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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

Genius read my all post again, let me explain you in simple words " it's normal to posts and images in opponent political parties desk " Ek tou app PTI wale bohat be hosla ho, now stop crying like a little kid and stop quoting me.

Maybe you should read FORUM rules, its not my fault if you don't have 'hosla' to read the forum rules and realize what you are doing is wrong and against the rules. But its ok, we cannot expect MQM folks to follow rules, when they do not even follow the rule of law on Karachi's streets. And before you continue your rant, I am an Urdu speaking from Karachi, and I have no sympathy for MQM until it changes its modus operandi and becomes democratic. Hijacking Urdu speaking people's political voice is MQM's biggest sin. NOT IN MY NAME. MQM thugs do not represent me.
But Imran Khan said 90 days remember
90 days of what?
Is your brain unable to store more than 5 words at a time?

He said 90 days to end upper lever corruption.
Stop being a pathetic troll and for once do something useful in your life.
Maybe you should read FORUM rules, its not my fault if you don't have 'hosla' to read the forum rules and realize what you are doing is wrong and against the rules. But its ok, we cannot expect MQM folks to follow rules, when they do not even follow the rule of law on Karachi's streets. And before you continue your rant, I am an Urdu speaking from Karachi, and I have no sympathy for MQM until it changes its modus operandi and becomes democratic. Hijacking Urdu speaking people's political voice is MQM's biggest sin. NOT IN MY NAME. MQM thugs do not represent me.
Three words for your jazbati speech.
Ro Imran Ro
well crying is better then burning poeple alive
And burning people alive is better than threatening to burn the entire nation, like your favourite Sheikh Rasheed threatened to do.
90 days of what?
Is your brain unable to store more than 5 words at a time?

He said 90 days to end upper lever corruption.
Stop being a pathetic troll and for once do something useful in your life.

Haha, funny personal insults.
He literally said 90 days to end basically every problem for Pakistan.
Imran Khan is a clown, and his followers are half bitten retards.
Haha, funny personal insults.
He literally said 90 days to end basically every problem for Pakistan.
Imran Khan is a clown, and his followers are half bitten retards.
You know, even if we were to assume that Imran Khan was referring to upper class corruption; even then he failed. Upper class corruption still exists in KPK and has not been eradicated.

90 days of what?
Is your brain unable to store more than 5 words at a time?

He said 90 days to end upper lever corruption.
Stop being a pathetic troll and for once do something useful in your life.
5 words for him... 3 words for you

"Dhandli Dhandli Dhandli"
Haha, funny personal insults.
He literally said 90 days to end basically every problem for Pakistan.
Imran Khan is a clown, and his followers are half bitten retards.

Where are your Noora League bullet trains that were supposed to make Pakistan into Paris? lmao! Patwaris and Jiyalas, lying to the people of Pakistan since 1947 and they think they have some moral high ground to lift a finger on Imran Khan.

Three words for your jazbati speech.
Ro Imran Ro

Thats what happens when patwaris run out of arguments. Lets see you run your mouth after NA-122 sh*t hits the ceiling after tribunal ruling and on the other hand, Altaf Hussain either gets arrested in London or dies due to his deteriorating health and drinking problems.
Where are your Noora League bullet trains that were supposed to make Pakistan into Paris? lmao! Patwaris and Jiyalas, lying to the people of Pakistan since 1947 and they think they have some moral high ground to lift a finger on Imran Khan.
Please learn a thing or two about Pakistan's history. PML (N) was formed in 1985 not 1947, therefore not only is your argument baseless but it is also pointless.
Please learn a thing or two about Pakistan's history. PML (N) was formed in 1985 not 1947, therefore not only is your argument baseless but it is also pointless.

I know history very well, thanks. I said 'patwaris' and 'jiyalas'. Those two have existed in one form or another since 1947. Your assumption that my comment was restricted to PML(N) as opposed to the old feudal political order and you getting all defensive goes to show where your guilt lies.

Not to forget the fact that when PML(N) members defected from it to form PML(Q), they claimed themselves that they were the true heirs of the Muslim League that won Pakistan from the British - later these same guys went back to PML(N). This makes your post an intellectually dishonest one.
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I know history very well, thanks. I said 'patwaris' and 'jiyalas'. Those two have existed in one form or another since 1947. Your assumption that my comment was restricted to PML(N) as opposed to the old feudal political order and you getting all defensive goes to show where your guilt lies.

Not to forget the fact that when PML(N) members defected from it to form PML(Q), they claimed themselves that they were the true heirs of the Muslim League that won Pakistan from the British - later these same guys went back to PML(N). This makes your post an intellectually dishonest one.
Given the mentality of an average PTI supporter, PML (N) and PPP have always been blamed for apparently ruling over the country since 1947. I have debated with numerous PTI supporters before, and they have almost always used this line in their argument. Therefore, I naturally assumed that you too were referring to PML (N) and PPP.

Moving on, PML (N) and PML (Q) are not the 'true' heirs of the original PML. Whether they claim to be the true heirs or not, its quite obvious that they are not. That makes your second paragraph of little use in your attempt in whatever you're doing.

In any case, PML (Q) have always been a political party hungry for power, a political party that has always joined sides with whoever comes into power. People like them are called "Beghairat". From 1997 - 1999, they were allied with PML (N). From 1999 - 2007, they were allied with General Musharraf. From 2007 - 2013, they were allied with PPP. When PML (N) won the elections in 2013, and refused to join hands with PML (Q); who did PML (Q) then support? PTI. So please, don't blame PML (N). Chaudry Shujaat and Chaudry Pervaiz were famously known to have backed PTI and supported the Azadi March.
In any case, PML (Q) have always been a political party hungry for power, a political party that has always joined sides with whoever comes into power. People like them are called "Beghairat". From 1997 - 1999, they were allied with PML (N). From 1999 - 2007, they were allied with General Musharraf. From 2007 - 2013, they were allied with PPP. When PML (N) won the elections in 2013, and refused to join hands with PML (Q); who did PML (Q) then support? PTI. So please, don't blame PML (N). Chaudry Shujaat and Chaudry Pervaiz were famously known to have backed PTI and supported the Azadi March.

Errr, please don't mislead people. Before 2001, this PML(Q) did not exist because all its members were die hard PML(N) guys - many of whom have now gone back to PML(N) to their real master. Blaming PML(Q) for siding with Musharraf once it was formed by members who left PML(N) is disingenuous since they did exactly what Nawaz Sharif did by signing his agreement with Musharraf to fly off to his Saudi dreamland - which is, political survival. Some folks choose to go to jails, die for their cause - others choose to survive via banishment or clinging to new power brokers.

As for 'Beyghairat', I'll leave that up to those in Pakistan who are 'ba shaooor' enough to know what kinda guy signs an agreement with a dictator to fly off to a distant country to chill and then later does 'muk muka' with Zardari who gives 'Guard of Honor' to that same dictator. The so-called 'friendly opposition' game. In my book, that is the biggest 'beyghairati'.

Meanwhile the farcical 'trial' of Musharraf goes on now, when in fact, everyone knows he will neither be hanged nor sentenced for anything. This is just political showmanship on Nawaz Sharif's part. Musharraf, on the other hand is chillin like a villain as we say here in the West.

At His Villa, Pakistan's Musharraf Awaits Trial And Holds Court : Parallels : NPR
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Errr, please don't mislead people. Before 2001, this PML(Q) did not exist because all its members were die hard PML(N) guys - many of whom have now gone back to PML(N) to their real master. Blaming PML(Q) for siding with Musharraf once it was formed by members who left PML(N) is disingenuous since they did exactly what Nawaz Sharif did by signing his agreement with Musharraf to fly off to his Saudi dreamland - which is, political survival. Some folks choose to go to jails, die for their cause - others choose to survive via banishment or clinging to new power brokers.

As for 'Beyghairat', I'll leave that up to those in Pakistan who are 'ba shaooor' enough to know what kinda guy signs an agreement with a dictator to fly off to a distant country to chill and then later does 'muk muka' with Zardari who gives 'Guard of Honor' to that same dictator. The so-called 'friendly opposition' game. In my book, that is the biggest 'beyghairati'.

Meanwhile the farcical 'trial' of Musharraf goes on now, when in fact, everyone knows he will neither be hanged nor sentenced for anything. This is just political showmanship on Nawaz Sharif's part. Musharraf, on the other hand is chillin like a villain as we say here in the West.

At His Villa, Pakistan's Musharraf Awaits Trial And Holds Court : Parallels : NPR
Political survival does not necessarily mean that one should cling to every single political party that comes into power. As for you suggesting that they were 'diehard PML (N) guys', if it had been so; they would've preferred sticking to PML (N) under Javaid Hashmi or later on, Shahbaz Sharif. Moreover, what 'deal' are you even referring to? Saudi Arabia and the United States applied pressure upon Musharraf, and hea greed to exile Nawaz Sharif in return for monetary payment. Many nations issued mercy appeals when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was being executed. Had he been exiled instead, would you say that he signed a deal with Zia ul Haq too? Did Imran Khan also sign a deal with Musharraf when Imran Khan was released from jail? So please, don't make things up.

First of all, signing agreements with dictators should be no problem. You see, politics is a game of tactics and agreements. It involves giving something and gaining something in written. Therefore, agreements between political figures is normal. Of course, criticism is bound to follow.

Finally, Musharraf most likely would've been punished for his crimes had not PTIs Azadi March severely weakened the government. Right now, it is the military who have the real power.
Haha, funny personal insults.
He literally said 90 days to end basically every problem for Pakistan.
Imran Khan is a clown, and his followers are half bitten retards.

Show me
Show me where he said he will solve all of Pakistan's problems in 90 days

of course nothing like that exists so you will squirm and post something retarded that has nothing to do with anything.

Retards like you are good at that kind of shit.

You know, even if we were to assume that Imran Khan was referring to upper class corruption; even then he failed. Upper class corruption still exists in KPK and has not been eradicated.

5 words for him... 3 words for you

"Dhandli Dhandli Dhandli"

Again, show me. Where have high level PTI officials been caught with corruption
This is why Pakistan is the laughing stock of the world, you people are so good at making fantasies in your head and expecting everyone to believe you.

hey retard, I have been on this forum since 2011, find even 1 time I have mention the word "Dhandli"
Show me
Show me where he said he will solve all of Pakistan's problems in 90 days

of course nothing like that exists so you will squirm and post something retarded that has nothing to do with anything.

Retards like you are good at that kind of shit.

Again, show me. Where have high level PTI officials been caught with corruption
This is why Pakistan is the laughing stock of the world, you people are so good at making fantasies in your head and expecting everyone to believe you.

hey retard, I have been on this forum since 2011, find even 1 time I have mention the word "Dhandli"
Imran Khan promising an end to corruption and terrorism here. I'll go and link the YouTube video as well if this doesn't satisfy your ignorant mind.

PTI will end corruption in 19 days, terrorism in 90 days: Imran Khan

PTI KPK President and Speaker of KPK Assembly, Asad Qaiser corruption scandal here.

Now stop bitching about dhandli, and keep that vulgar mouth of yours shut.
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