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PTI Comprehensively Humiliated in Karachi

PTI is done and dusted from Karachi.

We repeated warned the lawmakers abou this.

People of Karachi trusted PTI twice, we got no development, not even slightest.

Karachiites will vote a standing rock, but not PTI again.

Lesson is there for the wise.
And who stole your water. The same MAFIA who you voted for yesterday. They are ruling you for decades. So please stop making hilarious excuses. The MAFIA you elected yesterday are the ones who stole your water along with Altaf. So no you are not going to get any water because you just elected the MAFIA who steals it from you.
What have you done against that mafia lately? sorry for asking! And what had changed when 2/3rd majority was given to a party that formed government in the center?

So don't feel sorry for Karachi buddy

Nothing changed for Karachi when you and others were feeling sorry for it. Karachi was still treated as trash. It would be treated the same in future too
People of Karachi themselves treat their city like trash. People of Karachi vote for trash what else you expect when you vote for MAFIA Don like Zardari.

PTI is done and dusted from Karachi.

We repeated warned the lawmakers abou this.

People of Karachi trusted PTI twice, we got no development, not even slightest.

Karachiites will vote a standing rock, but not PTI again.

Lesson is there for the wise.
How they can do development with 18th amendment in place ? But please keep voting for Zardari after all that great man has turned Karachi into New York after decades of rule. Karachi has the best Ambulance and Fire Brigade and Police and Hospitals and Government schools and best roads and bridges in Karachi. That was all done by great man Zardari whose entire effort of turning Karachi into New York was destroyed by Imran Khan.
They are very much communal people, if community leader or tribal leader decides to support or vote for particular person then the other will blindly follow, so 99.9 percent argument dont complies the reality because whatever is decided then its decided. Pti votrrs are gone, where? To ppp

You sound like a bigot, you know nothing about us. Afridi is a massively larger tribe than Mandokhel On top of that you are presuming that all Pukhtoons voted for PPP, I didn't even think that there so many Pukhtoons in that constituency that they would be able to swing the result in favour of PPP.

So unless you can provide proof for your claim, i suggest you keep a check on what you are posting.
What have you done against that mafia lately? sorry for asking! And what had changed when 2/3rd majority was given to a party that formed government in the center?
That party was of Nawaz Shareef and he is one big Choor himself. But please keep voting for Dons like Zardari and the way you are making excuses is only making my view stronger that there is not point of Army doing operation and cleaning up the city. Karachi wants to be treated like the way it was treated between 2007 to 2013.
Corruption 1.jpg
You even make me look optimistic 🌚.

Now I am believing, PTI shouldn't have won in 2018. After 2023 election, the SBP would have close to $30 billion in reserves. 2 mega dams would be well under way and railway would be half way towards overhaul after 160+ years. Its gonna take a bit longer for PPP / PML(N) / TLP to squander everything away.

If PTI wouldn't have won in 2018, things might already have imploded or very near to implosion.

PTI did jack shit. Dams, railways, are strategic projects that have little to do with PTI. Remember how U turn Khan had to change tone on CPEC soon after coming to power? Oh yes PTI saved Pakistan by going to IMF just like everyone before them lol
That party was of Nawaz Shareef and he is one big Choor himself. But please keep voting for Dons like Zardari and the way you are making excuses is only making my view stronger that there is not point of Army doing operation and cleaning up the city. Karachi wants to be treated like the way it was treated between 2007 to 2013. View attachment 738743

Yarr, itna ehsan nahi kiya karo. Hum Karachiites repay kaisay karaingay?

The PPP has nexus with "The housing Authority" mafia, that's why Karachi is suffering.

Please lollypop kisi aur ko dein.
Yarr, itna ehsan nahi kiya karo. Hum Karachiites repay kaisay karaingay?

The PPP has nexus with "The housing Authority" mafia, that's why Karachi is suffering.

Please lollypop kisi aur ko dein.
That MAFIA doesn't place a gun on your head to vote for Zardari. You go and vote Zardari robber yourself. Stop blaming every one else and start looking in mirror.
Dozens of thread like this will be created, some will protest, some will spew venom, some will find opportunities to make profit from misery of people.

The time has come for PM Imran Khan to take a leap of faith.

Address the nation directly, take every citizen in confidence and wage a full fledged war against this corrupt system.

Trying to please FATF to appease them, taking top dollar loan from IMF loan shark. Meanwhile inflation increased 100%, people seeking unlawful means to make ends meet.

They will never remove Pakistan from grey list.

You have tried every cosmetical surgery, what happened? All financial terrorists are on bail, Noon gang roaming freely, PPP same.

PTI has tried everything except listening to the voice of common man.

Just go all-in against the thugs. I am sure people will join too.

People joined in months long Dharna of Imran Khan.

meh whatever.
That MAFIA doesn't place a gun on your head to vote for Zardari. You go and vote Zardari robber yourself. Stop blaming every one else and start looking in mirror.

I wont even bother replying to your childish assumptions.
PTI is done and dusted from Karachi.

We repeated warned the lawmakers abou this.

People of Karachi trusted PTI twice, we got no development, not even slightest.

Karachiites will vote a standing rock, but not PTI again.

Lesson is there for the wise.

Trusted PTI twice? when did that happen
That party was of Nawaz Shareef and he is one big Choor himself. But please keep voting for Dons like Zardari and the way you are making excuses is only making my view stronger that there is not point of Army doing operation and cleaning up the city. Karachi wants to be treated like the way it was treated between 2007 to 2013. View attachment 738743
Fact check:

1 - Majority haven't voted for anyone.
2 - There's no need for any kind of operation.. when the courts acquit a murderer easily.
3 - Despite 2/3rd majority, PTI did nothing except hiding behind the 18th amendment's excuse. Lately, they realized that they can in fact do something and started carpeting roads.. which means they could have done something about every problem Karachiittes are facing from water to sewage to roads to garbage.
4 - Rather than wasting any more time on Karachi (actually no time was invested in the first place) PTI should better start thinking from today how can they make up for the 14 lost seats from Karachi in 2023.
5 - Karachi will continue how it has been doing since the creation of the universe.
6 - Meri hamdardiaan PTI ke saath hain.. Allah PTI ka hami o nasir ho. Thanks.
What does ECP say on low turnout?
ECP aaj kal wohi bolta hai jo shareef usay kehtay hain parhnay ko.
Fact check:

1 - Majority haven't voted for anyone.
2 - There's no need for any kind of operation.. when the courts acquit a murderer easily.
3 - Despite 2/3rd majority, PTI did nothing except hiding behind the 18th amendment's excuse. Lately, they realized that they can in fact do something and started carpeting roads.. which means they could have done something about every problem Karachiittes are facing from water to sewage to roads to garbage.
4 - Rather than wasting any more time on Karachi (actually no time was invested in the first place) PTI should better start thinking from today how can they make up for the 14 lost seats from Karachi in 2023.
5 - Karachi will continue how it has been doing since the creation of the universe.
6 - Meri hamdardiaan PTI ke saath hain.. Allah PTI ka hami o nasir ho. Thanks.

ECP aaj kal wohi bolta hai jo shareef usay kehtay hain parhnay ko.

Yarra when did this happen. If PTI had 2/3rd Majority i am sure they would have thrown the 18th Amendment out the door.

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