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PTM Watch

let him annouce something.....i hope the themselve make a connection with the Terrorist.....and then we will see....because TTP has already confirmed it was their boys....so PTM itself or any of it's member saying they were innocent, they would be shooting themself in the foot.....

I hope and pray PTM owns the guys

English transcript of Manzoor pashteen speech in Waziristan
This was city of attan and celebrations... then came the state and it’s evil policy that took away our right of laughter, our merriment, our attan. Every shop, every market, every house saw destruction... every person who was cause of joy and happiness of this city was beheaded. Every possible measure was taken to bring death and destruction to this city of jubilations... even if they construct 100 new markets Miranshah can never be the same Miranshah... we had emotional, mental attachment to this Bazaar... these new markets are an eye-sore for us, they have been built with our blood... this is our land, it’s construction should have been done according to our wishes, not according to wishes of your army... these are our lands, full of natural resources and minerals, it’s not state’s favor to us ... state wants to snatch our resources, our rights from us... they destroyed 12000 shops and today they have guts to tell us verify your claims to build your shops...State can do all dramas they want to, we are making our own arrangements and then we will sort out state.

All target killings that were carried out here are done at behest of GHQ’s policy... our land, our country, our resources are sacred to us like a mother... but today Lahore has occupied your land, it’s resources, insulted our motherland... this army is here to take control of our minerals and our resources... we will not let this happen ...

I ask army did you come here to terminate menace of Taliban or to loot Sawat’s Emeralds or take over Landikotal’s business or control Mehmand’s marble or snatch Waziristan’s gold? Destruction of Taliban was an excuse... but listen to me loud and clear, we will not let you occupy our motherland
I will repeat what I said last year that our processions are not just rallies but they are hands that have risen to grab you from your necks

@balixd @Horus @The Eagle
Holy shit someone needs to put a bullet in this assholes head ASAP.
look at the crowd. stupid people, they deserve another round of destruction
talked to few of their supporters lately .... they have been thoroughly brain washed.... Baat haath sai nikalti ja rai hai.... they're really poisoning the people there
this may not sit well with everyone, but I think Pakistan needs to keep history fresh in its mind in order to avoid repeating it. Sit down and negotiate with PTM, in public and in plain sight. I think the recent negotiation involving parliament is a good step. Military should not re-create the perception of fighting its own people. FATA has been merged with KPK, so this group has already lost much of its powder. You need to negotiate with them and develop ex-FATA, win hearts & minds, simultaneously. Doing so will avoid unnecessary bloodshed and will deprive PTM of its reasons for existence.


Blame the Punjabi by afgha-nazi
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