have exploited muslims for 65 yrs.its for indian govt's duty to pull out the muslim masses from poverty and exploitation.and thats around 550 million muslim population of indian subcontinent who deserve more rights to resources of subcontinent .
GOI is responsible for Indian muslims but it is not responsible for PK and BD citizens. kindly talk sense
sirjee with all due respect, our current development doesn't afford us such gestures. my apologies for disappointing you
Nothing to do with development mate, it's a small gesture and I'm sure it will be reciprocated in kind!

Do you know that in Turkey, there are reserved seats for every other nationality as well, and they have been doing this since they were dirt poor. This is exactly how they have succeeded in building excellent relationship with most of the former USSR Turkic republics.

I personally know two ministers of state in Kazakhistan and Tajikistan who studied in Turkey. Now they have opened business avenues in their countries for Turkish development and construction companies, etc etc, which normally would be closed to Turkey.

Dude, look at the wider implications. We're never going to be friends, unless we start small somewhere, and what better way to start small than to start at the young-intellectual level, when the minds are fresh and unbiased. Let the future generations, who have experienced both sides of the coin be judge of what should hold true for our bilateral relations!
u need to find alternate ways to get employment for the better half.
reservation for non-indians is not even worth discussing
I'll recommend both scholarship and reservation just like afghan students.
India is a country of more than 1 billion people.....
All trying hard for a piece of Pie in life....
Since a developing country we have not attained a top notch educational standard....
We have a very few world class university and resources for the general public....
People with excellent skills get rejected in the process of admission to university due to no seats...
Things r getting pretty complicated with the already implemented reservation/quota system in India....
On top of it ur asking for reservation of paksitani and bangladeshi students?
Its not Fcuking possible....Not in the weirdest dream of anybody....
Its pakistans or bangladeshs government responsibility to build necessary institutions...
We already do admit foreign students on a small basis...not large enough to notice....
We take care of us first...then only other nationalities count..period.:drag:
GOI is responsible for Indian muslims but it is not responsible for PK and BD citizens. kindly talk sense
Your vision is for india only my vision is for subcontinent.you think like a frog in a well. and are afraid of change hence as indian you love status-quo until everything slip out of your hands like desert sand.
Your vision is for india only my vision is for subcontinent.you think like a frog in a well. and are afraid of change hence as indian you love status-quo until everything slip out of your hands like desert sand.

We know what your vision is.

Colored as it is by black.

Change your flag please. Show some spine.
Your vision is for india only my vision is for subcontinent.you think like a frog in a well. and are afraid of change hence as indian you love status-quo until everything slip out of your hands like desert sand.

Well im sorry....
We dont share ur vision...
Your vision is for india only my vision is for subcontinent.you think like a frog in a well. and are afraid of change hence as indian you love status-quo until everything slip out of your hands like desert sand.
weren't you a realist 2 pages ago?
India is a country of more than 1 billion people.....
All trying hard for a piece of Pie in life....
Since a developing country we have not attained a top notch educational standard....
We have a very few world class university and resources for the general public....
People with excellent skills get rejected in the process of admission to university due to no seats...
Things r getting pretty complicated with the already implemented reservation/quota system in India....
On top of it ur asking for reservation of paksitani and bangladeshi students?
Its not Fcuking possible....Not in the weirdest dream of anybody....
Its pakistans or bangladeshs government responsibility to build necessary institutions...
We already do admit foreign students on a small basis...not large enough to notice....
We take care of us first...then only other nationalities count..period.:drag:
Better way to overcomt that problem is to increase the number of top notch institutes propotinal to the population.GOI can also open/finance/Run such institutes in pakistan and bangladesh too.
hyperion sir, i'm afraid I am categorically against the quota/reservation system (for non-Indians and Indians alike)
Good for him he is soon going to join this. :rofl:

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