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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Not surprised that a lot of his core supporters feel let down and are jumping ship, just proves that they were always the good guys and backed him for the right reasons.

you happy about this ? have fun with the saudis, al qaeda, neocons, isis and israel etc, been a good day for them.

having said that, He is unpredictable, could it just be a well choreographed show to match right when he's hosting Xi at his Florida palace ? maybe no one died, and it was all planned with Assad and Putin, all a big show to placate the neocons.

optics is everything, and you never know with these kinds of things...

After U.S. Strikes Syria, Russian PM Says It's 'On The Verge Of A Military Clash'

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Friday that U.S.-Russia relations were "completely ruined" after U.S. President Donald Trump approved a military strike against a Syrian air field Thursday night, and that the United States was "[o]n the verge of a military clash with Russia."

Russia has supported Syrian President Bashar Assad with airstrikes against civilians, rebel groups and ideological extremists alike in Syria since late 2015.

A Pentagon spokesperson said Thursday, according to CNBC, that "Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line" and "U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield."

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that the missile strike was "an act of aggression." The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also suspended the memorandum of understanding that established the deconfliction channel, by which the two countries U.S. and shared military flight information in order to avoid confrontations or collisions.

Medvedev said Friday that "The last remaining election fog has lifted. Instead of an overworked statement about a joint fight against the biggest enemy, ISIS (the Islamic State), the Trump administration proved that it will fiercely fight the legitimate Syrian government."

"Beyond that is absolute mistrust," he added later. "Which is really sad for our now completely ruined relations. And which is good news for terrorists."

Of-course, Syrian (terrorist) regime will deny its involvement.

Do you ever get tired of your fanboy-ish ravings?

Syrian regime had to worry about rebels in this conflict earlier. Now, it has to worry about American attacks. It is logical for this regime to be scared. However, nobody boasts about being scared.

Russians can do whatever they want but they are powerless to stop the Americans and they know it. Your inflated projection of Russian power is a just a fantasy.

Learn to differentiate propaganda from facts.

Americans have the technology to record an entire operation in real-time and they can show you what really happened.

Russians should be explaining why they chickened out from that base.

Says an American fanboy. Dude, we know that lying and distorting the truth is an American obsession. Stop licking US boots and have the courage to speak the truth. We are still waiting for those WMDs by the way.

LOL You are deluding yourself. The Syrian government isn't scared of anyone. It has the backing of Russia and Iran among others. It is the previous Obama administration which has been left red faced after their regime change antics came to an abrupt halt. We all know how Putin checkmated Obama. Trump is no different. He is desperate and has no solutions. Firing missiles is not a solution. It is utter desperation.

Really? If you are so sure about the supremacy of America I ask you a simple question. Why doesn't your America replace Assad and occupy Syria to impose their will on the Syrians? What is the difficulty? Why waste cruise missiles and act tough? You are living in lala land to believe that your mighty America can do everything and anything they wish. Syria isn't Iraq buddy. You can't frame a so-called dictator like you did in Iraq and have it your way. Syria is a different ballgame with other powers backing Assad.

You think the Russians don't have technology to prove the Americans wrong? Stop worshipping the Americans.

Admit failure. The missile strike didn't achieve anything. It has emboldened Russia and Assad. Assad is still in power and Russia has disgraced the US by annulling past agreements.
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USA destroyed Russian Helicopters in the missile strikes and Russia is going to retaliate.
This is the American way. Carry out an attack, lie about the facts and resort to shameless chest thumping.
Have you even bothered to check American accounts and incoming evidence of hits scored on the targets? Americans monitor and record their attacks in real-time. We are talking about Tomahawk cruise missiles here, not some cheap Chinese electronics item.

Russians predicted 30,000 American casualties in the first Gulf War. That is how reliable they are when it comes to talking about American accomplishments.
The missile strike didn't achieve anything. It has emboldened Russia and Assad.
not sure if 'emboldened' is the right word but they've given them the moral high ground by going on the offensive without providing a shred of evidence.

this is right out of the neocon playbook, seen this charade before, nobody's buying it.
Have you even bothered to check American accounts and incoming evidence of hits scored on the targets? Americans monitor and record their attacks in real-time. We are talking about Tomahawk cruise missiles here, not some cheap Chinese electronics item.

Russians predicted 30,000 American casualties in the first Gulf War. That is how reliable they are when it comes to talking about American accomplishments.

Who says that American evidence is not manufactured? Who gives a fvck about real-time recording. Almost every country which possesses cruise missiles has access to such tech. It isn't rocket science.

Stop acting like a brainwashed baboon. We understand your obsession with America, but calm down with the invinciblilty claims. As for the failed sarcasm attempt, your American buddies rely on the Chinese tech industry. If Chinese electronics are unreliable tell your American stooges to stop manufacturing their electronic goods in China.

LOL your American Tomahawks have an awkward tendency of going wayward. Don't try to convince me about the fake invincibility of this missile. We know exactly how invincible this missile is. Also, how can dozens of Tomahawk missiles miss their target like they did during the strike? LMAO

We know how successful the Americans have been in wrecking the Middle East. First the Americans destroyed and falsely occupied Iraq. Everyone knows what took place during the occupation. America is the reason why Syria and the Middle East are bleeding today. Russia didn't invade another country on false pretense and unleash ISIS. Your America has.
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Every country that could have posed a threat to Israel has been destroyed. Look at Libya, Look at Iraq and Look at Syria. All these countries were thrown into a fabricated civil war but still this forum will go into a sectarian comments. This shows how successful Israeli proxy war is.

Syria posed a threat to Israel ?? Without airsupport syrian army couldnt defend and when weapons were provided to rebels Syrian army was on retreat. Its the combine might of 2 airforces (Syrian and Russian) and the manpower of Syrian Army, Hezbullah, IRGC and Iraqi militias that have rebels on the back foot. Israeli army is 10times better than rebel (if not 100) and will enjoy far superior air support than Syrian troops






Russian MoD lied once again.


I actually dont remember single case when they did NOT lie.

Looking at the accuracy of the missiles its really laughable that people think only a few could reach the base

Would be nice to know what type of Russian anti-air defense system that was destroyed.

CNN is also reporting that the US is opening an investigation into Russian complicity in the chemical weapons attack.
two types of SAMs were deployed at the airbase
SAM-6 and Pantsir-S1
Russia deploys warship off Syria coast after tensions mount over Trump's missile strike
RUSSIA has upped the ante by positioning a warship off the coast of Syria as tensions mount after US President Donald Trump ordered a missile strike on the country.

Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader, has responded to the launching of 59 tomahawk missiles by the US by manoeuvring a warship off the Syrian coast and has vowed to bolster missile defences in the Middle East country.


The US and Russia are currently facing off to one another over Syria
The frigate Admiral Grigorovich, which is armed with cruise missiles and a self-defence system, has moved from the Black Sea and is expected to dock in Syria later today.

The ship will most likely pass through Mediterranean waters close to where the USS Ross and USS Porter fired the tomahawk missiles that struck the al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs in the early hours of Friday.

Mr Putin called the US missile strike an "illegal act of aggression" and scrapped an agreement to avoid mid-air clashes between Russian and US fighter jets.


Admiral Grigorovich sails along the Bosphorus
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated that the US strikes were one step away from clashing with the Russian military.

Mr Medvedev, writing on social media, said the US strikes were illegal and had been "one step away from military clashes with Russia."

The chief advisor to Bashir al-Assad, the Syrian President, has also hit out at the US military action, saying it was a "violation of our sovereignty".

No Russian ship can leave port and reach Mediterranean so quickly. This deployment was made sometime back and the ship was enroute and nothing big here. Russia already has a Naval base in Syria and such deployments are routine
TEL AVIV – Following the U.S. launch of Tomahawk missiles targeting a strategic Syrian airfield on Thursday night, Iran must be monitored carefully for the possibility that it may use its proxies for retaliation, especially against Israel’s northern border.


That is right folks. Trump's mad actions leading to an undesired domino effect. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is now suddenly trying to cash in and settle scores. Thanks to the orange baboon for opening the Pandora's box.
Syria posed a threat to Israel ?? Without airsupport syrian army couldnt defend and when weapons were provided to rebels Syrian army was on retreat. Its the combine might of 2 airforces (Syrian and Russian) and the manpower of Syrian Army, Hezbullah, IRGC and Iraqi militias that have rebels on the back foot. Israeli army is 10times better than rebel (if not 100) and will enjoy far superior air support than Syrian troops
lol now you are trying to tell me that Israel can fight a war with Russia?
If only Iran breaks lose on Israel it will level the entire country in a matter of 2 days. If only Hezbollah is given a go ahead Israel will not last a day just under the missile attacks. You have not seen the Katushka Rockets and the type of hell they release.

That is right folks. Trump's mad actions leading to an undesired domino effect. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is now suddenly trying to cash in and settle scores. Thanks to the orange baboon for opening the Pandora's box.

Lol the Baboon just justified more military intervention in Syria by Russia and Iran

Now here is the latest joke in the line of events. First USA thought Assad ordered the chemical attack now after attacking Assad USA thinks Russia did the chemical attack.

Reports: Pentagon Looking Into Potential Russian Involvement in Syria Chemical Attack

After Killing 4 children and 9 civilians USA has decided to investigate who did the chemical attack. Trump has lost his mind.

lol now you are trying to tell me that Israel can fight a war with Russia?
If only Iran breaks lose on Israel it will level the entire country in a matter of 2 days. If only Hezbollah is given a go ahead Israel will not last a day just under the missile attacks. You have not seen the Katushka Rockets and the type of hell they release.

Lol the Baboon just justified more military intervention in Syria by Russia and Iran

Now here is the latest joke in the line of events. First USA thought Assad ordered the chemical attack now after attacking Assad USA thinks Russia did the chemical attack.

Reports: Pentagon Looking Into Potential Russian Involvement in Syria Chemical Attack

After Killing 4 children and 9 civilians USA has decided to investigate who did the chemical attack. Trump has lost his mind.

I questioned Syria's military might not others

Russian presence on an airfield from where the attack was launched is obviously a matter of concern

about USA killing civilians .... yes it has but in last night attack, not a single evidence of civilian areas getting hit. Syrian govt couldnt come up with a name so far !!!
"The nation which voluntarily gives away its freedom deserves to be treated as slaves" - Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha

"The nation which feels lazy to grab the coarse handle of the swords finds itself at the receiving end of the fine edge of the swords" - Jengiz Han

Let it be a lesson for the Muslim world. When you let yourselves to be ruled by the minority proxy traitors, instead of a unified, strong and central command, this is what happens to you!!! Let the 41-nation coalition force be the first step toward the removal of this rampant humiliation which will have its marks on the Roz-i Hashr too!!! Allah-u Azimushshan doesn't change the Bed-Baht of Fasik and Gafil folks engaged in Fitne and Fesat. As for the Ehl-i Iman, there's Khair in Sher!!! Verily, HIS help and victory are nearby for those engaged in relentless Mujadele under the umbrella of Sabr and Shukr. La Galibe Illallah....
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