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PTI Boycott Erdogan's Speech at Parliament

So Imran Khan has no problem with Prime Minister of Turkey taking his background that is filled with the allegation of corruption scandals. Nice to know where you guys stand on. :D
First of all, that's Turkey's internal issue we are more concerned about how the state of Turkey interacts with Pakistan.

That would be a welcome suggestion.Kudos
and they attend it and do not make any noise especially during his speech but keep displaying the placard...,in English, Urdu and Turkish languages :)
First of all, that's Turkey's internal issue we are more concerned about how the state of Turkey interacts with Pakistan.

Interestingly Nawaz is also Pakistan's internal issue so shouldn't that apply to Mr Khan's decision making?
Mr Khan is also Pakistani so ... Think before you type.

Does the event he is boycotting involves only Pakistani audience? Internal matters should remain internal and when it comes to foreign relations especially with a friendly nation which is important to our strategic goals we should not insult them due to our own internal matters (that was the jist of my point which i presume from your rude reply, you kinda missed)

I don't think there was any reason to insult someone on their point of view, maybe you should try to convince me being polite rather than throwing insults? Thank You
Does the event he is boycotting involves only Pakistani audience? Internal matters should remain internal and when it comes to foreign relations especially with a friendly nation which is important to our strategic goals we should not insult them due to our own internal matters (that was the jist of my point which i presume from your rude reply, you kinda missed)

I don't think there was any reason to insult someone on their point of view, maybe you should try to convince me being polite rather than throwing insults? Thank You
Panama Leaks are international ...but I guess your mind is foggy right now
First of all, that's Turkey's internal issue we are more concerned about how the state of Turkey interacts with Pakistan.

But the corruption is corruption whether it is domestic or international.

Imran Khan made it clear that he is protesting against the corruption. So why it is okay to meet PM of Turkey, but not PM of Pakistan given the background of the former [Erdogan] filled with allegation of corruption scandals. :D

Mr Khan is also Pakistani so ... Think before you type.

But Nawaz Sharif is not Pakistani, hence not PM of Pakistan, right? :D

Panama Leaks are international ...but I guess your mind is foggy right now

But the source of the leak is not domestic. If PM of Turkey is exempted being based on International ground, then why should international source be accepted? Only domestic source should be accepted, right? :D
But the corruption is corruption whether it is domestic or international.

Imran Khan made it clear that he is protesting against the corruption. So why it is okay to meet PM of Turkey, but not PM of Pakistan given the background of the former [Erdogan] filled with allegation of corruption scandals. :D

But Nawaz Sharif is not Pakistani, hence not PM of Pakistan, right? :D

But the source of the leak is not domestic. If PM of Turkey is exempted being based on International ground, then why should international source be accepted? Only domestic source should be accepted, right? :D
Hey troll somewhere else...i don't want to go down to your level and argue needlessly with a patwari..
Want to add one more thing, it's halal to take pay and haram to visit parliament?
I don't know who is the advisors of this party.

In Turkish "c" means "j" in English. And, "b" at the end of an Arabic word becomes "p"; "d" becomes "t". "A" becomes "e". Conversion from Arabic to Latin alphabet was done in a haphazard manner. So, it's Rajab Tayyib Erdo'an in Arabic..
Hey troll somewhere else...i don't want to go down to your level and argue needlessly with a patwari..

You seem to be handling the debate well for untroll like you. :D
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Despite the fact that Imran is a nincompoop of a higher order, it doesn't matter if PTI boycotts the Joint Session because they are a minority in numbers.

In addition, Erdogan is not so special that he deserves some out-of-the-way treatment. Erdogan's visit is just a formality. In fact, it's a meaningless diplomatic activity.

Erdogan is also a corrupt politician like Ganja. No wonder they are friends. So it's hypocrisy to boycott Ganja and not Erdogan.
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You seem to be handling the debate well for untroll like you. :D
It is always good to anticipate the direction of the debate / argument cull it before wasting sufficient amount of time and energy :enjoy:

But the corruption is corruption whether it is domestic or international.
Degree degree hota hai jali ho ya asli :lol::lol:
Wow, I'm a little bit confused (and disappointed). As a Turk, you simply don't expect such news from Pakistan. The reason why our relationship is so unbelievable reliable is that - apart from the mutual respect and sympathy both nations share - we never (!) interfere in each other's internal issues.
No one is against Erodogan visit. He is state guest . But when Pakistan in total political turmoil and Nawaz is calling him for visit to cool down the situation in his own favor.
If, for Erodgan this political standoff taking dangerous turn, then he should call in one on one meeting with both Nawaz and Khan. Turkish PM already visit before when political situation become worst among political parties. Hope you understand...its not against Turkish people or your PM.
Its because Pakistani people are tired of these corrupts, which are untouchable, they come Pakistan only to rule and then they leave the country. If Khan is little hope then its people choice , whatever people name him, but people don't want to lose him .
Example, Zardari partner of crime with Nawaz, sitting in UK, because of accountability.

Aziz Arkadashim, it's like 5 people are drowning and you can only save two. However, you've become so "upset" that you're leaving the scene without saving anyone!!!!

With tectonic shifts in geopolitics occurring all around isn't it the time to be little more "cold blooded" in reasoning and strategies? Especially when Mr. Han has been hanging out and reached upto the Mehrem of the most proficient in this business...
We respect Turkish people and your PM, but tired of Pakistan corrupt rulers, who always easily escape after stealing billions of dollars public wealth.....
And erdogan will show pti the middle finger.


Soon Supreme Court will show a middle finger to Nawaz too, be ready for that.

I liked Imran Khan... till now
This is a disrespectful move towards Turkey, don't meddle internal politics with Pakistani sensitivities. We regard Pakistan as one of our closest ally
We are fighting this corrupt system and its corrupt morons. Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari have destroyed our country economical. This Nawaz Sharif along with his watch dog Rana Sanaullah have killed 18 innocent people and 100+ injured at model town Lahore by use of force. The Police was gunning down their own people in Model Town.
This Nawaz Sharif never attends any Parlimentary sessions, he also doesn't held any cabinet meetings on serious crisis issues, he just gives orders while sitting in his house in raiwind Lahore made of Gold.


Look at the size of his house from Google map; he has about 25000 Kanal (more than 2000+ acres) of land.

He was not that rich at the start of his Political life,were did he get all this money, what was the source of income ??? His assets are more than 1.4 billion now and hes the fourth richest person of Pakistan. Asif Ali Zardari is the 2nd richest person of Pakistan with assets more the 1.8 billion. At the start Zardari used to sell and black tickets in a cinema. How he become so much rich from a ticket seller to the 3rd richest person of Pakistan. Mian Mansha who is 1st most richest person with assets worth 2.5 billion is the agent of Nawaz Sharif. Do you know the remarks of Angelina Jolie when she visited Pakistan to help the flood victims and saw corrupt politicians eating meal in plates made of Gold. She was shocked;

"Angelina Jolie is not at all happy with her recent visit to Pakistan to see the flood victims.

She came here, held the hands of the victims, made donations, stood up with the miseries of the people, denied any photo sessions, met with the aid agencies, but then she talks about the darker side of the things.

She is not happy with the attitude of the authorities and the government, who were more interested in toeing her line, watching her move, trying to please her while pushing the flood victims. She was also perturbed at the Prime Minister’s wish that his family wanted to meet her.

Prime Minster’s family was especially flown down all the way from Multan to Islamabad and they presented expensive gifts to Jolie and had a sumptuous meal with her.

She said that she was feeling awful at that time to see so much food at the table, suffice for hundreds of flood victims who were fighting like crazy to get a small bag of flour and a small bottle of water.

She was ill at ease when she saw the interior of the lavish Premier house and some of the government buildings and the chartered planes and other such luxuries, when there was so much misery outside.

In her report to the United Nations, she has recommended UN to ask Pakistani government to first cut down on its expenses and luxuries before asking the aid from the world".

Turkish people can understand our feeling. We have no disrespect for any brotherly Muslim Country. We just want this corrupt elite to go.
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I dnt like this type of politics . if you dnt want to sit in parliment then why did you compete in election? sometimes give respect to a guest is more important than other. i hate khan's attitude.
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