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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

Political survival does not necessarily mean that one should cling to every single political party that comes into power. As for you suggesting that they were 'diehard PML (N) guys', if it had been so; they would've preferred sticking to PML (N) under Javaid Hashmi or later on, Shahbaz Sharif. Moreover, what 'deal' are you even referring to? Saudi Arabia and the United States applied pressure upon Musharraf, and hea greed to exile Nawaz Sharif in return for monetary payment. Many nations issued mercy appeals when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was being executed. Had he been exiled instead, would you say that he signed a deal with Zia ul Haq too? Did Imran Khan also sign a deal with Musharraf when Imran Khan was released from jail? So please, don't make things up.

Again, that is your opinion. Political survival can mean different things to different people. If Nawaz Sharif was so against those who left PML(N) to form PML(Q); he would not have brought many of them back to PML(N) in 2013/14. Surely Nawaz Sharif had no problem with such 'beyghairats' like you seem to have. Bottomline is, Nawaz Sharif signed a deal with Musharraf and escaped to Saudi Arabia to live a life of luxury instead of making sacrifice for his cause. Let us also not forget the NRO. This is what rubs salt into the wounds of all jiyalas and patwaris ==> the fact that Imran Khan never signed any NRO because he never had any black money to hide, nor other crimes. Also worth mentioning is the All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM) under which PML(N) first stated it would not contest 2008 elections under a dictator and then later on, did exactly that.

First of all, signing agreements with dictators should be no problem. You see, politics is a game of tactics and agreements. It involves giving something and gaining something in written. Therefore, agreements between political figures is normal. Of course, criticism is bound to follow.

Finally, Musharraf most likely would've been punished for his crimes had not PTIs Azadi March severely weakened the government. Right now, it is the military who have the real power.

Funny now you suddenly became pragmatic when it comes to signing agreements with dictators; but were quick to label PML(Q) folks as 'beyghairat' for leaving PML(N) to side with Musharraf (a sort of agreement / political understanding as well). Either you agree both PML(Q) and Nawaz Sharif are equally 'beyghairat' or equally pragmatic political actors. You cannot call someone else 'beyghairat' but when your own guy does the same, you begin preaching 'political pragmatism'.

As for Musharraf trial, yeah sure blame PTI for that too as is a custom of N-League politicians and supporters to blame PTI for everything. Military has always had the power, PTI's Azadi March did not affect that. There is a reason why Nawaz Sharif does not even have a Foreign Minister because he knows he gets dictation from the Military about Pakistan's foreign policy from day one.
Imran Khan promising an end to corruption and terrorism here. I'll go and link the YouTube video as well if this doesn't satisfy your ignorant mind.

PTI will end corruption in 19 days, terrorism in 90 days: Imran Khan

PTI KPK President and Speaker of KPK Assembly, Asad Qaiser corruption scandal here.

Now stop bitching about dhandli, and keep that vulgar mouth of yours shut.

Worry about your BULLET TRAIN... leave corruption and terrorism to Imran Khan to deal with. You talk as if Punjab isn't infested with terrorists, many of whom PML(N) has links with. A simple stroll around Jhang is enough to shame PML(N).

Atleast Difah-e-Pakistan terrorists haven't shown up in Peshawar to do jalsa like they do openly in Islamabad and Lahore making a mockery of Nawaz Sharif and his government.. terrorists like Hafiz Saeed, Ludhianvi, Fazlur Rehman Khalil, etc. From Jamat-ud-Dawa to Sipah-e-Sahaba to Ahle Sunnat Wal Juma'at. You name it, and most likely that terrorist organization has its roots in Punjab.

Khwaja Saad Rafique admitting beyghairatly that his 'bullet train' claims were just empty lies he told people to get votes.

Prove that!

Rangers’ report blames MQM for Baldia factory fire - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

You are welcome to get the full Joint Investigation Team report from the authorities. MQM has been incriminated in the Baldia Town factory fire. It was torched by MQM thugs.

And if you have 'hosla', you can try watching this with a hand on your heart

Khara Sach 9th Feb. 2015

Again, that is your opinion. Political survival can mean different things to different people. If Nawaz Sharif was so against those who left PML(N) to form PML(Q); he would not have brought many of them back to PML(N) in 2013/14. Surely Nawaz Sharif had no problem with such 'beyghairats' like you seem to have. Bottomline is, Nawaz Sharif signed a deal with Musharraf and escaped to Saudi Arabia to live a life of luxury instead of making sacrifice for his cause. Let us also not forget the NRO. This is what rubs salt into the wounds of all jiyalas and patwaris ==> the fact that Imran Khan never signed any NRO because he never had any black money to hide, nor other crimes. Also worth mentioning is the All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM) under which PML(N) first stated it would not contest 2008 elections under a dictator and then later on, did exactly that.
In response to your first statement, I'd agree that PML (N) did accept back many people who had abandoned the party. However, they most likely had legitimate reasons to abandon PML (N). In any case, like I mentioned that politics is a game of tactics and strategies. It is also possible that PML (N) accepted back many from PML (Q) in order to weaken the latter. Moving on, even Musharraf admitted that Nawaz Sharif was going to be hanged had not King Fahd intervened; therefore I see no problem in Nawaz Sharif signing an agreement with a dictator to save his own life. You must also keep in mind that Musharraf was a rather 'popular dictator' early on which made agreements signed with him no big deal. As for NRO, I'll openly state that Nawaz Sharif may have taken part in corruption. Btw, stop calling me "jiyalas and patwaris" lol. I don't even like PML (N) but to have an argument with someone from PTI, I am forced to support PML (N). Moving on, whilst PML (N) did participate in the elections, they withdrew within a week. I could use the same argument by saying that if Imran Khan knew that rigging had taken place, he should have never accepted the results.

Funny now you suddenly became pragmatic when it comes to signing agreements with dictators; but were quick to label PML(Q) folks as 'beyghairat' for leaving PML(N) to side with Musharraf (a sort of agreement / political understanding as well). Either you agree both PML(Q) and Nawaz Sharif are equally 'beyghairat' or equally pragmatic political actors. You cannot call someone else 'beyghairat' but when your own guy does the same, you begin preaching 'political pragmatism'.
Signing agreements is one thing and becoming allied with one is another thing. Personally, I have no idea what 'muk muka' is even supposed to mean so let's move into the next part which is that from 1997 - 2013, members of PML (Q) [who still are in the party] allied with very single political party that came into power. Be it PML (N), PML (Q) itself or PPP.

As for Musharraf trial, yeah sure blame PTI for that too as is a custom of N-League politicians and supporters to blame PTI for everything. Military has always had the power, PTI's Azadi March did not affect that. There is a reason why Nawaz Sharif does not even have a Foreign Minister because he knows he gets dictation from the Military about Pakistan's foreign policy from day one.
I'll admit that the military has always had power, however they need a valid casus belli. The military can only hope to control a civilian government by threatening a coup d'état. However, if the civilian government is widely supported, it makes any military coup d'état impossible. The same was the case for PML (N). In the history of Pakistan and India, PM Nawaz Sharifs visit to the inauguration of PM Narendra Modi was the first of its kind. But after the Azadi March, popularity of PML (N) has drastically decreased whilst that of the military has surged. We're in a position where the military could just take over for any minor reason and no one would complain. That's why Nawaz and Modi don't even send each other mangoes and saris now (LMAO), and that is the reason why we have military courts.

Worry about your BULLET TRAIN... leave corruption and terrorism to Imran Khan to deal with. You talk as if Punjab isn't infested with terrorists, many of whom PML(N) has links with. A simple stroll around Jhang is enough to shame PML(N).

Atleast Difah-e-Pakistan terrorists haven't shown up in Peshawar to do jalsa like they do openly in Islamabad and Lahore making a mockery of Nawaz Sharif and his government.. terrorists like Hafiz Saeed, Ludhianvi, Fazlur Rehman Khalil, etc. From Jamat-ud-Dawa to Sipah-e-Sahaba to Ahle Sunnat Wal Juma'at. You name it, and most likely that terrorist organization has its roots in Punjab.

Khwaja Saad Rafique admitting beyghairatly that his 'bullet train' claims were just empty lies he told people to get votes.

Rangers’ report blames MQM for Baldia factory fire - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

You are welcome to get the full Joint Investigation Team report from the authorities. MQM has been incriminated in the Baldia Town factory fire. It was torched by MQM thugs.

And if you have 'hosla', you can try watching this with a hand on your heart

Khara Sach 9th Feb. 2015

To be honest, people make up pretty bizarre lies during election campaigns. I'll help you out... Shahbaz Sharif promised to drag Zardari on Pakistans roads.
Worry about your BULLET TRAIN... leave corruption and terrorism to Imran Khan to deal with. You talk as if Punjab isn't infested with terrorists, many of whom PML(N) has links with. A simple stroll around Jhang is enough to shame PML(N).

Atleast Difah-e-Pakistan terrorists haven't shown up in Peshawar to do jalsa like they do openly in Islamabad and Lahore making a mockery of Nawaz Sharif and his government.. terrorists like Hafiz Saeed, Ludhianvi, Fazlur Rehman Khalil, etc. From Jamat-ud-Dawa to Sipah-e-Sahaba to Ahle Sunnat Wal Juma'at. You name it, and most likely that terrorist organization has its roots in Punjab.

Khwaja Saad Rafique admitting beyghairatly that his 'bullet train' claims were just empty lies he told people to get votes.

Rangers’ report blames MQM for Baldia factory fire - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

You are welcome to get the full Joint Investigation Team report from the authorities. MQM has been incriminated in the Baldia Town factory fire. It was torched by MQM thugs.

And if you have 'hosla', you can try watching this with a hand on your heart

Khara Sach 9th Feb. 2015

Khara such is like mine Khara xyz don't quote that lifafa man, and that JIT report went in dust bin as court dismissed it. Do you in touch with this incident or just wake up?
In response to your first statement, I'd agree that PML (N) did accept back many people who had abandoned the party. However, they most likely had legitimate reasons to abandon PML (N). In any case, like I mentioned that politics is a game of tactics and strategies. It is also possible that PML (N) accepted back many from PML (Q) in order to weaken the latter. Moving on, even Musharraf admitted that Nawaz Sharif was going to be hanged had not King Fahd intervened; therefore I see no problem in Nawaz Sharif signing an agreement with a dictator to save his own life. You must also keep in mind that Musharraf was a rather 'popular dictator' early on which made agreements signed with him no big deal. As for NRO, I'll openly state that Nawaz Sharif may have taken part in corruption. Btw, stop calling me "jiyalas and patwaris" lol. I don't even like PML (N) but to have an argument with someone from PTI, I am forced to support PML (N). Moving on, whilst PML (N) did participate in the elections, they withdrew within a week. I could use the same argument by saying that if Imran Khan knew that rigging had taken place, he should have never accepted the results.

Signing agreements is one thing and becoming allied with one is another thing. Personally, I have no idea what 'muk muka' is even supposed to mean so let's move into the next part which is that from 1997 - 2013, members of PML (Q) [who still are in the party] allied with very single political party that came into power. Be it PML (N), PML (Q) itself or PPP.

That only makes it worse. It's bad enough that Nawaz Sharif didn't think his life was worth sacrificing for the nation and flew away to a life of luxury in Saudi Arabia by signing an agreement with a dictator - but it gets worse because he signed an agreement with the guy who was about to hang him and yet, now, Musharraf is enjoying life without any fear of jail time or execution under the government of the same guy whom he almost hanged.

C'mon bruh, don't say 'Nawaz Sharif may have taken part in corruption'. He did, its a fact. Not a matter of opinion or speculation. When you make such statements, it goes to show you are being disingenuous and then you make it worse by saying that you 'appear' to support PML(N) in arguments with PTI supporters just for the thrill of it.

And then you are muddling the discussion by discussing Musharraf and PML(N)'s withdrawal one week after 2008 elections in the same breath. We know that PML(N) did not resign from the federal parliament regarding Musharraf; nor was it over 'dhandli', it resigned because of disagreement over the judiciary with PPP. We also know that PML(N) continued its rule in Punjab despite all this. So PML(N) has been ruling Punjab continuously for almost seven+ yrs now.

'muk muka' can be translated as meaning 'reconciliation' in a negative way. Thats why PPP and PML(N) kept playing friendly match between them all these years since Charter of Democracy. I still do not see why you are stuck with PML(Q) since MQM does the same thing, clinging to any party in power and no one in PML(N) or PPP has a problem with that.

I'll admit that the military has always had power, however they need a valid casus belli. The military can only hope to control a civilian government by threatening a coup d'état. However, if the civilian government is widely supported, it makes any military coup d'état impossible. The same was the case for PML (N). In the history of Pakistan and India, PM Nawaz Sharifs visit to the inauguration of PM Narendra Modi was the first of its kind. But after the Azadi March, popularity of PML (N) has drastically decreased whilst that of the military has surged. We're in a position where the military could just take over for any minor reason and no one would complain. That's why Nawaz and Modi don't even send each other mangoes and saris now (LMAO), and that is the reason why we have military courts.

To be honest, people make up pretty bizarre lies during election campaigns. I'll help you out... Shahbaz Sharif promised to drag Zardari on Pakistans roads.

Why would military threaten a coup? They had more reasons to launch a coup when PPP was in power but they did not. Popularity of PML(N) was bound to decrease, PTI's Azadi March only added momentum to it, not necessarily create it. The people of Pakistan are not blind when their Prime Minister goes to enemy country and takes his sons and family members who all then meet Indian businessmen off the record to do their own business not the business of the Pakistani state. That is why Nawaz Sharif's visit to India was denounced by everyone, especially his terrorist friends from Punjab's militant groups and the religious political parties that harbor them.

PTI exposed that,

Mazari proves Sharifs are lying about business with India | Pakistan Today

If you think Modi is a friend of Pakistan, you are sadly mistaken.

Khara such is like mine Khara xyz don't quote that lifafa man, and that JIT report went in dust bin as court dismissed it. Do you in touch with this incident or just wake up?

Court dismissed JIT report? Are you sure? Who is sleeping now? I have yet to see anything relating to the JIT report being dismissed by the court. Provide evidence for your claims or realize that you have a similar problem like Altaf Hussain of blabbering nonsense. Khara Sach is 'namak' on your 'zakhm' because you do not have hosla to challenge anything that Mubashir Lucman presents with hard evidence just like he showed video of CCTV cameras inside Nine Zero exposing MQM hiding terrorists inside its headquarters. First MQM leaders came on TV channels and said Rangers destroyed CCTV cameras at Nine Zero and so there was no video footage; then Luqman shut them up and exposed their lies.

I know you have no 'hosla'..

Names of ‘MQM men’ blamed in Baldia fire JIT report placed on ECL - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

MQM has challenged the JIT report in court but it has NOT been dismissed. Quit lying my friend. No one will take you seriously if you profusely lie about everything here.

Trial court will make decision on Baldia Town JIT report: SHC | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

MQM and its thugs can keep jumping up and down over Mubashir Luqman but he's a soldier of God and continues to present hard evidence against MQM every time he does a show on MQM. That guy is a one man army against MQM and has made MQM 'nanga' literally.

According to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) MQM is classified as a terrorist organization, according to Canadian Courts, MQM is a terrorist organization. You think Mubashir Luqman runs USCIS or Canadian Courts? You're not fooling anyone bro.
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That only makes it worse. It's bad enough that Nawaz Sharif didn't think his life was worth sacrificing for the nation and flew away to a life of luxury in Saudi Arabia by signing an agreement with a dictator - but it gets worse because he signed an agreement with the guy who was about to hang him and yet, now, Musharraf is enjoying life without any fear of jail time or execution under the government of the same guy whom he almost hanged.

C'mon bruh, don't say 'Nawaz Sharif may have taken part in corruption'. He did, its a fact. Not a matter of opinion or speculation. When you make such statements, it goes to show you are being disingenuous and then you make it worse by saying that you 'appear' to support PML(N) in arguments with PTI supporters just for the thrill of it.

And then you are muddling the discussion by discussing Musharraf and PML(N)'s withdrawal one week after 2008 elections in the same breath. We know that PML(N) did not resign from the federal parliament regarding Musharraf; nor was it over 'dhandli', it resigned because of disagreement over the judiciary with PPP. We also know that PML(N) continued its rule in Punjab despite all this. So PML(N) has been ruling Punjab continuously for almost seven+ yrs now.

'muk muka' can be translated as meaning 'reconciliation' in a negative way. Thats why PPP and PML(N) kept playing friendly match between them all these years since Charter of Democracy. I still do not see why you are stuck with PML(Q) since MQM does the same thing, clinging to any party in power and no one in PML(N) or PPP has a problem with that.

Why would military threaten a coup? They had more reasons to launch a coup when PPP was in power but they did not. Popularity of PML(N) was bound to decrease, PTI's Azadi March only added momentum to it, not necessarily create it. The people of Pakistan are not blind when their Prime Minister goes to enemy country and takes his sons and family members who all then meet Indian businessmen off the record to do their own business not the business of the Pakistani state. That is why Nawaz Sharif's visit to India was denounced by everyone, especially his terrorist friends from Punjab's militant groups and the religious political parties that harbor them.

PTI exposed that,

Mazari proves Sharifs are lying about business with India | Pakistan Today

If you think Modi is a friend of Pakistan, you are sadly mistaken.

Court dismissed JIT report? Are you sure? Who is sleeping now? I have yet to see anything relating to the JIT report being dismissed by the court. Provide evidence for your claims or realize that you have a similar problem like Altaf Hussain of blabbering nonsense. Khara Sach is 'namak' on your 'zakhm' because you do not have hosla to challenge anything that Mubashir Lucman presents with hard evidence just like he showed video of CCTV cameras inside Nine Zero exposing MQM hiding terrorists inside its headquarters. First MQM leaders came on TV channels and said Rangers destroyed CCTV cameras at Nine Zero and so there was no video footage; then Luqman shut them up and exposed their lies.

I know you have no 'hosla'..

Names of ‘MQM men’ blamed in Baldia fire JIT report placed on ECL - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

MQM has challenged the JIT report in court but it has NOT been dismissed. Quit lying my friend. No one will take you seriously if you profusely lie about everything here.

Trial court will make decision on Baldia Town JIT report: SHC | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

MQM and its thugs can keep jumping up and down over Mubashir Luqman but he's a soldier of God and continues to present hard evidence against MQM every time he does a show on MQM. That guy is a one man army against MQM and has made MQM 'nanga' literally.

According to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) MQM is classified as a terrorist organization, according to Canadian Courts, MQM is a terrorist organization. You think Mubashir Luqman runs USCIS or Canadian Courts? You're not fooling anyone bro.
The claims you bring up are discussed dozens of time with hundred pages, that's why I said you just wake up now? or you want me to engage again on a nonsense debate?
As your leader you all ptians are proved Lier and master in Bohtan Trashi making stupid allegations and bring foolish conspires.
Baldia factory fire: Local court issues non-bailable arrest warrant against IO - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Prosecutor in Baldia factory fire case steps down - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
New JIT formed to reinvestigate Baldia town factory fire case | The News Tribe
Here is your home work, read all above link carefully and stop spread lies like your stupid leader and also hold your horn till a court verdict. REPEAT don't spread lies.
About your USA and Canada, in both countries MQM are most active and running their offices without any problems. The things you quote are far away from actual events and it's proved that ptians are masters in spreading lies LIKE your leader.
Pakistan is labeled a Terrorist sponsor country by USA, so you think really we are?
You ptians are worst to engage in a debate coz you are all brain less and act like a low level breath taker creatures on earth. Now stop quoting me with a debate dozens time already discussed.
Imran Khan promising an end to corruption and terrorism here. I'll go and link the YouTube video as well if this doesn't satisfy your ignorant mind.

PTI will end corruption in 19 days, terrorism in 90 days: Imran Khan

PTI KPK President and Speaker of KPK Assembly, Asad Qaiser corruption scandal here.

Now stop bitching about dhandli, and keep that vulgar mouth of yours shut.
thats it?
did you have to waste your remaining brain cells finding it?

once again, it shows how retarded you people are, first you people said that he claimed he will solve ALL of Pakistan's problem within in 90 days, and when asked for proof you got a video of some random document from a channel that everyone knows is being paid by noonie toons.

I would say try harder but I know that this the best you will ever do in your life.

and again, find me one time I said dhandli!
You cant so you act like a little bitch and run away.

Finally, it's amazing that you are defending an illegal act of vote rigging. In any real domacracy, just an allegation would cause people to be fired. But in Joke-istan, proven rigging is no big deal to people like you and people should not fight against it.
4th April Jinnah Ground
Zinda lashen phir jama ho gaenn
Imran Khan Sahib Sharm karo Sharm.

thats it?
did you have to waste your remaining brain cells finding it?

once again, it shows how retarded you people are, first you people said that he claimed he will solve ALL of Pakistan's problem within in 90 days, and when asked for proof you got a video of some random document from a channel that everyone knows is being paid by noonie toons.

I would say try harder but I know that this the best you will ever do in your life.

and again, find me one time I said dhandli!
You cant so you act like a little bitch and run away.

Finally, it's amazing that you are defending an illegal act of vote rigging. In any real domacracy, just an allegation would cause people to be fired. But in Joke-istan, proven rigging is no big deal to people like you and people should not fight against it.
First of all, I never stated that he would solve all of Pakistans problems. That statement came from IceWolf. But in any case, has Imran Khan ended corruption in 19, and terrorism in 90 days? NO

Moving on, a document is a document. If you're going to make up pathetic excuses to avoid the fact the PTIs KPK President got caught in a corruption scandal, well that's your own problem.

Finally, I never defended voting rigging. It's quite obvious that rigging has taken however, the problem is that Imran Khan has no evidence. At courts, he is unable to come with any evidence and instead says "Baksay khol do, waha say subooth niklay ga". And yes, you're right. In any real domacracy, just an allegation would cause people to be fired. Too bad, we're a democracy not a domacracy.

If you really think you can do something, go get up and stand for your rights instead of being an ignorant twat and sitting your *** all day.
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The claims you bring up are discussed dozens of time with hundred pages, that's why I said you just wake up now? or you want me to engage again on a nonsense debate?
As your leader you all ptians are proved Lier and master in Bohtan Trashi making stupid allegations and bring foolish conspires.
Baldia factory fire: Local court issues non-bailable arrest warrant against IO - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Prosecutor in Baldia factory fire case steps down - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
New JIT formed to reinvestigate Baldia town factory fire case | The News Tribe
Here is your home work, read all above link carefully and stop spread lies like your stupid leader and also hold your horn till a court verdict. REPEAT don't spread lies.
About your USA and Canada, in both countries MQM are most active and running their offices without any problems. The things you quote are far away from actual events and it's proved that ptians are masters in spreading lies LIKE your leader.
Pakistan is labeled a Terrorist sponsor country by USA, so you think really we are?
You ptians are worst to engage in a debate coz you are all brain less and act like a low level breath taker creatures on earth. Now stop quoting me with a debate dozens time already discussed.

All the links you provided do NOT say that the JIT report has been dismissed by the courts. They just talk about the prosecutor resigning, etc. Thats NOT the same as the court throwing out the JIT report. The JIT report is perfectly valid as evident by the fact that all those MQM folks named in the report are named in the ECL.

Now grow up and provide some hard evidence. Looks like you need to do your homework properly before pointing fingers at others.

This is what MQM thugs do, when they have no serious arguments, they start cursing and abusing & name calling like highschool kids. Do us all a favor bro, grow up! Talk about real brain less folks who blindly follow a guy who is under investigation in the United Kingdom for murder and money laundering charges sitting outside the country for 23yrs hiding like a rat.

Even a dictator like Musharraf has more b*lls to come back to Pakistan and face charges against him but Altaf bhai, kya kehna.. guy without b*lls hiding like a coward overseas.

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