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PTI Boycott Erdogan's Speech at Parliament

Imran Khan is intentionally trying to disturb Pak Turk relation . i want to ask a question from IK supporter . tell me how many friends we have in global affairs . Gulf countries are in hand in gloves with India . West is already against us . Afghanistan , Iran and all south asian countries are siding with India . what options have left for us ? China and Turkey . First this man tried to effect Chines President visit and now this . IK is certainly not a well wisher of Pakistan . but i strongly believe that people to people contact b/w Turkey and Pakistan has reached to such an extent that this act will not be able to effect our relations with Turkey .

I am pretty sure Pak's friends fully fathom the situation - it requires no von Clausewitz. Now that the case is in the Supreme Court, shouldn't it be prudent to wait for the judicial outcome? Yes, Pak has serious issues, but which country doesn't have? With CPEC and success in COIN and a resurgent economy now is the time to be hopeful and not to make enemies cheerful...
So Imran Khan has no problem with Prime Minister of Turkey taking his background that is filled with the allegation of corruption scandals. Nice to know where you guys stand on. :D
He may not have a problem with a Turkish President over his corruption, on the other hand people like you have no problem with a Pakistani PM over his corruption. Pay attention to the highlighted words. Nuff said :rolleyes:
Soon Supreme Court will show a middle finger to Nawaz too, be ready for that.

We are fighting this corrupt system and its corrupt morons. Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari have destroyed our country economical. This Nawaz Sharif along with his watch dog Rana Sanaullah have killed 18 innocent people and 100+ injured at model town Lahore by use of force. The Police was gunning down their own people in Model Town.
This Nawaz Sharif never attends any Parlimentary sessions, he also doesn't held any cabinet meetings on serious crisis issues, he just gives orders while sitting in his house in raiwind Lahore made of Gold.


Look at the size of his house from Google map; he has about 25000 Kanal (more than 2000+ acres) of land.

He was not that rich at the start of his Political life,were did he get all this money, what was the source of income ??? His assets are more than 1.4 billion now and hes the fourth richest person of Pakistan. Asif Ali Zardari is the 2nd richest person of Pakistan with assets more the 1.8 billion. At the start Zardari used to sell and black tickets in a cinema. How he become so much rich from a ticket seller to the 3rd richest person of Pakistan. Mian Mansha who is 1st most richest person with assets worth 2.5 billion is the agent of Nawaz Sharif. Do you know the remarks of Angelina Jolie when she visited Pakistan to help the flood victims and saw corrupt politicians eating meal in plates made of Gold. She was shocked;

"Angelina Jolie is not at all happy with her recent visit to Pakistan to see the flood victims.

She came here, held the hands of the victims, made donations, stood up with the miseries of the people, denied any photo sessions, met with the aid agencies, but then she talks about the darker side of the things.

She is not happy with the attitude of the authorities and the government, who were more interested in toeing her line, watching her move, trying to please her while pushing the flood victims. She was also perturbed at the Prime Minister’s wish that his family wanted to meet her.

Prime Minster’s family was especially flown down all the way from Multan to Islamabad and they presented expensive gifts to Jolie and had a sumptuous meal with her.

She said that she was feeling awful at that time to see so much food at the table, suffice for hundreds of flood victims who were fighting like crazy to get a small bag of flour and a small bottle of water.

She was ill at ease when she saw the interior of the lavish Premier house and some of the government buildings and the chartered planes and other such luxuries, when there was so much misery outside.

In her report to the United Nations, she has recommended UN to ask Pakistani government to first cut down on its expenses and luxuries before asking the aid from the world".

Turkish people can understand our feeling. We have no disrespect for any brotherly Muslim Country. We just want this corrupt elite to go.

I fully understand. The system is corrupt and you either surrender to the system or you fight. The fight is best made in the hearts of men and women, to win them over and reveal the corrupt nature of Nawaz or other current politicians. We in Turkey come from similar backgrounds, for decades corrupt politicians held the entire country back in the dumpster, it took a man like Erdogan to stay stop to all this filth, exploitation, injustice and corruption.

How did we manage to get rid of corruption after decades of being controlled by it? We didn't challenge/fight the system or fought the incompetent rulers. We endured, Erdogan was the Mayor of Istanbul in the late 1990s he practically changed the entire city for the better. Yet he was prisoned because of a poem he read. Yet, he had already won the hearts of men and women. Because this man suffered for his country, despite al the sufferings he and his companions endured and made an oath. We will rid the country of incompetent unintelligent corrupt officials and politicians. These officials and politicians took his political activity rights away when he was freed from the prison, yet they continued their fight inside the established system, found holes and cracks.

You just have to endure. The political fight is dirty, but if you can save the lives and dreams of millions you gotta find ways to reveal the true nature of Nawaz and others. You do this by example and the sweat of your brows. People respect those who show no surrender in the face of great adversity. Don't waste the mandate the people have given to you do not be frivilious with this oppurtunity. Commit yourselves to Pakistan, its institutions and its citizens. Make the most of the oppurtunity the people have given you.
So by your logic if PTI is working on a conspiracy to destroy Pakistan how come they are working hard in their provinces so much that they are dwarfing others??

where i said , PTI destroying Pakistan?
I just says PTI is working in International Agenda suits US!
No amount of justification from IK or PTI would deny the reality that they are boycotting a foreign dignitary's speech at parliament, and sadly your college education or whatever degree you are holding hasn't helped you much to call it as such.

My college education is not helping me understand politics which somehow is "OK.... i think" .. majority people don't understand politics.


IF with your college education you can't even differentiate between "twisted and un-twisted words" ... that my friend Is something you need to worry about.

Trust me, you didn't even care to read the thread. Because if you had, You wouldn't say like that.

But still, Keep it up. Ta-Ta
My college education is not helping me understand politics which somehow is "OK.... i think" .. majority people don't understand politics.


IF with your college education you can't even differentiate between "twisted and un-twisted words" ... that my friend Is something you need to worry about.

Trust me, you didn't even care to read the thread. Because if you had, You wouldn't say like that.

But still, Keep it up. Ta-Ta

I am not the one supporting idiotic actions of a loon gone crazy. This idiot would make sure that PMLN gets to rule once again in 2018 ....................... and this latest decision................. WTF is he thinking (does he even think)?

For me I am pretty much satisfied that I can differentiate between when one is talking out of his rear and when he is making some sense. You are stuck with twisted and untwisted whereas you conveniently ignored rest of the arguments like "The matter is still sub judice" and these same PTI loonies "have been withdrawing salaries for last three years" from the same institution which they intend to boycott now. There should be a limit to bullsh*t.

Now please spare me you are ruining my day (whatever is left of it).
PTI lawmakers unhappy over boycott move
AMIR WASIM — UPDATED about 2 hours ago
ISLAMABAD: The decision of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) leadership to boycott Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s address to a joint session of parliament has caused resentment within the party, particularly among the parliamentarians.

When contacted, a number of PTI’s members of the National Assembly and senators complained that they had not been consulted by the party’s leaders over the matter.

They also expressed their anger over the fact that such a major decision had been taken by a ‘media strategy committee’, which had been formed to formulate the party’s response over the hearings of the Panama Papers case in the Supreme Court and to respond to the statements of the ministers on the issue.

The PTI announced on Saturday that its legislators would stay away from the joint session of parliament which the government planned to convene on Nov 17 so that the visiting Turkish president could address the lawmakers.

Party committee’s power to take decision without consultation questioned
After a meeting of the media strategy committee, PTI vice chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi declared that the party had taken the decision because it could not attend the sitting which would be held under a “controversial prime minister” who was facing corruption charges.

Mr Qureshi said the PTI considered Turkey as the country’s “sincere friend” and a brother Muslim state and had great respect for the Turkish president, but it had a clear viewpoint on the Panama Papers offshore holdings scam case being heard by a Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali.

“I came to know about the party’s decision to boycott parliament through a newspaper in the morning,” a PTI MNA from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa said.

The MNA complained that no one among the top party leaders had bothered to seek the opinion of the parliamentarians on the move.

Party sources told Dawn that the leadership had not even consulted PTI’s parliamentary leader in Senate Nauman Wazir before announcing for the first time that its senators would also not participate in the joint sitting.

Another MNA said it was strange that the party known for the use of modern technology and communication through WhatsApp and Twitter did not seek their opinion through these tools before announcing the decision.

He said he even did not see any logic in continuing the boycott of the National Assembly after the acceptance of one of the party’s demands that the prime minister should present himself for accountability.

“If the party can cancel its protest after the start of the hearing of the Panama case in the Supreme Court, then there seems to be no logic in continuing the boycott of parliament,” said.

Moreover, he said, there was no role of the so-called strategy committee in the party’s structure.

A former member of the PTI’s advisory committee, Abdul Qayyum Kundi, issued a statement, saying that as a member of the party he opposed the decision of the “unconstitutional and illegitimate committee” to boycott the joint session of parliament where the Turkish president would speak.

“We should not make his visit controversial by subjecting it to our domestic political jostling. The PTI has already lost substantial goodwill with our Chinese friends by issuing controversial statements about the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) which is one of the top priority initiatives of President Xi Jinping and an important part of his five-year plan,” he said.

“Boycotting the speech of the Turkish president will send a wrong signal. I request chairman Imran Khan to reconsider this decision and become part of the parliamentary process,” he said.

Qureshi defends move

Mr Qureshi, when contacted, defended the decision of boycotting parliament, saying the MNAs and senators could not be contacted because of paucity of time.

He said the committee comprised senior party leaders, including himself, PTI secretary general Jahangir Tareen and MNAs Asad Umar, Shafqat Mehmood, Arif Alvi, Munazza Hassan and Shireen Mazari.

When his attention was drawn to the photograph released by the party’s media office after the meeting in which he himself was not present besides Mr Tareen and Dr Alvi, Mr Qureshi said he had reached the venue perhaps after it had been taken.

He said Mr Tareen was in Multan and Dr Alvi in Karachi but both of them had been consulted.

However, he agreed with the complaint of the MNAs and senators that they could also have been consulted through the communication technology. Since parliament was not in session, there was no time to hold consultations with every parliamentarian, he said. He said the party’s parliamentarians were bound to “toe” the decision of the leadership.

Mr Qureshi said a party delegation, led by him, would call on the Turkish ambassador on Monday to apprise him of the background of the decision.

Published in Dawn, November 14th, 2016
"The matter is still sub judice" and these same PTI loonies "have been withdrawing salaries for last three years" from the same institution which they intend to boycott now. There should be a limit to bullsh*t.

Even PMLN MNA's were taking salaries when they attacked Presidency and Supreme court. BUT STILL, bad act's of 2 groups justify none. bad is bad.

i am highlighting some points for you from the article..

Speaking to Dawn after the meeting, PTI vice chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi said the party had decided it would not attend a joint session held under a “controversial” prime minister who was facing charges of corruption.

Mr Erdogan is scheduled to arrive in Pakistan for a two-day official visit next week. The government plans to convene a special joint sitting of parliament on Nov 17 so the Turkish president can address lawmakers.

Mr Qureshi said the PTI considered Turkey a “sincere friend” of the country and a brother Islamic state. He also said the party had great respect for the Turkish president.

However, the PTI leader said his party had a clear perspective on the Panamagate case, currently being heard by a Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali.

Mr Qureshi, who served as foreign minister during the last PPP government, said he had been trying to contact the Turkish ambassador in Islamabad, seeking an appointment for a meeting between Mr Erdogan and the PTI leadership.

We want to pay a courtesy call under Imran Khan on the Turkish president during his stay in the country,” he said, adding that the party would inform the visiting dignitary of their decision to stay away from parliament and discuss prospects for improved ties between Turkey and Pakistan.

He said the party decided to boycott the joint session because of the prime minister and not Mr Erdogan, and the party would continue to boycott parliament until the SC announced a decision in the Panama Papers case.

In response to a question, Mr Qureshi said the party, at present, only decided to boycott the National Assembly sessions, and its senators would continue to participate in sessions of the upper house. But, he said, PTI senators would not attend the joint parliamentary session convened for the Turkish president.

Sources in the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz told Dawn the party would attempt to persuade the PTI’s leadership to reconsider its boycott of the joint session as a “goodwill gesture” and prevent possible embarrassment to the government during the Turkish president’s visit.

According to them, the PML-N leadership is not very optimistic that the PTI will reconsider its decision.

When asked to comment, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmed told Dawn that while he was not aware of his party’s official stance on the matter, the party could rethink its strategy in the coming days.

Meanwhile, according to an official statement issued by the PTI’s central media department, the party leadership condemned the government during the meeting for allegedly attempting to sweep the news leaks issue under the carpet through a “pocket (inquiry) commission”.
PTI vice chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi said the party had decided it would not attend a joint session held under a “controversial” prime minister who was facing charges of corruption.

Yeah these loonies can start labeling people "guilty even before pronounced".

I hope Shah Mehmood Qureshi and his gang would make a public announcement that now after when they have realised that they have been working with an alleged corrupt prime minister they will return all the salaries and benefits they withdrew for last 3 years from current setup ................ as the PM was controversial from the start. The application of principles (if there are any involved) should be retrospective and not only prospective.

I believe Mehmood and Tolaaa would deny yesterday's events too held by the same controversial PM.

Mr Qureshi said the PTI considered Turkey a “sincere friend” of the country and a brother Islamic state. He also said the party had great respect for the Turkish president.

But that didn't stop them from creating a scene to make him feel insulted ............. bravo a shining example of "I spit on your presence in my country but hey I have deep respect for you".

Mr Qureshi, who served as foreign minister during the last PPP government, said he had been trying to contact the Turkish ambassador in Islamabad, seeking an appointment for a meeting between Mr Erdogan and the PTI leadership.

Under what capacity? Just because privately "I think I should have been the prime minister"?

We want to pay a courtesy call under Imran Khan on the Turkish president during his stay in the country,” he said,

I don't know about Erdogan but if it was me I would say "Fck you I don't have time for idiots who don't have time and courtesy to listen to me at a proper forum".

He said the party decided to boycott the joint session because of the prime minister and not Mr Erdogan,

Did this party ask its supporters before sitting in a room and cooking up idiocy? "Oh Mr Erdogan we slapped you but please don't mind just take it as a token of our hospitality its just that we are in habit of throwing insults so thought it doesn't matter if we throw one at you."

Now that if you have been satisfied I did read it before............... I think its better to disagree and disengage I am not enjoying this at all.
PTI needs to review this decision in larger interest of the country.
Yeah these loonies can start labeling people "guilty even before pronounced".

under a controversial PM.. repeat.... a "controversial PM". who is facing "charges" of corruption.

it is what they said.. how does it make PM guilty ?

Did this party ask its supporters before sitting in a room and cooking up idiocy?

So PMLN make decisions in Chandni chowk in presence of all PMLN gullu butt's . right ???

"Oh Mr Erdogan we slapped you but please don't mind

You are an IDIOT. you Just can't read the bloody article ? is it so hard for you to understand what they are saying ?

. I think its better to disagree and disengage I am not enjoying this at all.

Me too. Media cell me zara Maryam "NAWAZ" ko mera salam kehna..
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