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Protests breakout across Iran over downing of airliner

I was surprised to hear the admission of shooting down the aircraft from Iranian government so quickly. Such admission is unprecedented and possibly an act of sabotage from the liberal pro West faction of the regime. It is quite possible that the west was able to recruit elements within the regime to plot a massive coup d'etat on behalf of the west. The assassination of Gen. Solaimani is only a beginning of that coup plot.
Protests were once again fake organised bvllshit. The moment those students refused to step on US and Israeli flags I knew it was pre-planned garbage. MEK terrorists, shahfags and CIA paid shills all in one setting.

To be fair, flag stomping and death to America chants are not popular with western loving young Iranians.

Not necessarily CIA shills, but they can’t go a day without their Instagram/Facebook/social media and western culture.

Even I wouldn’t stomp on another country’s flag even Baboon Arabia. It’s best to not give the MSM more propaganda to make our country look like unruly savages.
Protests were once again fake organised bvllshit. The moment those students refused to step on US and Israeli flags I knew it was pre-planned garbage..

why ? does stepping on flags seems to you a dignified practice ?

Someone should translate what the protesters are chanting to those who do step on the flags :

To be fair, flag stomping and death to America chants are not popular with western loving young Iranians.

Not necessarily CIA shills, but they can’t go a day without their Instagram/Facebook/social media and western culture.

Even I wouldn’t stomp on another country’s flag even Baboon Arabia. It’s best to not give the MSM more propaganda to make our country look like unruly savages.

rather they r paid and propaganda loving shits and their ancestor never did the same thing against usa when usa shoot down iranian flight.
i laugh and pity the fools who are already writing the Iranian governments obituary..

in the 80s When the Iranian government was in its infancy, it was a weak government that had not developed its security organs like the IRGC yet.

it had a conventional army that had heavy links to the shah that could not be trusted, and got decapitated...

they faced an all out invasion from an Iraqi army that was at the time way larger then Irans , supported by the entire arab, western and even eastern world … Iran was totally cut off from its American suppliers and had almost no domestic weapons manufacturing capability.

you had mek terrorists that were actually armed with AKs and RPGs blowing up senior Iranian government officials, taking out security forces, capturing cities (with saddams army help), and oranganizing mass protests, and being an actualy ideological threat to the government.

you also had "tough guy"/ neocon worshipped Reagan as American president.

they survived and thrived thru all that

you really think a bunch of ignorant naïve students on the street is going to topple this ingrained government? supported by bibi and the orange baboon?? you are in for a BIG disappointment.

only a traitor and an idiot thinks tearing up a strong Iranian government would be in our national interest at a time when the neocon/Zionist goal is to break up middle eastern countries into failed state, balkanized shitholes fighting themselves, and permenantly weak (like Syria and Iraq) so they can never be a security challenge to them again..
EU simply activated the trigger mechanism in JCPOA ... now just put the puzzle together and see this is just part of their maximum pressure plan which will lead to invasion or civil war and ultimately the division of Iran in smaller countries with help of reformers ...

how many times even some simple guy like me warned our country men about the hole in JCPOA and specifically this trigger mechanism ... !?
For the none-Iranian people, protests were very limited and meaningless.

It's not far before we get ride of few traitors who have fully exposed themselves!
The English scum are very calculating and cunning
Why are you singling us out ? :D. Actually we have been rather neutral towards Iran's standoff with the US, we have actually adopted a wait and see strategy for now. . :big_boss:

In reality, if Khamenei and his cronies are really defenders of Islam, then why do not they criticize China for its repression and imprisonment of 2 million muslims?
Huh....why will they criticise a close partner and likely ally with whom they both share a common enemy (i.e US)?
Look at China, Hong Kong protests went on for months And China didn’t feel the need to resort to heavy violence. They just let the protests slowly die out.
Hong Kong has its own different police and security forces , different laws, different judiciary and legal system, different elections system ,in fact different everything from the mainland. It's like a country on its own basically. Just that it still comes under China officially.
Had the type of protests which took place in Hong Kong been on the mainland then you bet things would have played out differently.
Hong Kong has its own different police and security forces , different laws, different judiciary and legal system, different elections system ,in fact different everything from the mainland. It's like a country on its own basically. Just that it still comes under China officially.
Had the type of protests which took place in Hong Kong been on the mainland then you bet things would have played out differently.

No they wouldn’t. Because once again none of the protest threaten the core of China. If you look at protestors they are usually just kids and university kids. These people can’t overthrow a massive security apparatus like China.

It’s like a squirrel trying to fight a bear.

For countries to fall you need massive defections, key pillars of government to weaken, key economic people to stand with protestors and shut down the country’s economic sectors.

No teenagers and university students can overthrow a government by throwing rocks. Palestine has been trying since forever.
why ? does stepping on flags seems to you a dignified practice ?

Someone should translate what the protesters are chanting to those who do step on the flags :

Does shooting Palestinian kids and NGOs seem like dignified practice?

Does bombing Afghan weddings seem like dignified practice?

Zionist media will just move the goalpost if they stop doing it anyway, then Iran is evil for a whole set of other reasons. Do you think Russians, who are western aren't regularly demonised in the media? Never seen a single flag burner or fanatic from Russia but they're still the bad guys in video games, movies and IRL.
i laugh and pity the fools who are already writing the Iranian governments obituary..

in the 80s When the Iranian government was in its infancy, it was a weak government that had not developed its security organs like the IRGC yet.

it had a conventional army that had heavy links to the shah that could not be trusted, and got decapitated...

they faced an all out invasion from an Iraqi army that was at the time way larger then Irans , supported by the entire arab, western and even eastern world … Iran was totally cut off from its American suppliers and had almost no domestic weapons manufacturing capability.

you had mek terrorists that were actually armed with AKs and RPGs blowing up senior Iranian government officials, taking out security forces, capturing cities (with saddams army help), and oranganizing mass protests, and being an actualy ideological threat to the government.

you also had "tough guy"/ neocon worshipped Reagan as American president.

they survived and thrived thru all that

you really think a bunch of ignorant naïve students on the street is going to topple this ingrained government? supported by bibi and the orange baboon?? you are in for a BIG disappointment.

only a traitor and an idiot thinks tearing up a strong Iranian government would be in our national interest at a time when the neocon/Zionist goal is to break up middle eastern countries into failed state, balkanized shitholes fighting themselves, and permenantly weak (like Syria and Iraq) so they can never be a security challenge to them again..


It's this simple

You may completely disagree with the Iranian regime but at this point in time if Iranian blood runs through your veins you support your country

The internal dialogue that Iranians must have on how to reform Iran comes later when Iran is ready

There will be no sudden collapse of Iran and subsequent reinstatement of the Pahlavi dynasty, it will just be slaughter and chaos

Iran can try to give space to the protesters but that must be a red line where national interest supercedes the right of liberal student types to protest

As a Sunni Pakistani I personally or as Pakistanis and Muslims in general can disagree with Iran on many issues from Syria to Assad to proxies etc BUT we must not tolerate the destruction or attack upon another Muslim state or country

As Iran approaches nuclear weapons, the pressure will increase as will the risk of attack so Iran needs to be ready
No they wouldn’t. Because once again none of the protest threaten the core of China. If you look at protestors they are usually just kids and university kids. These people can’t overthrow a massive security apparatus like China.

It’s like a squirrel trying to fight a bear.

For countries to fall you need massive defections, key pillars of government to weaken, key economic people to stand with protestors and shut down the country’s economic sectors.

No teenagers and university students can overthrow a government by throwing rocks. Palestine has been trying since forever.
You are wrong if you think the government in Beijing would have seen that as such. Had the protests in Hong Kong been in in the mainland , then authorities there would have cracked down hard on them. Especially considering the type of damage and actions Hong Kong protesters carried out. Moreover, the government there would have seen that as a challenge to its authority and rule. You should have seen how Hong Kongers protesting against CCP and everything they stand for. Do you think if this was in the mainland then authorities there would have just remain silent and them carry on with this ? If you really believe that then I will say that's naive of you. Even Chinese Members were saying how soft and useless Hong Kong security services have been towards these protesters. CCP will never allow something so rampant that openly challenges its authority and right to rule, especially if it encourages(who have been erstwhile reluctant to openly criticise the government) others to be more and more embolden to speak out/challenge the government. You should obviously know that.

. If you look at protestors they are usually just kids and university kids. These people can’t overthrow a massive security apparatus like China.
I wouldn't call a gathering of protesters in the millions in the capital city of the country chanting slogans and openly protesting against the CCP and it's leaders and calling for their departure/fall from power(that itself is a taboo for the CCP). I wouldn't call all this nothing . If you think Beijing would have ignored such a situation then I don't have anything to add. Lol
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