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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

Come on !! we cherish the unique distinction of being your enemies.

Ofcourse you are a nuisance. But I can assure you, this project is not exclusively for you lot, it encompasses "full threat spectrum".
Well. Good Luck !! This is gonna be fun.

We don't need luck! Now chop chop, atleast get that third gen Tejas combat ready. Indeed, its going to be fun to see which one become combat ready first, Project Azm or Tejas. Comparison between JF and Tejas in this day and age is frankly speaking is silly. That boat sailed long time ago.
We don't need luck! Now chop chop, atleast get that third gen Tejas combat ready. Indeed, its going to be fun to see which one become combat ready first, Project Azm or Tejas. Comparison between JF and Tejas in this day and age is frankly speaking is silly. That boat sailed long time ago.

JF-17 is nothing but a product of premature ejaculation, but hey that was all what was required to keep your forces happy. Try holding your Azm a little longer at least this time around :P
JF-17 is nothing but a product of premature ejaculation, but hey that was all what was required to keep your forces happy. Try holding your Azm a little longer at least this time around :P

Come on dude, don't be a copy cat. that "premature ejaculation" is my patient phrase that I use often to describe the Indian projects and uncontrolled bravado that associate with them.


Enjoy!! :D
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I would suggest that PAF should join hands with Turkish Airforce in developing 5th generation fighter
Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a deal? Where is the couple of billion dollars which you will require to sink into the design and manufacturing research going to come from? Please elaborate and then we can talk.
Come on !! we cherish the unique distinction of being your enemies.

I have , that's one of the reasons why I dont $hit in PDF like you.

that's not sht... its food for your thought
Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a deal? Where is the couple of billion dollars which you will require to sink into the design and manufacturing research going to come from? Please elaborate and then we can talk.

Because its cheaper and less risky to collaborate rather than work on one's own.

"Where is the couple of billion dollars..."
So one can ask where is the couple of billion dollars for project Azm going to come from? So should we then say that PAF is bluffing about building Azm? This is an illogical statement.

As of now it seems the consensus from senior posters is that it will be a twin engined aircraft designed in collaboration with Chengdu.

Turkey has chosen to pay BAe to basically develop their aircraft for them. This would not be suitable for both political and technical reasons for Pakistan. The Turkish project is a stab in the dark, high risk and likely to fail, depending near completely on British expertise. We all know how that works out for Muslim countries.

It is a folly, given present geopolitical realignments.

If Pakistan sends a high level delegation and explains all this to the Turkish, it is possible they will scrap the British route and join Pakistan in the Azm project. That would be most fruitful and effective for both Pakistan and for Turkey.

A turkish Radar / avionics / EW / AAM / HMDS development could easily be a win-win for both sides.

Turkey needs to ween itself away from Europe if it is to continue to hold the foreign policy independence it has done in the recent past.
that's not sht... its food for your thought

Never knew you eat $hit for thought !!

Come on dude, don't be a copy cat. that "premature ejaculation" is my patient phrase that I use often to describe the Indian projects and uncontrolled bravado that associate with them.

View attachment 466909

Enjoy!! :D

Never came across your Patents! Everybody ejaculates however, it may not be as early as the JF-17s. Being an aviation enthusuast I am as excited to see these photos as you are but the buck stops at that. Your theory of "Birds with same feather flock together" with respect to the JF-17's are flawed, but who cares as long as it serves your purpose of a good night's sleep.
JF-17 is nothing but a product of premature ejaculation, but hey that was all what was required to keep your forces happy. Try holding your Azm a little longer at least this time around :P
I think this is from 2012, but still very relevant/happening. Keep trolling else where.
Never knew you eat $hit for thought !!

Never came across your Patents! Everybody ejaculates however, it may not be as early as the JF-17s. Being an aviation enthusuast I am as excited to see these photos as you are but the buck stops at that. Your theory of "Birds with same feather flock together" with respect to the JF-17's are flawed, but who cares as long as it serves your purpose of a good night's sleep.
mods are we allowed to speak like this and abuse posters. @waz @The Eagle

why do indians get a free ride
Never came across your Patents! Everybody ejaculates however, it may not be as early as the JF-17s. Being an aviation enthusuast I am as excited to see these photos as you are but the buck stops at that. Your theory of "Birds with same feather flock together" with respect to the JF-17's are flawed, but who cares as long as it serves your purpose of a good night's sleep.

You should have, or must have heard from your kind about my patents on this forum. Try to come up with your own catch phrase sunshine.

No one suffer as badly as you Indians from premature ejaculations when it comes to projects of national importance or shall I say, impotence. Tejas is just one of many such embarrassing stories. That pictures was not shown to you for your excitement but rather as a reminder to where JF stands in its maturity, where it is rubbing its shoulders with the best world has to offer. Now I am not expecting your Tejas to be involved in multi national exercise just yet, but atleast get it combat ready so we can be in position to do some comparisons. All these talks of which one is better is rather silly at this point in time.
Because its cheaper and less risky to collaborate rather than work on one's own.

"Where is the couple of billion dollars..."
So one can ask where is the couple of billion dollars for project Azm going to come from? So should we then say that PAF is bluffing about building Azm? This is an illogical statement.

As of now it seems the consensus from senior posters is that it will be a twin engined aircraft designed in collaboration with Chengdu.

Turkey has chosen to pay BAe to basically develop their aircraft for them. This would not be suitable for both political and technical reasons for Pakistan. The Turkish project is a stab in the dark, high risk and likely to fail, depending near completely on British expertise. We all know how that works out for Muslim countries.

It is a folly, given present geopolitical realignments.

If Pakistan sends a high level delegation and explains all this to the Turkish, it is possible they will scrap the British route and join Pakistan in the Azm project. That would be most fruitful and effective for both Pakistan and for Turkey.

A turkish Radar / avionics / EW / AAM / HMDS development could easily be a win-win for both sides.

Turkey needs to ween itself away from Europe if it is to continue to hold the foreign policy independence it has done in the recent past.
Thank you for your post. I need to answer in detail.
It is indeed less riskier to collaborate. The question is with whom? In this case China or Turkey. I know who I would collaborate with .
You have said it your self. Turkey is a much more riskier venture.Turkey is using its experience from its collaboration on the F35 project and mated it with BAE who will provide engine and other critical technologies. It needs to be noted you have 2 countries who themselves have nothing more than collaboration. China on the other hand has a finished and a semi finished product. The Turkish experience with BAE gives it Insight into engines and the EJ series is a sweet offering and I guess tempting even for PAF. However bg the time it comes on line the Chinese will have come up with a decent replacement at half the cost. In the avionics field even if the Chinese proposals do not come upto expectations collaboration with Turkey or other key providers is possible.
The stated date for the Turkish product is 2025 so you may not see the product in PAF BEFORE 2028-30 mark. This is a serious delay.
Lastly we have our own industry to protect. Why should we go for a foreign product when backed by Chinese collaboration we can come up with our own product in that time frame. The advantages of building in house are immense.
Turmey has taken key decisions based on its interests and policies. It gets access to better products and has more money and therefore choses them. The strategic reallignment at the moment does not affect Turkey. I am going out on a limb here and surmising that when it does effect Turkey the turnkey tech that might be acquired by them would prove to be pivotal for us as well. So there is a subtle game being played with backing diverse sources for eventual gain. The question is when do our interests converge? This to me is the key point and a historical change will take place at that time. However for this project both alliances have not given enough gain to converge yet.
Thank you for your post. I need to answer in detail.
It is indeed less riskier to collaborate. The question is with whom? In this case China or Turkey. I know who I would collaborate with .
You have said it your self. Turkey is a much more riskier venture.Turkey is using its experience from its collaboration on the F35 project and mated it with BAE who will provide engine and other critical technologies. It needs to be noted you have 2 countries who themselves have nothing more than collaboration. China on the other hand has a finished and a semi finished product. The Turkish experience with BAE gives it Insight into engines and the EJ series is a sweet offering and I guess tempting even for PAF. However bg the time it comes on line the Chinese will have come up with a decent replacement at half the cost. In the avionics field even if the Chinese proposals do not come upto expectations collaboration with Turkey or other key providers is possible.
The stated date for the Turkish product is 2025 so you may not see the product in PAF BEFORE 2028-30 mark. This is a serious delay.
Lastly we have our own industry to protect. Why should we go for a foreign product when backed by Chinese collaboration we can come up with our own product in that time frame. The advantages of building in house are immense.
Turmey has taken key decisions based on its interests and policies. It gets access to better products and has more money and therefore choses them. The strategic reallignment at the moment does not affect Turkey. I am going out on a limb here and surmising that when it does effect Turkey the turnkey tech that might be acquired by them would prove to be pivotal for us as well. So there is a subtle game being played with backing diverse sources for eventual gain. The question is when do our interests converge? This to me is the key point and a historical change will take place at that time. However for this project both alliances have not given enough gain to converge yet.
Brother, AZM is twin engine or single engine?

I think PAF is inclined to work with Chengdu.

As per engine, WS15 will fit in if AZM is single engine fighter.
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