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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

This is just too great. Rabid anti-Muslim Trump supporters (maybe they no longer worship him - seems that quite a few of them are crying about him currently) here (of course none of them being American citizens, people who have anything to do with Syria, the Arab world or even the region) crying about Trump's decision to act against the biggest mass-murderer of the 21st century and against a regime that is almost unanimously hated/disliked by not only the Muslim world but the entire world outside of the likes of North Korea, Iranian Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's, Putin, countless of "Shia" terrorist groups etc.

It becomes even funnier when those retards fail to understand that the presence of the Al-Assad regime has been the biggest catalyst for the same radical terrorist groups (on both sides) that most sane people, whether Syrians, Arabs, Muslims or non-Muslims, rightfully are against. Cretins is the word that best describes them.

Hopefully this is just the beginning and the beginning of the end of that hideous regime and the beginning of some kind of peace-process or ending of this senseless conflict that is a destabilizing the entire region and world as a whole.

Well done Trump. I could not care less about him but thanks for making such individuals burn with anger. It's a beautiful sight.
Gassing innocent civilians, including dozens upon dozens of children, on several occasions since at least August 2013, should not be tolerated by the international community.

Oh, and you gotta love the usual Russian propaganda when they have been embarrassed. The 1.55 m tall Putin trying to act like some top dog forgetting that Russia is a paper tiger at best if her nukes were to be removed. Nukes they won't ever dare to use against the US or anyone else for that matter.

The painful aspect in all this, which can also be seen in this thread, is that some Muslims still find in them the evil motivation to defend indefensible heinous crimes of a war criminal like Assad. They are more worried about their hero Putin's reaction than right and wrong, good and evil. DO they believe in doing justice and fairness that Allah (swt) commands us to do?

Many of these shameless Muslims who are defending Assad , whine everyday about evil Modi or Yogi Adityanath in india. or what Netanyahu is doing in Palestine. But If you defend genocidal war criminals like Assad what right do you possibly have to cry on what Indian islamophobes are doing? if anything, Hindutvadis in India killed less muslims in 70 years than what maniac assad killed in 7 years. Your whining about kashmir, India or Palestine is absolutely hollow since your motivation for that is purely materialistic ego driven and NOT based on truth & justice. Be ashamed of yourselves.

Brother, those individuals could not care less about the truth or ground realities. For them it is only convenient to talk about what you have mentioned when it suits them. Otherwise they keep quite. Such people are worth nothing and their crying on other occasions should not be taken seriously.
lol now you are trying to tell me that Israel can fight a war with Russia?
If only Iran breaks lose on Israel it will level the entire country in a matter of 2 days. If only Hezbollah is given a go ahead Israel will not last a day just under the missile attacks. You have not seen the Katushka Rockets and the type of hell they release.

Lol the Baboon just justified more military intervention in Syria by Russia and Iran

Now here is the latest joke in the line of events. First USA thought Assad ordered the chemical attack now after attacking Assad USA thinks Russia did the chemical attack.

Reports: Pentagon Looking Into Potential Russian Involvement in Syria Chemical Attack

After Killing 4 children and 9 civilians USA has decided to investigate who did the chemical attack. Trump has lost his mind.

What goes around comes around. The Americans are going to remain stuck in the Middle East forever. They have been sowing hate and war. Killing scores of innocent people in drone strikes and bombings. This is the result and we should not be surprised.
I questioned Syria's military might not others

Russian presence on an airfield from where the attack was launched is obviously a matter of concern

about USA killing civilians .... yes it has but in last night attack, not a single evidence of civilian areas getting hit. Syrian govt couldnt come up with a name so far !!!
Can you please provide me the evidence the Chemical attack was carried by Syrian forces because now USA is saying that Russia did the Chemical attack?
great achievement , i hope mr. trump has plans on liberating iran too

so in the end you show your true color ... don't be happy about these attacks ... these are last tries of a dying empire ....

Iran saw many of these mighty empire in history when they claimed to will last for eternity last of them were Tzar of Russia , Current Uk royal family ( they are not an empire any more ) and Ottomans ......
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What goes around comes around. The Americans are going to remain stuck in the Middle East forever. They have been sowing hate and war. Killing scores of innocent people in drone strikes and bombings. This is the result and we should not be surprised.
Nothing much to say here other than all the proxies have been made to make sure that Israel stays the dominate force in the region. The Chemical attack was done by Israel and the missile attacks were done to pressurize China as Xi was visiting USA. This was all done to make China sacred and do some thing about North Korea.
Can you please provide me the evidence the Chemical attack was carried by Syrian forces because now USA is saying that Russia did the Chemical attack?

USA is saying heavy presence of Russians on the airfield that launched attacks makes it very difficult to think that they were not a "partner in crime" They are not saying that the aircraft was Russian !!!

About the attack



If you look at these reports objectively you will able to connect the dots and find out whose story is correct
It's history repeating itself:

God says in the Qur'an about the Roman lose to the persians in the earlier days of Islam:

"غُلِبَتِ الرُّومُ ﴿2﴾ فِي أَدْنَى الْأَرْضِ وَهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ غَلَبِهِمْ سَيَغْلِبُونَ ﴿3﴾فِي بِضْعِ سِنِينَ لِلَّهِ الْأَمْرُ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَمِنْ بَعْدُ وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ ﴿4﴾"


"The Romans have been defeated * In the nearer land * and they, after their defeat, will be victorious * Within three to nine years * The decision of the matter, before and after is only with Allah * And on that Day * the believers will rejoice."

well , They was defeated by Muslims as well , but what happened then , they won and did Muslims rejoice it !? don't use Quran like this boy ...
The question is does Russia switched off its air defence or it failed specially Pansir S-1/2.
The question is does Russia switched off its air defence or it failed specially Pansir S-1/2.
Out of 60 only 23 missiles hit the base, where are the rest? There were fighter jets taking off and landing on the case even today and the fighter jets conducted Air strikes even today from the base. So the question is how good is American cruise missile?

S-400 are place at Latakia
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