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Proud Moment for Pakistan. House of Sharifs Have Now Made it to Netflix

Not happening - because the people are as rightly pointed out ignorant and have been this way since Porus was defeated by Alexander.
Revolutions in the subcontinent have happened everywhere except this belt between the Afghan and Eastern Punjab.
As a Punjabi I agree. It’s shameful. Indians who we make fun of, Muslims Indians carried the 1857 rebellion against British supported by non Muslim Indians. Punjabis used as rental soldiers. In sindh when Hur Mujahideen was resisting British occupation and fighting back Punjabis once again used and made to mass migrate to sindh. The Bengalis who we made fun of at least could have a united rebellion like they fought against us in 71. We made fun of others for not being a “martial race” but I rather be a non one than a mercenary. We have almost no history of an indigenous leader who fought to establish a state for Punjabis and fought occupiers. Every other ethnicity had someone at least that did so. Even Kashmiris from the Valley had a history of resistance when they fought to resist Mughals. Even outside of the subcontinent we made our reputation of being mercenaries when we fought against ottomans and fought to destroy the caliphate from the lands of Palestine and help British control the area.
Not all Muslim Punjabis were like this but no one has or had the courage to fight back and rebel against slave rulers ruling us. Those who did rebel and fight back were and still are labelled as terrorists and killed by our very own.
As I’ve always said on this forum, Pakistanis always looking for a abba. Some looks towards east some towards west. Every other self respecting nation wants them to be big powers and them to lead just look at Turks. Here in Pakistan all its required is 1 TV show for Pakistanis to make erdogan their caliph.
Pakistan will never change because no one in Pakistan is ready for a revolution cuz many benefit from the same corrupt system. Everything in Pakistan is based on corruption from getting jobs to getting any work done. A morally corrupt nation cannot lead a revolution. The ones who are fighting against the system are too few to make any meaningful impact.
Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz.
but supporting Sharifs is not something related to that. we have a bigger problem here, jahalat.
Yes! I know people who do not have a water geezer at home during winter, who do not have even a room cooler in summer, yet they continue to support Nawaz Sharif without any logic.
Just say you're shitting on Muslim Punjabis like the 10,000th Guy lol, why make a whole thing outta of it listing regions and belts
The biggest enemy of us Muslim Punjabis is our self. The few the woke ones from our ethnicity who actually care about us and fight for change and give us honour are killed by our own and sold out by our own. We are the first ones to turn against our fellow Punjabi brethren if they question the status quo.
don't you think, you need to spend some more time to come to a conclusion
I agree, but the impression I have for America and its people is so far good, i met racists and bad people but overwhelmingly good behavior, But as I go along in this country i will learn more and more, and my opinion will change overtime (maybe) but the fact remains that in this country, people are honest. I have seen it in recent hurricane IAN, no one raise price for anything or exploited the people, something I wanted to be true about us (Muslims), but we raise prices for Kaffan if there are many deaths, we increase price of basic food/fruits in Ramadan, we increase price for tents when there is a calamity, but hey we are Muslims right, and we always wants a corner ka makaan in Jannat with Rasool Allah as our neighbor.
I agree, but the impression I have for America and its people is so far good, i met racists and bad people but overwhelmingly good behavior, But as I go along in this country i will learn more and more, and my opinion will change overtime (maybe) but the fact remains that in this country, people are honest. I have seen it in recent hurricane IAN, no one raise price for anything or exploited the people, something I wanted to be true about us (Muslims), but we raise prices for Kaffan if there are many deaths, we increase price of basic food/fruits in Ramadan, we increase price for tents when there is a calamity, but hey we are Muslims right, and we always wants a corner ka makaan in Jannat with Rasool Allah as our neighbor.

a lot will be seen with the passage of time. things you are quoting, if you go Europe you'll see much much better people and social services to what you have seen here. it is actually diversity at such level that make US unique about several things.

have spent many years in US, UK and in several far eastern countries. the way life is in Europe, countries like Sweden, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Finland etc. you will be surprised and would say US is not even close.

and i am not criticizing US as i still spend months there every year.

i just want to say we haven't provide people with those amenities of life, particularly rule of law, social development, healthcare and above all upbringing bring, moral duty of every parent.
As a Punjabi I agree. It’s shameful. Indians who we make fun of, Muslims Indians carried the 1857 rebellion against British supported by non Muslim Indians. Punjabis used as rental soldiers. In sindh when Hur Mujahideen was resisting British occupation and fighting back Punjabis once again used and made to mass migrate to sindh. The Bengalis who we made fun of at least could have a united rebellion like they fought against us in 71. We made fun of others for not being a “martial race” but I rather be a non one than a mercenary. We have almost no history of an indigenous leader who fought to establish a state for Punjabis and fought occupiers. Every other ethnicity had someone at least that did so. Even Kashmiris from the Valley had a history of resistance when they fought to resist Mughals. Even outside of the subcontinent we made our reputation of being mercenaries when we fought against ottomans and fought to destroy the caliphate from the lands of Palestine and help British control the area.
Not all Muslim Punjabis were like this but no one has or had the courage to fight back and rebel against slave rulers ruling us. Those who did rebel and fight back were and still are labelled as terrorists and killed by our very own.
As I’ve always said on this forum, Pakistanis always looking for a abba. Some looks towards east some towards west. Every other self respecting nation wants them to be big powers and them to lead just look at Turks. Here in Pakistan all its required is 1 TV show for Pakistanis to make erdogan their caliph.
Pakistan will never change because no one in Pakistan is ready for a revolution cuz many benefit from the same corrupt system. Everything in Pakistan is based on corruption from getting jobs to getting any work done. A morally corrupt nation cannot lead a revolution. The ones who are fighting against the system are too few to make any meaningful impact.
Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz.
Not entirely true with the Sikh dynasty/empire but the uniting factor there was both caste alliances and religion.
A punjabi isn’t a single body it’s various clans representing their own culture but sharing some of it(due to both vicinity and agricultural lifestyles) and language.
Hence, not every clan or area was on rent nor do they all share the same goals. However, other than the aforementioned episode with Ranjit Singh and the general uniting aspect of Sikhism delving into local clan practices (including a religious figure they could relate to) - Islam didn’t do squat to the generally strong culture/social norms other than being adapted with the penultimate adaption being Sikhism.

The same applies to the Pathans as their culture aspect of Islam is different from what finds in Punjab versus other aspects of “Hindu Muslims “ from north central India and bengal.

Islam just replaced their gods - not key cultural identification nor tribal socioeconomic interests.

So if those interests lay in pledging allegiance down to the biggest stick and serving in their military for rewards then Islam becomes secondary. Its a cultural aspect, not a belief system.

You can apply the same aspects to muslims from UP or Bengal - being a Muslim is what they are.. not who they are.

Islam asks you to treat your fellow human better and submit to Allah internally as the only one capable of truly giving/ solving or guidance and less about the lengths of your beard or shalwar as the measure of a human. Those are tribal identities much like tattoos… guess what cultures hold those visual elements of identity in high regard?

Perhaps a culture obsessed with temporary visual gains ? Where inaugurating a sewer lid requires you to bring your political party flag to display
a lot will be seen with the passage of time. things you are quoting, if you go Europe you'll see much much better people and social services to what you have seen here. it is actually diversity at such level that make US unique about several things.

have spent many years in US, UK and in several far eastern countries. the way life is in Europe, countries like Sweden, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Finland etc. you will be surprised and would say US is not even close.

and i am not criticizing US as i still spend months there every year.

i just want to say we haven't provide people with those amenities of life, particularly rule of law, social development, healthcare and above all upbringing bring, moral duty of every parent.
I am not comparing EU with America, I am comparing Muslims aka Pakistani's who recite Kalima and claim to follow the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and wants to get his shifaat at the Judgement day, and we are dust because we left our path, Allah has blessed us with the most practical and beautiful religion with a man beyond perfection and look how proud we are making him...
I am not comparing EU with America, I am comparing Muslims aka Pakistani's who recite Kalima and claim to follow the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and wants to get his shifaat at the Judgement day, and we are dust because we left our path, Allah has blessed us with the most practical and beautiful religion with a man beyond perfection and look how proud we are making him...
ofcourse what i wrote was to address same issue even i mentioned it in last para.
Central Pakistan did see the invasions from the Alexander the Great to Afghans (Mughals) and Arabs

Mughals weren’t Afghans. Mughals were enemy of Afghans/Pashtuns.

Mughals called Pashtunkhwa, Yaghistan, and we broke away.

It wasn’t just about honor - but history.

For the most part - even post invasion the Arabs within the peninsula have eventually wrestled control back through armed conflict.

The Indian subcontinent in general and especially the belt that is central Pakistan has never really thrown a foriegn invader out in full conflict.

It’s either meet the new boss, same as the old boss or look for employment as mercenaries.
Because the general base for the population is agriculture or providing foot soldiers for some else’s warfare.

Pakistan never won a war, never had a war of independence, and got everything handed down to it on a silver platter by the British. Can’t expect anything from a country with that kind of history.
Only idiots would believe PTI propaganda

When will Imran Khan sue Financial Times??

Some people have got eyes but they can't see, they have got ears but they can't hear, they have got brain but they can't use, they have got sense but can't use and those unfortunate people are called disable and our heart goes out for them.
Then you have got some people they are perfectly normal but they are battery operated, warm their pockets up or fill them with hatred even they never met the person and they will do any thing for you and they are called sold out.
The western side was barely convinced because the red shirts held out for the congress and even identified more with Afghanistan so really

1. The A in Pakistan stands for Afghania

2. Ex- FATA had a small insurgency after Pakistan was made. Faqir Ipi rebelled.

3. Babra massacre was done to get the redshirts out.

4. NAP was then dismantled by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
1. The A in Pakistan stands for Afghania

2. Ex- FATA had a small insurgency after Pakistan was made. Faqir Ipi rebelled.

3. Babra massacre was done to get the redshirts out.

4. NAP was then dismantled by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Faqir of Ipi did it twice - once with the British and then with Pakistan.

So while eventual dismantling of the attachment with Afghanistan was pushed at - going back it seems like one partition of Punjab was done and the other of FATA and Afghanistan upheld.

Mughals weren’t Afghans. Mughals were enemy of Afghans/Pashtuns.

Mughals called Pashtunkhwa, Yaghistan, and we broke away.

Pakistan never won a war, never had a war of independence, and got everything handed down to it on a silver platter by the British. Can’t expect anything from a country with that kind of history.
Oh the British got their way - even after partition they milked both countries for military hardware although the US took that away in the late 50s.
Otherwise useless crap like the supermarine attacker and other British junk were being shoved down the throats of both sides and charged exorbitant prices for it.
As a Punjabi I agree. It’s shameful. Indians who we make fun of, Muslims Indians carried the 1857 rebellion against British supported by non Muslim Indians. Punjabis used as rental soldiers. In sindh when Hur Mujahideen was resisting British occupation and fighting back Punjabis once again used and made to mass migrate to sindh. The Bengalis who we made fun of at least could have a united rebellion like they fought against us in 71. We made fun of others for not being a “martial race” but I rather be a non one than a mercenary. We have almost no history of an indigenous leader who fought to establish a state for Punjabis and fought occupiers. Every other ethnicity had someone at least that did so. Even Kashmiris from the Valley had a history of resistance when they fought to resist Mughals. Even outside of the subcontinent we made our reputation of being mercenaries when we fought against ottomans and fought to destroy the caliphate from the lands of Palestine and help British control the area.
Not all Muslim Punjabis were like this but no one has or had the courage to fight back and rebel against slave rulers ruling us. Those who did rebel and fight back were and still are labelled as terrorists and killed by our very own.
As I’ve always said on this forum, Pakistanis always looking for a abba. Some looks towards east some towards west. Every other self respecting nation wants them to be big powers and them to lead just look at Turks. Here in Pakistan all its required is 1 TV show for Pakistanis to make erdogan their caliph.
Pakistan will never change because no one in Pakistan is ready for a revolution cuz many benefit from the same corrupt system. Everything in Pakistan is based on corruption from getting jobs to getting any work done. A morally corrupt nation cannot lead a revolution. The ones who are fighting against the system are too few to make any meaningful impact.
Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz.

Only Arain, Rajput, and Pathans had what it takes to lead.

Adina Beg-Arain-fought against Afghans, Sikhs, Mughals, and Marathas

Dhulla Bhatti-Rajput-fought against Mughals

Shah Abdul Qadir Ludhianvi-Arain-led rebellion and fought against British in 1857

Imran Khan-Niazi Pathan-fought and continues to fight against haramkhors-natural leader by practicing what he preaches

And my personal favorite because he lights so many azzez on fire...

Zia-ul-Haq-Arain-fought against Indians and Commie Russians...

In my opinion though...instead of searching the natural powerhouses, I think we could probably find a good leader in Pakistan in...

Gilgit-Baltistan... They are mostly educated people and not corrupt

Non-MQM, non-bhaiiya Muhajir from Karachi-Karachiwalas are mostly educated and if you are lucky enough to find one that isn’t corrupt, is semi-religious, and awards positions upon meritocracy then you are golden. Karachiwala Muhajirs of the non-mqm, non-bhaiiya variety are very patriotic towards Pakistan and have very good organizational skills thus making them great for leadership role.
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