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Quoting IK recent statement about army's role in Afghan war dawar demands army should move to punjab vacate all pashtoon areas.

I struggle to understand what their issue is, do they want to join war torn Afghan & Tajik union instead?
Mofo Wazir calling Pakistan market barbadestan market...says now your (punjab) blood will spill for this land our turn is over.

I struggle to understand what their issue is, do they want to join war torn Afghan & Tajik union instead?
They also want to be part of afghan peace talks :sarcastic:
English transcript of Mohsin Dawar’s today’s speech in Waziristan

Friends this sacred soul of waziristan holds the honor of having first rally of PTM. The purpose of this procession was to inform you why this destruction took place, why your homes were destroyed. It was done for dollars. Not a single terrorist was killed. My question to Pak army is why this operation took place, what was the reason behind it. Like I said this was not Zarb e Azb this was zarb e robbery. We call upon state of Pakistan look people of this land are awake, they will not tolerate Taliban or their commanders... if you are so fond of these people relocate them to Punjab... we will not allow these people on soil of Waziristan..

We call upon these khaki uniformed personnel in whatever schools and hospitals of Waziristan they are, they should vacate our land otherwise we will have to kick them out ourselves...

When we started our movement govt called us American and Indian agents. PTM’s stance that Pakistan army is behind this terrorism was such a powerful rhetoric that Imran Khan in an interview to BBC said terrorism was launched by army means what? Now dear crowd tell me what slogan fits this scenario...
Crowd:Yeh jo dehshat.....

We pushtuns are directly affected by Afghan peace talks. Pakistan ISI nor US has right to determine our fate, only Afghans have this right...

In our Peshawar rally we demanded that Pakistan army vacate our lands. Once again we repeat our demand... go to Punjab go to Sialkot but leave our area to us .... they cannot control it they can only make terrorists...

@balixd @Horus @Irfan Baloch
English transcript of Mohsin Dawar’s today’s speech in Waziristan

Friends this sacred soul of waziristan holds the honor of having first rally of PTM. The purpose of this procession was to inform you why this destruction took place, why your homes were destroyed. It was done for dollars. Not a single terrorist was killed. My question to Pak army is why this operation took place, what was the reason behind it. Like I said this was not Zarb e Azb this was zarb e robbery. We call upon state of Pakistan look people of this land are awake, they will not tolerate Taliban or their commanders... if you are so fond of these people relocate them to Punjab... we will not allow these people on soil of Waziristan..

We call upon these khaki uniformed personnel in whatever schools and hospitals of Waziristan they are, they should vacate our land otherwise we will have to kick them out ourselves...

When we started our movement govt called us American and Indian agents. PTM’s stance that Pakistan army is behind this terrorism was such a powerful rhetoric that Imran Khan in an interview to BBC said terrorism was launched by army means what? Now dear crowd tell me what slogan fits this scenario...
Crowd:Yeh jo dehshat.....

We pushtuns are directly affected by Afghan peace talks. Pakistan ISI nor US has right to determine our fate, only Afghans have this right...

In our Peshawar rally we demanded that Pakistan army vacate our lands. Once again we repeat our demand... go to Punjab go to Sialkot but leave our area to us .... they cannot control it they can only make terrorists...

@balixd @Horus @Irfan Baloch

These people are very strange, so basically now they claim to be Afghan? Would they want to join Afghan area with Tajiks, Shia and then fight civil war with them?
English transcript of Mohsin Dawar’s today’s speech in Waziristan

Friends this sacred soul of waziristan holds the honor of having first rally of PTM. The purpose of this procession was to inform you why this destruction took place, why your homes were destroyed. It was done for dollars. Not a single terrorist was killed. My question to Pak army is why this operation took place, what was the reason behind it. Like I said this was not Zarb e Azb this was zarb e robbery. We call upon state of Pakistan look people of this land are awake, they will not tolerate Taliban or their commanders... if you are so fond of these people relocate them to Punjab... we will not allow these people on soil of Waziristan..

We call upon these khaki uniformed personnel in whatever schools and hospitals of Waziristan they are, they should vacate our land otherwise we will have to kick them out ourselves...

When we started our movement govt called us American and Indian agents. PTM’s stance that Pakistan army is behind this terrorism was such a powerful rhetoric that Imran Khan in an interview to BBC said terrorism was launched by army means what? Now dear crowd tell me what slogan fits this scenario...
Crowd:Yeh jo dehshat.....

We pushtuns are directly affected by Afghan peace talks. Pakistan ISI nor US has right to determine our fate, only Afghans have this right...

In our Peshawar rally we demanded that Pakistan army vacate our lands. Once again we repeat our demand... go to Punjab go to Sialkot but leave our area to us .... they cannot control it they can only make terrorists...

@balixd @Horus @Irfan Baloch
Thanks all lot buddy....
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