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Protests breakout across Iran over downing of airliner

Let me tell you what the problem is

Liberal or Islamic they don't want a strong Iran

Sure they want access to your state and resources

Sure they want Uber liberalism to take hold of Iran

But what they don't want is a rich, successful or powerful iran regardless of the path it takes

Look at Iraq, 20 years and it's a divided humiliated wasteland
Is it honestly better than when under Saddam
Sure Saddam was a murderous moron but the chaos was limited under him, now it's just everywhere

Iran has its own divisions
The idea of THE PEOPLE is a lie
The people aren't one mass

You have millions of regime supporters
The regime controls the state
The military
The civil service
Etc etc
These people know the consequences for them and their families should they be disposed, so do you think they will sit idle?

You are also right about the ethnic groups from Kurds to Baloch who may see it as a get out clause

The bottom line is this, the mullahs aren't perfect and they could have even been very successful if the powers of the world didn't try to sanction and stop you
But a sudden collapse won't lead to a new liberal Iran but chaos chaos chaos and possibly decades of divisions and slaughter
A real unbiased view not only on Iran but on other muslim countries.....as long as middle east is suffering an incurable cancer called israhell none of islamic states must be independent and powerfull..........
Liberal Iran was strong before the revolution, no one wanted to destroy it. Liberal Iran gifted Pakistan sabres during '65 war... many squadrons.

The then leader should've dealt with Mullahs with an ironfist, no exceptions. And so should Pakistan.

These mullahs are the cancer which rots a system from the inside out.

It wasn't strong

It was on route to being a patsy no different to the Arabs

And look at the Arabs now, pathetic

We can all agree Iran needs some reform, but chaos in another Muslim country helps no one especially Iranians

Crying about history helps no one
Crying about the revolution helps no one

If you want to help the Iranian people ensure that they don't fall into chaos

Iranians at the moment need to understand the regime may not be perfect but if it ever changes it will change from within
The machinations of the U.S, the Jews, west and those cringy weird Uber white wannabe blonde Iranians will just bring destruction to the Iranian people
It wasn't strong

It was on route to being a patsy no different to the Arabs

And look at the Arabs now, pathetic

We can all agree Iran needs some reform, but chaos in another Muslim country helps no one especially Iranians

Crying about history helps no one
Crying about the revolution helps no one

If you want to help the Iranian people ensure that they don't fall into chaos

Iranians at the moment need to understand the regime may not be perfect but if it ever changes it will change from within
The machinations of the U.S, the Jews, west and those cringy weird Uber white wannabe blonde Iranians will just bring destruction to the Iranian people

It was on its way to becoming seriously strong. Its military was strong, its economy was strong, it was in every way strong. All they needed was for the then leader to be harsh on these Mullahs.
It was on its way to becoming seriously strong. Its military was strong, its economy was strong, it was in every way strong. All they needed was for the then leader to be harsh on these Mullahs.

It was pathetic and oppressive regime who sought to humiliate Muslims

Liberals are good nowhere, they want a complete breakdown of culture and faith for Western liberalism to take it's place
Liberal Iran was strong before the revolution, no one wanted to destroy it. Liberal Iran gifted Pakistan sabres during '65 war... many squadrons.

The then leader should've dealt with Mullahs with an ironfist, no exceptions. And so should Pakistan.

These mullahs are the cancer which rots a system from the inside out.

Just a food for thought, in the current geopolitical environment, from Pakistani preceptive and its national security, do you really like to see a Hamid Karzai type individual sitting on the throne in Tehran? Bit of imagination, the post 9/11 painful experiences after the fall of Afghanistan should be a good start.
It was pathetic and oppressive regime who sought to humiliate Muslims

Liberals are good nowhere, they want a complete breakdown of culture and faith for Western liberalism to take it's place

Iran was not liberal in 1965 but rather a secular state in the making. The liberal ideology was at its infancy in the West. The liberal movement is all but dead in the West now. Look at the UK and Trump in the US .

What exactly is this regime's strengths.Iran is a weak state with a near worthless currency, high unemployment, high drug addiction, at constant conflict with all of her neighbor's, fans sectarian divide across the region, mulla oligarchy economy which only the mulla and their thugs get rich, highest brain drain in the world on and on. There are now 8 million Iranians living abroad that should tell you something. Iran is beautiful country, rich history, and unlimited resources. People would not leave if these idiots had not run its economy, and foreign policy to the ground. This regime from beginnings has brought nothing but misery for the region and Iran. If Khomeini had not provoked Saddam, we would not have a war. If the idiots did not kill all the military personal out of fear, Saddam would not have attacked. How did the embassy take over workout? 4 decades of isolation, sanctions, and economic detriment. One deal after another.

Most of the economic problems of Iran are the result internal mismanagement and theft of national resources by the cancerous mullas. Time and time again they have been embarrassed by their rivals not because they care about Iran or Iranians, because the opposing party did not get their share of the scam. These are the same people that cause internal currency fluctuations and shortages of essentials, so they can sell dollars, medicine, cell phones that they bought at fraction of the cost with stolen money, at 10 or 100 times the market price. You think these idiots want a strong Iran, they hate everything about Iran and her history. These thugs killed teenagers in November protests and forced the parents to pay $4000 a rattle if they wanted the corpse of their children to bury. You think they want a strong Iran. There is no internal problem in Iran with her people, the people are not at each other's throats and trying to settle tribal differences. Iran is not some fake country made up after WWI . They have lived in the same plateau for over a thousand years.

We went from exporting 5.5 million barrels of oil a day in 1978, and being a creditor nation with investments and partnerships in western industries to the broke nation status of today. These losers after 4 decades still have to beg the Chinese and Russians to develop the oil fields and you think Iran is a strong country today. The Chinese who had no experience in Oil are now a juggernaut in the oil markets and the mulla are still begging by signing away shameful oil contracts one after another.

People are not stupid. They see the sham. If what they peddle by their poodles in this forum and the likes of Trita Parsi is true , then why does every young and old that is given the opportunity and has the means want to leave Iran?

The only reason this regime has been allowed to stay in power is because they are the best sales man for the US and Western arms industry. When the time comes, they will crush them like an ant.

The first clip, he says It does not matter if ten planes are shot done, lets not lose focus of the big picture. The big picture we have to stay in power no matter what the means . The English subtitle are a lie like everything else of this regime.

Here is the commander of the loser IRCG, this idiot does not even know the name of the Black Hawk ( he calls it black out) and the Apache ( Alpache) . You would think the commander of such a supposedly elite unit can read and write English and took advance courses in military planning.

If the regime was not worried, they would not deploy thousands of forces to suppress and kill people on the streets. This recent protest will end with more bloodshed and imprisonment, but the fire has been lit. You will see more and more. When you have no hope, no job, no life, no future, then you have nothing to lose.
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It was pathetic and oppressive regime who sought to humiliate Muslims

Liberals are good nowhere, they want a complete breakdown of culture and faith for Western liberalism to take it's place

Pathetic and oppressive for mullahs. L
Today mullahs are pathetic and oppressive on every single human.

Liberalism is the way forward whether you like it or not.
Iran was not liberal in 1965 but rather a secular state in the making. The liberal ideology was at its infancy in the West. The liberal movement is all but dead in the West now. Look at the UK and Trump in the US .

What exactly is this regime's strengths.Iran is a weak state with a near worthless currency, high unemployment, high drug addiction, at constant conflict with all of her neighbor's, fans sectarian divide across the region, mulla oligarchy economy which only the mulla and their thugs get rich, highest brain drain in the world on and on. There are now 8 million Iranians living abroad that should tell you something. Iran is beautiful country, rich history, and unlimited resources. People would not leave if these idiots had not run its economy, and foreign policy to the ground. This regime from beginnings has brought nothing but misery for the region and Iran. If Khomeini had not provoked Saddam, we would not have a war. If the idiots did not kill all the military personal out of fear, Saddam would not have attacked. How did the embassy take over workout? 4 decades of isolation, sanctions, and economic detriment. One deal after another.

Most of the economic problems of Iran are the result internal mismanagement and theft of national resources by the cancerous mullas. Time and time again they have been embarrassed by their rivals not because they care about Iran or Iranians, because the opposing party did not get their share of the scam. These are the same people that cause internal currency fluctuations and shortages of essentials, so they can sell dollars, medicine, cell phones that they bought at fraction of the cost with stolen money, at 10 or 100 times the market price. You think these idiots want a strong Iran, they hate everything about Iran and her history. These thugs killed teenagers in November protests and forced the parents to pay $4000 a rattle if they wanted the corpse of their children to bury. You think they want a strong Iran. There is no internal problem in Iran with her people, the people are not at each other's throats and trying to settle tribal differences. Iran is not some fake country made up after WWI . They have lived in the same plateau for over a thousand years.

We went from exporting 5.5 million barrels of oil a day in 1978, and being a creditor nation with investments and partnerships in western industries to the broke nation status of today. These losers after 4 decades still have to beg the Chinese and Russians to develop the oil fields and you think Iran is a strong country today. The Chinese who had no experience in Oil are now a juggernaut in the oil markets and the mulla are still begging by signing away shameful oil contracts one after another.

People are not stupid. They see the sham. If what they peddle by their poodles in this forum and the likes of Trita Parsi is true , then why does every young and old that is given the opportunity and has the means want to leave Iran?

The only reason this regime has been allowed to stay in power is because they are the best sales man for the US and Western arms industry. When the time comes, they will crush them like an ant.

The first clip, he says It does not matter if ten planes are shot done, lets not lose focus of the big picture. The big picture we have to stay in power no matter what the means . The English subtitle are a lie like everything else of this regime.

Here is the commander of the loser IRCG, this idiot does not even know the name of the Black Hawk ( he calls it black out) and the Apache ( Alpache) . You would think the commander of such a supposedly elite unit can read and write English and took advance courses in military planning.

If the regime was not worried, they would not deploy thousands of forces to suppress and kill people on the streets. This recent protest will end with more bloodshed and imprisonment, but the fire has been lit. You will see more and more. When you have no hope, no job, no life, no future, then you have nothing to lose.

Good informative post

I agree with much of what you say, so rather than argue or discuss

I will say this

The Iranian population isn't uniform, so as much as you disagree with the regime, millions of others don't

Iranian population actually has a problem because their is a massive divide between them

I can agree with your viewpoint that Iran needs to embrace change for its own sake
But how it does it without being ripped apart is important
And especially having a U.S sponsored collapse of a system will bring nothing but disaster for Iran

Iranian protests are simply not significant enough and worse they are giving the enemies of Iran ammunition against it

There needs to be an internal dialogue amongst Iranians to encourage change where faith, culture, rights and individual freedoms can come together

Pathetic and oppressive for mullahs. L
Today mullahs are pathetic and oppressive on every single human.

Liberalism is the way forward whether you like it or not.

Liberalism is not Muslim

Apart from homosexuality and debauchery even the west is turning illiberal
[sarcasm on]

Well, there are coming up "accidents" (some deadly) of US soldiers whole over the world. These accidents have NOTHING to do with Irak! They are "normal" accidents of US soldiers in bases all over the world. 2 here, 3 there, 4 there, have NOTHING to do with Irak!

[/sarcasm off]
I'm not on the side of violent regime change....I'm afraid they will turn Iran into Syria or Iraq, but judging by how fast these protesters formed I would guess the regime is losing it's grip.....it's just a matter of time before these protesters arm themselves and this becomes an armed conflict and the real killings begin. After that we're headed into the unknown. Either way, this regime is done...you can see that the people are fed up. It's their own fault for not reforming....the blame for the next revolution will be at the feet of the hardliners......
Time to activate ❎1 Peshawar corps of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa‘
It's a worrying time for Iran and as a Pakistan I can honestly say I am also worried about the fall out. The story of this Olympian is just 1 example of how religion is abused by the people in power to wield control over others. This needs to change; I just how the change is indigneous to Iran and without outside interference. Iran is our only stable border (other than the one with China) and I want it to remain stable.

At the same time if Iran could get rid of the Ayatollahs and the foreign policy they have; they could get rid of the economic sanctions and I think we'd see Iran as a country with a first world standard of living and a very good economy in 20-30 years.
It's a worrying time for Iran and as a Pakistan I can honestly say I am also worried about the fall out. The story of this Olympian is just 1 example of how religion is abused by the people in power to wield control over others. This needs to change; I just how the change is indigneous to Iran and without outside interference. Iran is our only stable border (other than the one with China) and I want it to remain stable.

At the same time if Iran could get rid of the Ayatollahs and the foreign policy they have; they could get rid of the economic sanctions and I think we'd see Iran as a country with a first world standard of living and a very good economy in 20-30 years.
Effectively that would mean a return to 70s era western vassalage,basically a persian version of saudi arabia so to speak.The problem here from the western perspective is not the "ayatollahs" per se its ANY iranian government which is strongly nationalistic and practices an independent foreign policy thats at odds with the western backed hegemonic status quo.
Effectively that would mean a return to 70s era western vassalage,basically a persian version of saudi arabia so to speak.The problem here from the western perspective is not the "ayatollahs" per se its ANY iranian government which is strongly nationalistic and practices an independent foreign policy thats at odds with the western backed hegemonic status quo.

Sometimes you have to take 1 step back to take 2 forwards. Look at the alternatives. They are looking to slowly break your country. The good will of your people won't last forever. Your neighbours and allies are not able to provide you with the support you need. The sanctions hurt Iran more than any bombs can.

It's better to be in control of change than have change you do not control. Look at Turkey. After a century it is slowly lifting its head. It won't take Iran as long.

Unfortunately all Muslim states are weak. If we worked together we could be a superpower, instead we are afraid of superpowers. I hope if we continue quietly onto the path of prosperity and build up our military might, our tech and knowledge sectors then in 20 years time maybe we can take steps to our own EU.

This is the century of China, maybe we can aim to make the next one ours.
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