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PTM Now Has Problem with "Kalias" Watching Turkish TV Serials

My question is how is this mdchd still roaming and spreading terrorism freely?
This question comes up frequently - so the response typically is, what laws is he violating?

Need someone with familiarity with Pakistani laws to answer that.

Prouding Afghan??? Wuuuhhh so confused
He’s basically saying that Pakistan should be split up - Pashtuns becoming part of Afghanistan and the rest should be taken over by India.
My Rant,

I am certain that watching hundreds of Hollywood movies did not make me find my history and cultural roots in Western Europe or North America.

These "Afghanis" have a 'complex' that spans hundreds of years. They don't let an opportunity go by to ridicule the culture of South Asia in order to cover for their own deficiencies. We people of South Asia have been flourishing for thousands of years and building civilizations, yet the mountain nomads claim "Pride" for reasons unknown. I want to know what even happened in Afghanistan in the past 1 million years that they are so proud of.

Even with our own history, we people of Indus, the mixtures of all Muslim armies and the people of South Asia, believe that we are Muslims first and Pakistanis second. Thank you Allah, for the wisdom you have bestowed the Muslim of South Asia. Furthermore, every Pushtoon living in Pakistan proudly claims himself to be a Pakistani and not an Afghani.

The Afghan nation needs to mature for another hundred years to attain civility. Hopefully, some Afghan leader will give more attention to their education in the coming centuries.

This does not mean that every Afghan has the complex, and refuses to exist with others, but the general trend for them has been quite similar for centuries.

I have seen Afghans traveling into Pakistan to eventually attain humility and manner. So the problem is definitely inside Afghanistan. However, PTM seems to translate that problem from Afghanistan into Pakistan for some reason. Establishment, do something.


Not all Afghans belong to the Ummah of the Prophet, and the same is true with some Pakistanis... Since day 1 I've had a positive view of Pakistan, the statements of that guy reflects only his personal opinion and I urge that you look at it as just that.

I understand its becoming more and more frustrating to tolerate these folks, but just remember the average Afghan in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a poor man who can barely feed his family.

Well said brother. I am copying this but I will mention your name with it.
Pakistan was created on the basis of religion otherwise a Kashmiri has nothing in common with a Sindhi and a Pashtun has nothing in common with a Punjabi except religion.

Thank you Bro. It's like Rasulullah said "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black, nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action." (The last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad),

but some of us just don't believe in that...

There is a hard border between us and India, and we are two different races, with two different origins.

Furthermore, there is no hard division between Pakistan and Afghanistan. People on the border are the same on each side.

Well said brother. I am copying this but I will mention your name with it.
Pakistan was created on the basis of religion otherwise a Kashmiri has nothing in common with a Sindhi and a Pashtun has nothing in common with a Punjabi except religion.

Afghans are also part of that culture and civilization which brought Islam to our region. We have been united in the same empires together since we embraced Islam.

My Rant,

I am certain that watching hundreds of Hollywood movies did not make me find my history and cultural roots in Western Europe or North America.

These "Afghanis" have a 'complex' that spans hundreds of years. They don't let an opportunity go by to ridicule the culture of South Asia in order to cover for their own deficiencies. We people of South Asia have been flourishing for thousands of years and building civilizations, yet the mountain nomads claim "Pride" for reasons unknown. I want to know what even happened in Afghanistan in the past 1 million years that they are so proud of.

Even with our own history, we people of Indus, the mixtures of all Muslim armies and the people of South Asia, believe that we are Muslims first and Pakistanis second. Thank you Allah, for the wisdom you have bestowed the Muslim of South Asia. Furthermore, every Pushtoon living in Pakistan proudly claims himself to be a Pakistani and not an Afghani.

The Afghan nation needs to mature for another hundred years to attain civility. Hopefully, some Afghan leader will give more attention to their education in the coming centuries.

This does not mean that every Afghan has the complex, and refuses to exist with others, but the general trend for them has been quite similar for centuries.

I have seen Afghans traveling into Pakistan to eventually attain humility and manner. So the problem is definitely inside Afghanistan. However, PTM seems to translate that problem from Afghanistan into Pakistan for some reason. Establishment, do something.

Ethnic nationalist Afghans are the same kind of mindset as Arab and Iranian ethnic nationalists. They worship their race and put down anyone who is not part of what they see their culture as.

Most of the time, they are anti-Islam, or they completely ignore religion as it pertains to identity.

It is a strange mindset which has no relation to reality.

They are like Pakistan's 90s ethnic fanatics who are now a dead breed. Alhamdililah.


Not all Afghans belong to the Ummah of the Prophet, and the same is true with some Pakistanis... Since day 1 I've had a positive view of Pakistan, the statements of that guy reflects only his personal opinion and I urge that you look at it as just that.

I understand its becoming more and more frustrating to tolerate these folks, but just remember the average Afghan in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a poor man who can barely feed his family.

Thank you Bro. It's like Rasulullah said "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black, nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action." (The last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad),

but some of us just don't believe in that...

I have always had positive impressions of Afghans, because I met them in Lahore and surrounding areas from masajid and conferences.

Afghans always respect anyone who has the Islamic mindset. Actually many take Pakistani scholars as their teachers. This is even when many Pakistanis try to pretend to be modern and liberal like the West. We can learn so much from the lovely and kind people of Afghanistan.

When US invaded Afghanistan, I heard first hand from refugees who were injured or lost family in those indiscriminate bombings. I sympathize greatly with their suffering.

Unfortunately Musharraf did everything to victimize them and to shut down Islamic learning in Pakistan. Many Afghan Islamic students had to leave for this reason.

Actually, we are the same people and not much different. Afghans are our friends and allies, not our enemies.

Unfortunately certain sections of Pakistan have taken it upon themselves to demonize all Afghans for the crimes of NDS and RAW agents.

Pakistanis are proud Muslims, we love our religion Islam and it unites us as brothers and sisters. The Turks and their history is also our history, they are our Muslim brothers, we are also very similar to Turks as in culture, traditions, Islamic Fiqh, values, Adab etc.

This dude AliWazir needs to be taken care of but then again we could use him to make our self stronger. It's all in the mindset. We can be Punjabi Kashmiri Sindhi Balochi Kashmiri and Islam unites us all. We can be from Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar, Islam unites us. We can be from different tribes but Islam unites us. Some people misunderstand this concept of Tribes, nations etc. They think its anti Islamic but what's wrong is when people misuse it, Islam is against discrimination and racism based on anything. You could be a doctor and discriminating a cleaner. In our religion they both are equal.
Didn't same Ali Wazir threaten non-pashtuns of Afghanistan to accept Ghani as their baba? My guess after US finally pulls out, pure Afghan pashtun state is possible.

Pakistanis are proud Muslims, we love our religion Islam and it unites us as brothers and sisters. The Turks and their history is also our history, they are our Muslim brothers, we are also very similar to Turks as in culture, traditions, Islamic Fiqh, values, Adab etc.

This dude AliWazir needs to be taken care of but then again we could use him to make our self stronger. It's all in the mindset. We can be Punjabi Kashmiri Sindhi Balochi Kashmiri and Islam unites us all. We can be from Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar, Islam unites us. We can be from different tribes but Islam unites us. Some people misunderstand this concept of Tribes, nations etc. They think its anti Islamic but what's wrong is when people misuse it, Islam is against discrimination and racism based on anything. You could be a doctor and discriminating a cleaner. In our religion they both are equal.
He has no feelings for Afghans otherwise where was his outrage of the deaths of Afghan migrants by Iranian guards? He is creating racism and openly targetting Punjabis.
This question comes up frequently - so the response typically is, what laws is he violating?

Need someone with familiarity with Pakistani laws to answer that.

He’s basically saying that Pakistan should be split up - Pashtuns becoming part of Afghanistan and the rest should be taken over by India.
In inda what we see if somebody say anything against state get sedition charges.
There are many examples.why we dont have laws like this?
In india he would have long gone killed or behind the bar but in Pakistan you can say anything to state and armed forces.
In inda what we see if somebody say anything against state get sedition charges.
There are many examples.why we dont have laws like this?
In india he would have long gone killed or behind the bar but in Pakistan you can say anything to state and armed forces.

Forget India, they will find any excuse to put minorities in jail or beat them on the street. The last case I saw was a police officer beating a Muslim for hugging another Muslim, and Hindu mobs showed up with sticks to beat him too.

Look at Turkey, Iran, Arab gulf countries, can anyone get away with insulting the government and siding with terrorists of an enemy state?

Since when is Afghan an ethnicity? It's Pashtun.

But this is our Government's fault, they keep giving them excuses to peddle against us. It was stupid of Government to throw a foreign show up so high, and it was stupid of them not to issue any statement, action at all when Arif Wazir was killed.

We're literally giving them excuses against us... can we get anymore incompetent?

The forces of nationalism will be brought to the fore when Religion is not strong in the state, when Religion is weak nationalism will be strong, when religion is strong nationalism will be weak.

Well said brother. I am copying this but I will mention your name with it.
Pakistan was created on the basis of religion otherwise a Kashmiri has nothing in common with a Sindhi and a Pashtun has nothing in common with a Punjabi except religion.

And when religion gets too strong, then there will be no Pakistan either. People would look towards a global Caliphate.

So your point?
The forces of nationalism will be brought to the fore when Religion is not strong in the state, when Religion is weak nationalism will be strong, when religion is strong nationalism will be weak.
Religion been used many times in this region.... need something else to sell.
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