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PTM Now Has Problem with "Kalias" Watching Turkish TV Serials

No power on earth can undo Pakistan. We live by our Quaid's words. I don't care who wants borders to be erased, and a caliphate established. Pakistan won't be a part of something which erases its existence.

Enough said.

ground based people involved in 27th February were doubting this theory and i have argued with many doubters on pdf.

Prouding Afghan??? Wuuuhhh so confused
Well, did any state official replied his tweet? if not than it's all a sponsored serial.
You or me replying is not equally effective.
Hey I totally agree that this is too much.
They need to be sorted very fiercely.
They need to be hanged.
But then I realize that why the isi, establishment, army and in short state tolerate them?
Why? Do they have special love for them? No?
Then why?
May be its part of their game or something.
PTM is a dead horse. Only the CIA and Modi believe in their movement.
That's why I am openly racist against terrible tribals.
You can't reason with them as their pea sized brain is full of fake sense of superiority.
The only way is to give them a taste of their own medicine.
And no PTM is not alone in this racial supremacist nazi or Klu Klux Klan type mentality. It's a common thought among pushtoons that Punjabi is inferior and they are superior just because of their race.
Argue and reason with them and 5 minutes later they run out of anything to say and then the death threats and "Teri maa ki" been kii starts .
And the notion that they are doing "Ihsaan" on Pakistan by being with Pakistan :lol:
Visited Rawalpindi last year and i saw Puktuns and Afghans almost everywhere. Punjabis and people from the Potwar region seemed to be in the minority. There was mutual respect and tolerance between the different communities in fact nobody mentioned they were Punjabi or Pukhtun as it was irrelevant to them. Why is this so relevant to this swine of PTM? Clearly to stir racial hatred and create corruption on the land.
Visited Rawalpindi last year and i saw Puktuns and Afghans almost everywhere. Punjabis and people from the Potwar region seemed to be in the minority. There was mutual respect and tolerance between the different communities in fact nobody mentioned they were Punjabi or Pukhtun as it was irrelevant to them. Why is this so relevant to this swine of PTM? Clearly to stir racial hatred and create corruption on the land.
Try arguing with ant of those so called respectful pushtoons or Baloch , even their educated ones .
5 minutes later it will be clear to you that PTM is not alone in this mentality.
It's a cultural thinking among them and they are taught this as part of parental training.
Not all but most.
The Turks and their history is also our history, they are our Muslim brothers, we are also very similar to Turks as in culture, traditions, Islamic Fiqh, values, Adab etc.
Wish you could just love yourselves. Do you see us Turks casually saying "We love this nation or that nation"?

Just love yourselves and fvck the rest.
I don't know about your bastard kind, but we are not Indians, we are Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Kashmiris.
If anyone thinks the Afghans are anywhere close to sympathetic to Pakistanis needs to read about Hijrat movement. Our ancestors moved to Afghanistan to better follow Islam on the Afghani's own invitation and they robbed us and threw us out. Yeh aisi qaum hai jis ko pair ke neeche daba ke rakhna chahiye. Look what they did to Karachi.

That's why I am openly racist against terrible tribals.
You can't reason with them as their pea sized brain is full of fake sense of superiority.
The only way is to give them a taste of their own medicine.
And no PTM is not alone in this racial supremacist nazi or Klu Klux Klan type mentality. It's a common thought among pushtoons that Punjabi is inferior and they are superior just because of their race.
Argue and reason with them and 5 minutes later they run out of anything to say and then the death threats and "Teri maa ki" been kii starts .
And the notion that they are doing "Ihsaan" on Pakistan by being with Pakistan :lol:

We are doing them an ehsaan by letting them live amongst us. There are more Afghans in Karachi than Kabul. They have such a shithole that they can't even run one decent city.
If anyone thinks the Afghans are anywhere close to sympathetic to Pakistanis needs to read about Hijrat movement. Our ancestors moved to Afghanistan to better follow Islam on the Afghani'sb own invitation and they robbed us and threw us out. Yeh aisi qaum hai jis ko pair ke neeche daba ke rakhna chahiye. Look what they did to Karachi.

We are doing them an ehsaan by letting them live amongst us. There are more Afghans in Karachi than Kabul. They have such a shithole that they can't even run one decent city.
Some people here would be happy what they did to those during Hijrat Movement and Karachi
Some people here would be happy what they did to those during Hijrat Movement and Karachi

Afghanis are the worst snakes. Pakistan ke kaisi qismat, it's surrounded on 3 sides by snakes. Our only friend is China. We can't even say anything to Iran otherwise our hardline Shia population starts getting offended. And I blame our pussy *** government for being such wusses. Always bowing down to Sindhi nationalists urf PPP, bowing to Iran loyalists, bowing to Afghan refugees. Pakistanio ki koi fikar nahi.
Wish you could just love yourselves. Do you see us Turks casually saying "We love this nation or that nation"?

Just love yourselves and fvck the rest.
Speak for yourself mate.
You are not Erdogan's spokesperson.
I know many Turks like you despise your own Ottoman history and your history starts from after the demise of Ottoman empire.
But Ottoman history was a pan Islamic history to which all Muslims can relate.
Like it or not.
Our national language Urdu has Persian, Arabic , Turkish, Chinese, Russian and words from many languages.
Because it originated among ranks of soldiers from different regions coming under the same flag.
That happened under ottoman rule and Mughal rule.
Mughals also were from the same region all Turkic tribes were. The Mongolian steppes .
So a bit of research before issuing such sweeping statements always helps.
However I totally agree with the just of what you say. We should become a nation among ourselves first . But that still doesn't change historical facts..
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Speak for yourself mate.
You are not Erdogan's spokesperson.
I know many Turks like you despise your own Ottoman history and your history starts from after the demise of Ottoman empire.
But Ottoman history was a pan Islamic history to which all Muslims can relate.
Like it or not.
First of all i don't despise my own history. Nor any Turks on this forum.

Also, look at the older posts of the Turkish posters find me something like "We love Pakistanis, we love Pakistan"....we love our country. Or find me something like a different country flag in their avatars.

You love other countries than your country be it Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and that's a huge problem.
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