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Prime Minister Imran Khan invites PM Modi for a debate to resolve the differencs between two countries.

There are certain quarters that can now only troll given the capability of Modi to sit and talk rationale. At-least, we can arrange a working teleprompter in time so that he wouldn't need to face embarrassment. Keyboard Joes needs to correct themselves. There is a limit of criticizing and one shall not be falling victim to political rivalry or personal likes/dislikes.

Unfortunately, those who pretends to be Pakistanis are actually bigger problem than enemy. Just because it was said by IK so one has to come with name calling & whatever given the personal reasons. Do you even pay attention as to what PM of Pakistan said while talking to International Media and directly named Modi? Do you even know how much this effects our portrayal and presents our point of view to the world? Do you even know how much this effects in regard to correct image of Pakistan? Alas, some people are only used to written receipts & scripts and still call them leadership.... one has to go foul mouth merely for the sake of it.

IK is PM of Pakistan and challenged Modi, PM of India.

I think it was Theodore Roosevelt who said «speak softly but always carry a stick»

India has been able to do what it does in Kashmir, and What it did Sri Lanka, without any discoloring of its image, is because it has a sophisticated policiy apparatus that potray it as hippie peace loving yoga people. Plus you have bollywood.

People outside who have never been to India believe its a peace loving people that loves to sing and dance in the garden in colorful clothes.
I think it was Theodore Roosevelt who said «speak softly but always carry a stick»

India has been able to do what it does in Kashmir, and What it did Sri Lanka, without any discoloring of its image, is because it has a sophisticated policiy apparatus that potray it as hippie peace loving yoga people. Plus you have bollywood.

People outside who have never been to India believe its a peace loving people that loves to sing and dance in the garden in colorful clothes.

India's internal image is well known to the rest of the world. It is just that business matters thingy which keeps them all silent. I agree that Indian Media keeps that afloat as compare to Pakistan where everything is seen from political optics and need of criticizing & opposing merely for the sake of it.

Most of Pakistani media is nothing but campaigners of any party being busy with mudslinging & others contest totally unaware of geo politics & diplomacy schemes. Not that India's media is so smart & well learnt into foreign affairs but at-least there hyper nationalism makes them to stay in line with national policy. In Pakistan case; freedom of speech is literally taken to the most foul mouthing & propaganda so that certain employer is paying much better.
A nation is respected when one makes it working and does so by actions as well as the real deal in schemes. People starts to make foolish comments and thinks that they earned it but not. freedom of speech does not mean that an issue of national interest is being ridiculed because of political rivalry. This is about Pakistan and Pakistan only. Political disagreements can be kept in the topics where PTI Chairman speaks anything about political rivals. It warrants real skill of comprehension & understanding the matter at hand. Not everything is about domestic political garbage. World knows him because of PM of Pakistan and he presenting the nation right now.
As you sir are the expert in comprehension and understanding, and me being a common paindu. Kindly explain if you dont mind on whats acceptable speech according to you??

And just because you think I am criticizing him because of my political affiliations, then you are more naive then I previously though.

The better quality of a man is not when he judges by what he thinks is right, but investigates, and then makes an educated conclusion.

I am annoyed by the Honorable PM for constantly spreading his blessed hands out in friendship to filth's who dont deserve it, and makes a laughing stock of himself, and the country to the eastern jokers.

And as it has become a common practice these days to prove ones political affiliations especially to the PTI supporters, I voted for ik in the last elections. Should I post the picture with the slip.
me being a common paindu.

I didn't say that.

Kindly explain if you dont mind on whats acceptable speech according to you??

Acceptable speech is not the word here. Freedom of speech V/s idiotic comments undermining Pakistan in front of the world, based upon domestic political differences and personal likes or dislikes. My post is still here in the thread and you can read it again.

And just because you think I am criticizing him because of my political affiliations, then you are more naive then I previously though.

That wasn't criticism and I can see that.

The better quality of a man is not when he judges by what he thinks is right, but investigates, and then makes an educated conclusion.

Exactly the case being repeatedly said by me. IK invited Modi and you went on a rampant against IK. I said, PM of Pakistan invited PM of India and there's the difference. You keep insisting but that wouldn't change the fact.

I am annoyed by the Honorable PM for constantly spreading his blessed hands out in friendship to filth's who dont deserve it, and makes a laughing stock of himself, and the country to the eastern jokers.

The PM has more responsibility than parenting a child or two at home in personal life. You can somehow beat any of your angry relative or a neighbour or someone that you don't agree or being faced with conflict on a street with someone else but that doesn't risk the killing of your family at home so you do what you do in anger. On other hand, PM is presenting a nation and still thinks about the safety of people as well. You don't just go like Nazis on an adventure since you don't like your enemy. Talks are the first option and always plausible before hitting someone hard. You still live with your neighbour even if he is annoying. You don't just kill him like that unless, you have a reason to self defence. In International Politics & Strategical games; this is not how you see or is it some kind of street fight. Who cares about what people think in India? This is about how the rest of the world sees our continuous offers to settle the matters in talks. Had it been our weakness; no one would be talking about February, 2019. This is purely your judgment to see him becoming an alleged laughing stock.

And as it has become a common practice these days to prove ones political affiliations especially to the PTI supporters, I voted for ik in the last elections. Should I post the picture with the slip.

And I didn't vote him at all. What else do you need to correct your assessment about this place. What you face with PTI supporters outside is not the concern of this Forum. Here, the national interest will remain on top.
i don't think Joe should be measured by this yard stick.

It was getting embarrassing.

I passed Class 6.
I got further than that; 'nuff said, I'm the worst educated in my family (leaving aside the little sprog who is 5 years old).
I raised a daughter, who has progressive views, teaches up a storm, manages house and profession brilliantly - forget it, I had a daughter. Let's leave it at that.
I have never knowingly harmed another human being in my life.
I...oh, to hell with it. I don't feel like being compared to that great man. Not worthy, M'Lud.
India's internal image is well known to the rest of the world. It is just that business matters thingy which keeps them all silent. I agree that Indian Media keeps that afloat as compare to Pakistan where everything is seen from political optics and need of criticizing & opposing merely for the sake of it.

Most of Pakistani media is nothing but campaigners of any party being busy with mudslinging & others contest totally unaware of geo politics & diplomacy schemes. Not that India's media is so smart & well learnt into foreign affairs but at-least there hyper nationalism makes them to stay in line with national policy. In Pakistan case; freedom of speech is literally taken to the most foul mouthing & propaganda so that certain employer is paying much better.

Its true that some of the reasons for giving India a soft touch are grounded on strategic rationale.

The West knew India was somewhat non-aligned. It had to keep it that way in order to prevent a deeper Russo-Indian alliance. Which it succeded in preventing. India was given some degree of goodwill.

In recent two decades this was accelerated by a ascending China. The West estimated India was the only real competitor to China in Asia-Pacific.

IMO this a major strategic mistake by the west as India is not another China.
I think it was Theodore Roosevelt who said «speak softly but always carry a stick»
Speak softly and carry a big stick.

It was in a speech.
India has been able to do what it does in Kashmir, and What it did Sri Lanka, without any discoloring of its image, is because it has a sophisticated policiy apparatus that potray it as hippie peace loving yoga people. Plus you have bollywood.
Slick, smooth, sexy - yup, that's us.
People outside who have never been to India believe its a peace loving people that loves to sing and dance in the garden in colorful clothes.
It is, it is. Come over and see for yourself.
Sorry, couldn't help it.

So you can't wait to see me in jail? Thanks, buddy.
Just a small request - don't put me in the same sentence as some other people.
Well Joe if you were india's PM...I don't think we would be enemies for long.
I actually wasn't putting Joe down. I meant that he is smart

THIS - is a GOOD day.
And I didn't vote him at all. What else do you need to correct your assessment about this place. What you face with PTI supporters outside is not the concern of this Forum. Here, the national interest will remain on top.
I am not going to reply to any of the other points, not because I have run out of space to talk from, and I am sure you will have an answer to everything to counter my argument.

The difference is in how we see things, u have urs I have mine. I was being critical, and I am sure you missed the point because I was being sarcastic while doing that.

I am not going to deny that, but life to me is too short to make a face pipe in hand, and just be serious all the time.

I will however reply to the quoted part and the only reason I did mention the PTI supporter part was to your comment of me being critical of ik only because I might be doing it due to political rivalry.

I will take your leave now.

Thank you for your time again.
Well Joe if you were india's PM...I don't think we would be enemies for long.
I'm not kidding, but I think a decent individual who shares my views wouldn't take more than two to three years to squelch the crap that is going on,

Starting with unilateral measures, like visas for all kids below 21, for all visitors who need medical treatment, for all with relatives in the country; then allow all South Asians to try for the IIT in the UAE, against a protected quota apart from the Emiratis; promote joint ventures, institution to institution, between our leading institutions and yours (I have LUMS squarely in my sights! I'm IIMC myself, and I'd like to see how they stack up); encourage working with ISRO, our gold standard in institutional excellence; sign pacts that get our soldiers out of harm's way, without compromising security; offer unilateral access for trade, whether or not we get reciprocal rights...the list goes on and on.

Be warned, Nepal and Bangladesh would get in the queue, covering my first two Indian languages.

If I presented my full plan, @jamahir would travel the 1,000 kms between us to strangle me with his bare hands. Sadly, I cannot agree that Communism is a solution; the Naxals would remain under pressure, but not shooting pressure, developmental pressure.

I've never been treated any way but very nicely by every guy from that side, in spite of their being mainly Punjoos, alien to my gentle, soft-spoken, very cultured Bong self. If you will stop the hysterical laughter at the back, I'd like to continue!

This is all Pakistan-specific.

Well Joe if you were india's PM...I don't think we would be enemies for long.
Actually, travel - if necessary, unilaterally relaxed for you to come over - would be the greatest emollient. That way, I could get my friends over and drag them kicking and screaming to see the bits of my country that are so extraordinary. And take pictures of their faces when they experience the diversity of an Indian city - it can't be described, it has to be experienced. Where do I even start?
Speak softly and carry a big stick.

It was in a speech.

Slick, smooth, sexy - yup, that's us.

It is, it is. Come over and see for yourself.

I have been in Mumbai airport, if that counts.
Beautiful building. Had some food in one of the resturants and it was was awfully salty. The chef probably had a bad day at work.

The problem for India is that youre a polulous nation. Even if 10% were idiots, it still is whopping 150 million. Which is openly visible for everyone on the internet.

Other than that i dont ilke the way you are strangeling Kashmir. No nation should be excused for ongoing brutal occupation. Especially when its breaks with treaties and UN resolutions.

Do i think India is all bad? Of course not. But its heading a direction thats destructive for the subcontinent.
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