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PTM Now Has Problem with "Kalias" Watching Turkish TV Serials

It’s going to happen sooner or later... The only difference between doing it now and doing it later is that now it will be on your terms and later you will have no choice but to accept it.

Think about it... Iran is a religious nation, Afghanistan will soon be a religious nation, India is pushing their Hinduvta and relinquishing their secularism; Where will Pakistan be in all of this, you don’t in the slightest bit think any of this will leave Pakistan uninfluenced?

No power on earth can undo Pakistan. We live by our Quaid's words. I don't care who wants borders to be erased, and a caliphate established. Pakistan won't be a part of something which erases its existence.

Enough said.
The Loyi bar Afghans who think that Azad Pushtunistan is a reality are stupid. Even the Bacha Khan realized what double game Kabul was playing. India today conducted an interview and here it is.

Q. You mean the idea of Greater Pakhtoonistan is dead? Or do you mean that the concept does exist but that it's not causing any problems?
The idea never helped us. In fact, it was never a reality. Successive Afghan governments just exploited it for their own political ends. It was only towards the end of his regime that Daoud Khan had stopped talking about it. And Taraki in the early part of his regime also didn't mention it. So when I met him, I thanked him for not raising the issue. But later, even he raised the issue because he wanted to continue the problem for Pakistan. Our people suffered greatly because of all this.

This question comes up frequently - so the response typically is, what laws is he violating?

Need someone with familiarity with Pakistani laws to answer that.

He’s basically saying that Pakistan should be split up - Pashtuns becoming part of Afghanistan and the rest should be taken over by India.

I think he is openly instigating anarchy. But yes someone who is familiar with laws in Pakistan will be able to answer it better.
No power on earth can undo Pakistan. We live by our Quaid's words. I don't care who wants borders to be erased, and a caliphate established. Pakistan won't be a part of something which erases its existence.

Enough said.
Quaid himself lived by Muhammad(S.A.W) words that Muslims are but one nation.

Lol, does this chutiya had a brain f@rt? Turkish , arab identity? Lol. What showing a drama from Turkey got to do with our identity? What next? Trying to find "American identity" becuase there is plenty of stuff from Hollywood in our media?

This turd needs to be destroyed completely. We are people of Indus, we were there before any Afghan, Persian, Indian, Turk, Arab or anyone for that matter.

Tell this donkey face, that before 1947 there was no India or Indian nationality, coined by British word, there were only Paktoons, Sindhis, Punjabis, Baloch with their states in region called subcontiment. Before 100 yrs of British, 1000 years were different Muslim rulers and sultanate.

This PTM guy is re-writing history.

Afghanis has so much "inferiority complex".
Quaid himself lived by Muhammad(S.A.W) words that Muslims are but one nation.

One nation does not mean one country. How many Pakistanis are here ready for the name of Pakistan to be removed forever for a caliphate?
Inshallah, Kiyamat tak naam rahay ga iss mulk ka.
Someone should remind this dumb asshole his name which is (Ali) and surely is not an Afghan name. He identify as a Muslim which is religion originated from Middle East.
1 He should be following his Afghan religion whatever it was before islam or else shut the f up
2 He should blame his parents first for not giving him Afghan name and robbing him of his proud Afghan identity.
Tell this donkey face, that before 1947 there was no India or Indian nationality, coined by British word, there were only Paktoons, Sindhis, Punjabis, Baloch with their states in region called subcontiment. Before 100 yrs of British, 1000 years were different Muslim rulers and sultanate.

This PTM guy is re-writing history.

Afghanis has so much "inferiority complex".
they have some complex as hindu boys! gandoos alliance with safroni bhunges have ruined this proud nation! sad!
All Afghan tribes originate from Mongol hoards.
When Mongols invaded Afghanistan they mated with local women in their tens of thousands.
A DNA check will reveal plenty of chengez khan I'm every Afghan.

co-incidentally or not, he is resonating, what we have been blamed by various pdf members for years, only new is Turkish part.
Does that hint at their common masters!!!!

All Afghan tribes originate from Mongol hoards.
When Mongols invaded Afghanistan they mated with local women in their tens of thousands.
A DNA check will reveal plenty of chengez khan I'm every Afghan.

Afghan demography has been totally changed over the years.
I bet Afghans don't look like these claimants of Afghan ethnicity, no more.
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