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PTI Jalsa @ Minar-e-Pakistan: Karar daad-e-Naya Pakistan

Now this was the discussion i really wanted. We have tried nawaz for three times in 25 years what do u expect from him now, he had his last chance until ppp wasruling the country. Of he really wanted to do good for pakisatn he should come to streets and wallah if he had done that today i had to support him but he gave his free hand to zardari and let him looted all the country so for the next time he can do the same. These pwople are democratic they just want to make money enjoy power thats all.nawaz is not a leader he is a biggest fool je was fooled by mushi andzardari. Nawaz cant do anything

I am not supporter of PMLN but i favour it only because of its determination for the development of Pakistan. Don't be so conservative when you said that they did nothing however i will advise you to do some home work on their performance. Yes, it was their mistake not to stand when they should although they are sincere to Pakistan more than PPP. We shouldn't expel status only because of their mistake. PMLN was forced to leave by Musharraf's brilliant strategies. Any way PMLN deserves to get chance for next 5 years. PTI is a test tube baby.
What happened to Qadri the Canadian cleric? Is he also launching a party or has he joined someone else?
I am not supporter of PMLN but i favour it only because of its determination for the development of Pakistan. Don't be so conservative when you said that they did nothing however i will advise you to do some home work on their performance. Yes, it was their mistake not to stand when they should although they are sincere to Pakistan more than PPP. We shouldn't expel status only because of their mistake. PMLN was forced to leave by Musharraf's brilliant strategies. Any way PMLN deserves to get chance for next 5 years. PTI is a test tube baby.

Mush was a soldier, he had signed up to give his life to protect his country. He coulndnt watch his beloved Pakistan be trampled by the likes of Nawas.
Nothing pisses off aam junta more than seeing politicians gulping down mineral water. :astagh:
I am not supporter of PMLN but i favour it only because of its determination for the development of Pakistan. Don't be so conservative when you said that they did nothing however i will advise you to do some home work on their performance. Yes, it was their mistake not to stand when they should although they are sincere to Pakistan more than PPP. We shouldn't expel status only because of their mistake. PMLN was forced to leave by Musharraf's brilliant strategies. Any way PMLN deserves to get chance for next 5 years. PTI is a test tube baby.

Next 5 year to come and loot us thats not fair i know what nawaz did je launched the taxi scheme and now he launched the bus. People need jobs here they need money . I couldnt underatand if people have no money why they will travel in taxi. Yes the bus project is the good one but do u really think out of ll punjab the most serious issue was to fix public transort for lahore only. I remember when he attacked supreme court but he learnt fo tht mistake and did his job to get pakisan first atonomous supreme court thats called.learning from mistkes.but he did a big blunder by supporting this govt for 5 years. Enough of his intentions i can see what he'll do once he is in power
Live Streem Servers had its first hickup at 5:48pm PST... lets burn some of their servers tonight. :tup: 22 thousands watching so far, average increase is 3-5 minutes for next thousand viewers.
The Reason IK looks a little tired , is that he has not Slept in last 24 hours .
He should sing his old anthem...junoon se aur ishq se milti hai azadi.....that will be the blast
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