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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

Aren't we in that dark place already given the history?

Not sure. You and I continue to differ on the role and the extent of the involvement of the 'hidden forces'.
Perhaps a deal has been reached to make the PM to resign for 30 days, the marchers head back home, the judicial inquiry proceeds. I can live with that.

@Chak Bamu @Meengla @Jazzbot @Leader @ajpirzada @Emmie

BB used to call Hamid Mir 'the best informed journalist' when people like me had not even heard of him. He has connections and people approach him with stories. It is a given that a well-informed journalist would often come against conflict of interest issues. They can hardly avoid these things while maintaining their sources.

In any case SMQ is the big honcho, and many have been openly talking of him influencing IK to his own personal advantage. In case someone still does not see it, SMQ has successfully maneuvered PTI into a position where it can not exit without a major shake up. His critics from within PTI are slowly being weeded out. Journalist Haroon Rasheed has been disgraced, Javed Hashmi is in process of being side-lined. Common people are increasingly questioning IK's decisions without realizing SMQ's influence. SMQ is younger, has time, and knows how to leverage his position. This is another factor that spells defeat for PTI in the current situation.

The future prospects and direction of PTI politics is an interesting subject. If I write about it, I would be sure to mention SMQ as an important player - bigger perhaps than IK.
Not sure. You and I continue to differ on the role and the extent of the involvement of the 'hidden forces'.
Perhaps a deal has been reached to make the PM to resign for 30 days, the marchers head back home, the judicial inquiry proceeds. I can live with that.

There is no legal mechanism for such a time-limited "resignation". Anything along these lines would have to be an artificial and shaky construct, likely by coercion. Let's see how this circus show ends.
Final touches being given.

I predict an end to Dharna politics one way or the other in a short while.

Gen. Raheel Sharif is about to become real unpopular with certain gullible and vocal sections of our society.
Final touches being given.

I predict an end to Dharna politics one way or the other in a short while.

Gen. Raheel Sharif is about to become real unpopular with certain gullible and vocal sections of our society.

The devil will be hiding in the details as to what "accommodations" were wrung out of NS for him to keep his seat.
Final touches being given.

I predict an end to Dharna politics one way or the other in a short while.

Gen. Raheel Sharif is about to become real unpopular with certain gullible and vocal sections of our society.

Not hard to guess who they might be! :)
Just like Dawn--the best news source in Pakistan--has become unpopular lately.

So what's the scoop? Dont worry if your predictions/guesses get wrong--most of us here are only guessing.
The devil will be hiding in the details as to what "accommodations" were wrung out of NS for him to keep his seat.
What ever that could have been wrung out is not so difficult to guess. PML-N would be well-advised to focus solely on efficiency of internal economy & governance, and leave aside trade with India for couple of years. This is not just something that interests Army. I can guess by myself that it is indeed an over-driving need of the hour because Indians have opted for a course of action that would have brushed aside 'confidence-building' measures anyway. Do not ask me for analysis though.

Not hard to guess who they might be! :)
Just like Dawn--the best news source in Pakistan--has become unpopular lately.

So what's the scoop? Dont worry if your predictions/guesses get wrong--most of us here are only guessing.

Gen Raheel Sharif and NS met for a couple of hours. Had the meeting been short, there would be very little to think of it. But in the back-drop of pending visit of Chinese delegation, the meeting assumes significance beyond the usual. Our army gives a lot of weight to China and it must not have been difficult to convince Gen. Raheel to come around. I am upset with myself for not thinking about this earlier.

I think all that was required was for NS to do nothing for a few days and then point out the obvious to Gen. Raheel.

If I were to extend my speculation, some things must have been agreed to. These could include resignation of SS on top of things already negotiated.

SMQ emerges as the winner in all this if you see things as I see them. I had been suspecting his role for the past one week. I knew about tension between SMQ and Javed Hashmi, my suspicions were confirmed by Hamid Mir column - enough that I could confidently write about it.
What ever that could have been wrung out is not so difficult to guess. PML-N would be well-advised to focus solely on efficiency of internal economy & governance, and leave aside trade with India for couple of years. This is not just something that interests Army. I can guess by myself that it is indeed an over-driving need of the hour because Indians have opted for a course of action that would have brushed aside 'confidence-building' measures anyway. Do not ask me for analysis though.

Gen Raheel Sharif and NS met for a couple of hours. Had the meeting been short, there would be very little to think of it. But in the back-drop of pending visit of Chinese delegation, the meeting assumes significance beyond the usual. Our army gives a lot of weight to China and it must not have been difficult to convince Gen. Raheel to come around. I am upset with myself for not thinking about this earlier.

I think all that was required was for NS to do nothing for a few days and then point out the obvious to Gen. Raheel.

If I were to extend my speculation, some things must have been agreed to. These could include resignation of SS on top of things already negotiated.

SMQ emerges as the winner in all this if you see things as I see them. I had been suspecting his role for the past one week. I knew about tension between SMQ and Javed Hashmi, my suspicions were confirmed by Hamid Mir column - enough that I could confidently write about it.

I really do not understand why these killer are hiding behind Army. Well time is short for them and hell is waiting for them
What ever that could have been wrung out is not so difficult to guess. PML-N would be well-advised to focus solely on efficiency of internal economy & governance, and leave aside trade with India for couple of years. This is not just something that interests Army. I can guess by myself that it is indeed an over-driving need of the hour because Indians have opted for a course of action that would have brushed aside 'confidence-building' measures anyway. Do not ask me for analysis though.

Summary: Hands off Defense and Foreign Policy for only the Army controls it! That would be bad for Pakistan in the long run, just as letting General Musharraf go. Short term thinking wins again.
The devil will be hiding in the details as to what "accommodations" were wrung out of NS for him to keep his seat.

clearly nawaz fails again to be fit for the top office of the country.. couldnt figure out a political solution... except for stupid counter rallies !
This warning has been sent to me by CHAK BAMU a moderator on this forum, I ask other members where did i went wrong.

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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.
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I dont have right to speak or write
clearly nawaz fails again to be fit for the top office of the country.. couldnt figure out a political solution... except for stupid counter rallies !

Stupid and corrupt NS may be, but he is the elected PM. Deal with it and try again in the next elections.
@Chak Bamu ,
Now it is almost certain the 'corrupt' Parliament is going to stay and PMLN govt is going to stay--two big defeats for PAT/PTI combine.
And I am okay with NS playing second fiddle on India-policy at this time. I also expect him to not be vengeful toward Musharraf. I know on these I differ with @syed Ali haider.
As to SMQ vs Jawed Hashmi: I don't particularly care. It is PTI internal matter. But it does shed light on their immature, oligarchic, and cultist decision-making process.
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