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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.


Hospital ka chanda treats 67% cancer patients for free. Its open to even haters like yourself.
Sir ji i was referring to political chanda appeal to Meengla for expenses of this azaadi march
It make sense to ask for chanda for hospital where some poor might get free treatment evntough i have seen many people complained that its not free
It make sense to ask for chanda for hospital where some poor might get free treatment evntough i have seen many people complained that its not free
It is not possible to offer absolutely free treatment to all in a huge and well-maintained hospital that requires lot of funds to operate. SKMCH is not expensive by Pakistani standards and people are granted the option to pay for the treatment as per their capability in it. Those who can pay, should pay. Cancer treatment is extremely expensive.

In contrast, government hospitals are ill-maintained and neglected. Heck, poor patients are often refused treatment in them.
PTI dharna at 3pm today

Clearly N-league supporters are getting very frustrated because they love to see a heavily corrupt Pakistan with no vision, No basic amenities such as clean drinking water, corrupt justice system, electricity already in shambles which is getting worse and the list goes on.
I completely support ISI taking over and hanging corrupt politicians, burykats and jernails. ISI has to clean its mess within the ranks and in the country.
Imran Khan apologises to ex-CJ only to attack him again

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman, Imran Khan after tendering his apology to the former chief justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhammd Chaudhry earlier in the day, attacked him again in the evening by accusing him of involvement in the alleged poll rigging.

“Whenever there would be an investigation it would come out that Iftikhar Chaudhry was involved in the rigging,” Imran Khan claimed while addressing the sit-inners of his ‘Dharna’ in front of the Parliament House located in the Red Zone of the capital city.

Full article with other details here:

Imran Khan apologises to ex-CJ only to attack him again - thenews.com.pk
Imran Khan apologises to ex-CJ only to attack him again

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman, Imran Khan after tendering his apology to the former chief justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhammd Chaudhry earlier in the day, attacked him again in the evening by accusing him of involvement in the alleged poll rigging.

“Whenever there would be an investigation it would come out that Iftikhar Chaudhry was involved in the rigging,” Imran Khan claimed while addressing the sit-inners of his ‘Dharna’ in front of the Parliament House located in the Red Zone of the capital city.

Full article with other details here:

Imran Khan apologises to ex-CJ only to attack him again - thenews.com.pk
Guss what?
He should take out his MIANWALLI Sandles , & should beat the hell out of mote carlo justice mafia chief?
Less then that, I am not happy?
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