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PTI Boycott Erdogan's Speech at Parliament

pti leadership will meet Turkish president separately
In what capacity they can ask for a separate meeting.
Then every political party will ask for a separate meeting with Turkish president.
It is about time that pti and IK learn the basic SOPs of diplomacy and official matters.

I am sure, he didnt mean disrespect to Turkey... But still dont know who advised him, of this idiotic step
Do you still think that some one can advice IK on any matter. He is the absolute man of wisdom in every matter.
PTI members in parliment are as useless as street lights in GTA.

P.S: I dont support/represent any political party.
No wonder Imran Khan and His Party is doing down the drain with each passing day. IK is in self destruction mode.:lol:
By making a point to Nawaz Sharif you are boycotting the visit of Turkey's president. Seems legit

I am not justifying his decision... I even said in my first post on this thread, tht its a bad decision by Imran khan... But am just telling you his thought process..tht he thinks tht since Nawaz Sharif is corrupt and doesnt deserve to be the leader, so he will not attend parliamentary session....

We share your disappointment.... Even people like me, who hate Nawaz Sharif to the core, are disappointed by Imran khan's decision, to boycott this session, where Turkish President will make a speech... Even many Imran khan's supporters disagree with his decision...We as a nation, highly regard our friendly and brotherly relations with Turkey.....and greatly cherish the bond, tht we have with Turkey... If Imran khan has made this decision, it doesnt represent the sentiments of Pakistani nation, in general, on this issue...
Title is wrong mis spelled the name:lol: no one care what's wrong with the head of IK and no Prian care to me answer " What if SC gives clean chit to Nawaz?
Stupid IK just celebrated his Thanks Day that justice has done and case is in court SO let it be decided and till that do your shixt at parliament as you getting money for it from national treasure.pathetic blind cult followers.
I liked Imran Khan... till now
This is a disrespectful move towards Turkey, don't meddle internal politics with Pakistani sensitivities. We regard Pakistan as one of our closest ally
I'm sure he didn't meant any disrespect they're even trying to contact Turkish ambassador to get an appointment for a meeting with Mr Erdogan but still without a doubt it's a stupid move by him a lot of his own supporters are not supporting him on this i hope he reconsider it. As for the bolded part you know we feel the same for you bro. :cheers:
when it comes to national interest, domestic politics and personal differences could be put aside, turks are our brotherly nation. if Imran khan will attend the session it would not be in love of Nawaz Sherif rather than in honor of the head of a friendly nation, i really start disliking IK, day by day his policies and activities are becoming more and more arrogant we are totally out of political leadership maturity
I am surprised that no one came with the ideal example that was staring at the face of Pakistan defense.

If Imran Khan is boycotting Pakistan parliament to support his anti-corruption stance, even though he has fired his accountability team for exposing corruption from within his party not long ago. Then, he shouldn't meeting the Prime Minister of Turkey given the history of allegedly corruption scandals of Erdogan.

In a way, maybe Mr Han is better off not being PM of Pakistan since he will have to meet almost every corrupt political leaders of nations on Earth. :D
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When corrupts refused to come forward for accountability and manipulate the system in their own favor....and look for escape......Feel sorry for Erdogan ....he don't know what he is coming for.....

Aziz Arkadashim, it's like 5 people are drowning and you can only save two. However, you've become so "upset" that you're leaving the scene without saving anyone!!!!

With tectonic shifts in geopolitics occurring all around isn't it the time to be little more "cold blooded" in reasoning and strategies? Especially when Mr. Han has been hanging out and reached upto the Mehrem of the most proficient in this business...
Wrong move, your internal politics and goals should NOT collide with country's foreign policy, this will not give shame to Nawaz only this will give shame to our country in whole
Wow, I'm a little bit confused (and disappointed). As a Turk, you simply don't expect such news from Pakistan. The reason why our relationship is so unbelievable reliable is that - apart from the mutual respect and sympathy both nations share - we never (!) interfere in each other's internal issues.
I'm sure he didn't meant any disrespect they're even trying to contact Turkish ambassador to get an appointment for a meeting with Mr Erdogan but still without a doubt it's a stupid move by him a lot of his own supporters are not supporting him on this i hope he reconsider it. As for the bolded part you know we feel the same for you bro. :cheers:
100% agree with you.Kudos
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