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forgive him for what...making duck face?...come on that was his past he has come 17 years down from that

its his fault that the whole female community of the girls now make this duck face :P
Interesting new face. Mashallah, PTI has many such unsung heros just hope they can help our nation out.


did the girls learn from him how to make duck face? @Jazzbot @nuclearpak @Aeronaut @Mirzay

I will never forgive him for doing this.... :argh:

Pouting or the infamous duck face started after Miley Cyrus of Hannah Montana fame had her private pictures leaked online which showed the star in seductive poses with her lips pout. This was then copied by the Myspace users who also took bathroom shots of themselves in suggestable poses. From there it spread all over the internet.
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Pouting or the infamous duck face started after Miley Cyrus of Hannah Montana fame had her private pictures leaked online which showed the star in seductive poses with her lips pout. This was then copied by the Myspace users who also took bathroom shots of themselves in suggestable poses. From there it spread all over the internet.

haha...man you have done some research. stay blessed !

Pouting or the infamous duck face started after Miley Cyrus of Hannah Montana fame had her private pictures leaked online which showed the star in seductive poses with her lips pout. This was then copied by the Myspace users who also took bathroom shots of themselves in suggestable poses. From there it spread all over the internet.

haha...man you have done some research. stay blessed !

O yar ab bas bhi karo dharnay...koi had hoti hai.

We all know ECP and Supreme Court aren't gonna do anything, instead they are charging candidates for finger prints!!!

The application for rigging in Narowal even got rejected, just go and search the internet on the hundreds of videos of rigging, torn ballot papers, opened boxes in that district, and all were stamped PTI! Ab yeh bhi reject ho gayi to banda kia kahay.

THen the Jehangir Tareen case is still lingering on, there were 25k fake votes, but the RO in his report said 'some votes were without counterfoils'...the RO equates 25000 votes to 'some votes'!!! Joke of the century.

Magr jo hogaya so hogaya. Let's move forward.
BTW, I think PTI should move present a bill regarding reforms in voting process and also drones etc.

Then we will see how PML reacts!
O yar ab bas bhi karo dharnay...koi had hoti hai.

We all know ECP and Supreme Court aren't gonna do anything, instead they are charging candidates for finger prints!!!

The application for rigging in Narowal even got rejected, just go and search the internet on the hundreds of videos of rigging, torn ballot papers, opened boxes in that district, and all were stamped PTI! Ab yeh bhi reject ho gayi to banda kia kahay.

THen the Jehangir Tareen case is still lingering on, there were 25k fake votes, but the RO in his report said 'some votes were without counterfoils'...the RO equates 25000 votes to 'some votes'!!! Joke of the century.

Magr jo hogaya so hogaya. Let's move forward.

Cannot let them go away without a fight, Pakistani qoam kay sath dhoka howa hai...history will never forgive us, if we dont show them their face...
O yar ab bas bhi karo dharnay...koi had hoti hai.

We all know ECP and Supreme Court aren't gonna do anything, instead they are charging candidates for finger prints!!!

The application for rigging in Narowal even got rejected, just go and search the internet on the hundreds of videos of rigging, torn ballot papers, opened boxes in that district, and all were stamped PTI! Ab yeh bhi reject ho gayi to banda kia kahay.

THen the Jehangir Tareen case is still lingering on, there were 25k fake votes, but the RO in his report said 'some votes were without counterfoils'...the RO equates 25000 votes to 'some votes'!!! Joke of the century.

Magr jo hogaya so hogaya. Let's move forward.

let thm do whtever thy want....its their right! ab ye b nai kury wo??

dis is a way to put pressure OK!

when pakistanies dun do anythin in pak in protest of any wrong thing then u ppl sittin abroad r first one to critisize n nw
when thy r doin somthin then again u ppl do criticism!!

atleast thy r not juz sittin on COMPUTERS n DOING nothinG!

I think u shud appreciate evry little more thy r doin for right cause rathr then gettin annoyed Ok!

Cannot let them go away without a fight, Pakistani qoam kay sath dhoka howa hai...history will never forgive us, if we dont show them their face...

yeh logun ko buss critize kurna ata hy....while thoz ppl r on roads in dis hot summers!
let thm do whtever thy want....its their right! ab ye b nai kury wo??

dis is a way to put pressure OK!

when pakistanies dun do anythin in pak in protest of any wrong thing then u ppl sittin abroad r first one to critisize n nw
when thy r doin somthin then again u ppl do criticism!!

atleast thy r not juz sittin on COMPUTERS n DOING nothinG!

I think u shud appreciate evry little more thy r doin for right cause rathr then gettin annoyed Ok!

yeh logun ko buss critize kurna ata hy....while thoz ppl r on roads in dis hot summers!

we are submissive due to our ghulamana zehniyat, if we dont call wrong, wrong, and move on as if its okay, then this is exactly what happens, we remain a country with no integrity !!
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