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Protests breakout across Iran over downing of airliner

Saw a video of someone shot and killed. I mean why is that even necessary!!! Just let the people protest rightfully.
This was expected, the iranian people are fedup of mullahs, they want to be free and be open to the world. Iranians i knew were very talented, they want to contribute to the world in all fields but the mullahs are keeping them isolated. The regime has run its course.
I'm at a lost of words for what has gone down during the last two weeks.

I can only hope these latest protest don't get 'too' out of hand but as with Soleimani's murder, it seems anything can happen nowadays.

This isn't the time for Iran to be erupting from the inside out, given that Iran's enemies will seek to use these protests against the nation however just the protests might be, so in that vein Iranian forces shouldn't be too harsh on the protesters although that seems to not be case. Stay strong Iran, no matter what your political ideology, stay strong during these hard times.

What a mess.....
The fact that Iran is using heavy violence is sad. Means the republic is scared.

Look at China, Hong Kong protests went on for months And China didn’t feel the need to resort to heavy violence. They just let the protests slowly die out.

Just let the protestors scream and shout eventually they will get tired and see the futility of continuing to protest. Less and less will come out and momentum dies.

But by continuously resorting to violence you are building up more and more anger and energizing the protestors.

let the people give off some steam.
Go get em Iran, hunt them down

Even if you disagree with Iran or the regime, to purposefully create a situation where your countries enemies seek your nations downfall and your actions aid them is unforgivable

This is pushed by foreign forces

They need to be dealt with harshly
The fact that Iran is using heavy violence is sad. Means the republic is scared.

Look at China, Hong Kong protests went on for months And China didn’t feel the need to resort to heavy violence. They just let the protests slowly die out.

Just let the protestors scream and shout eventually they will get tired and see the futility of continuing to protest. Less and less will come out and momentum dies.

But by continuously resorting to violence you are building up more and more anger and energizing the protestors.

let the people give off some steam.

Wholeheartedly agreed, this heavy-handed approach to quell justified protests is gonna backfire down the road really badly. I just hope it doesn't get way too out of hand....
The government had it coming, Those incompetent clowns..... But these are mostly students protesting, So these protests are not as big as the orange buffoon wants.

Wholeheartedly agreed, this heavy-handed approach to quell justified protests is gonna backfire down the road really badly. I just hope it doesn't get way too out of hand....

Until Bazaar shuts down or you start seeing defections and resignations then the Republic is safe.

Business’ are what bring down Iran not just people. As long as Business’ and the factions stay unified they can quell most protests.

Iran is lucky guns are not legal in that country like the US. Can you imagine if the population had access to weapons? It would turn ugly fast. Only tribal areas have some hunting rifles and that’s it along with thugs/black market sellers.

What brought Syria down was that they harbored Sunni miltias that targeted coalition forces in Iraq. So all these groups started stockpiling weapons in Syria and then when US forces left they turned their weapons on Assad and they had massive stockpiles scattered throughout Syria to choose from.
Comparing Iran to Hong Kong protests, you guys should be running a country!

Wait until the tear gas settles and see what happens to them, China is trying to win hearts if it starts heavy handed tactics then the whole world will rain down on them like they do with Iran, however Iran is not trying to win hearts.
Comparing Iran to Hong Kong protests, you guys should be running a country!

Wait until the tear gas settles and see what happens to them, China is trying to win hearts if it starts heavy handed tactics then the whole world will rain down on them like they do with Iran, however Iran is not trying to win hearts.
That is because china isnt facing a potential situation where the entire country could wind up in chaos or worse,nor in chinas case is there much chance of outside forces being involved as in libya or syria who are seeking regime change or national collapse ie a failed state,interestingly tho when the Chinese government did genuinely think that it was under threat back in 89 they sent in the tanks and crushed it brutally.......
I`ve never yet seen iran have to do that.
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