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PTM Now Has Problem with "Kalias" Watching Turkish TV Serials

I think you need to limit the term just like US/Indonesia and some other democracy do.
In 1980 there was a military coup and constitution re-written by the junta. Later junta removed itself, elections took place and a civilian government formed again. However to change constitution parliament should pass the new constitution with %80 of the votes or they can take it to referendum for individual clauses. Meaning it is very hard to change the constitution with the current constitution

As for Erdogan's AKP, their party constitution says that they can't serve more than 3 terms. Erdogan did 3 terms as prime minister than switched to being president saying it is not against party constitution. Parliamenters who did 3 terms didn't nominated themselves for the 4th term but they renewed elections after 2 months and got elected again saying it is not against party constitution. :rolleyes:

I agree with all of this but his aggressive Turkification (especially on Kurds) seems to be the historical focal point that fueled for Kurdish insurgency in later decades.
Well, think of this. Ottoman Empire was living for 6 centuries. Sultan was not only sultan but also was a caliph. Ottomans had the Caliphate since centuries. Ataturk ended this over a night, abolished sultanate and caliphate at the same time. He needed an adhesive. Nationalism was the only instrument available to him for the new republic. There was no better option.
Saw this later.

This is what i'm talking about. I'm not saying you should go Ummah or nationalism or whatever...and it is not that important imo. But i'm feeling you are looking up to other countries so much be, it Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia.

But Ummah stuff is BS. Like you said not everyone in Turkey is like that and stuff. Yeah, when you ask them they say Ummah this, Ummah that. Then ask them what do you think of Arabs and see the racism against Arabs.
I guess you got it a bit wrong.
Pakistani feel happy for success of other Muslim countries because we consider them our own people by virtue of shared religion, history and probably blood lines .
It's not that we want Turkey, China or Sudia to come and fix Pakistan.
Well, think of this. Ottoman Empire was living for 6 centuries. Sultan was not only sultan but also was a caliph. Ottomans had the Caliphate since centuries. Ataturk ended this over a night, abolished sultanate and caliphate at the same time. Nationalism was the only instrument available to him for the new republic. There was no better option.
I agree though I believe anything extreme is dangerous in the long run, maybe Kurds could have been accommodated better but anyways Long live Kemalism.
I agree though I believe anything extreme is dangerous in the long run, maybe Kurds could have been accommodated better but anyways Long live Kemalism.
Yeah, Ataturk's nationalism was not extreme. Though everything went extreme after decades be it Kemalism for banning headscarft. Or Turkish Nationalism by Nationalist Party whom inspected people's skull shape to decide whether they are Turk or not. Or political Islam whose leader said "Sharia will come to Turkey it is not a question, the question is whether it will be by blood or not". So, army intervened numerous times to keep things under control.
I guess you got it a bit wrong.
Pakistani feel happy for success of other Muslim countries because we consider them our own people by virtue of shared religion, history and probably blood lines .
It's not that we want Turkey, China or Sudia to come and fix Pakistan.
If it's like that fine but i see more than that.
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