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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

RIP...Countless number of children have died due to Assad policies as well...

I have no words right now...I feel for people of Syria...Everyone is playing on their territory...:(

Every country that could have posed a threat to Israel has been destroyed. Look at Libya, Look at Iraq and Look at Syria. All these countries were thrown into a fabricated civil war but still this forum will go into a sectarian comments. This shows how successful Israeli proxy war is.
Is this a joke?

Provide evidence that Russians managed to jam/counter Tomahawk cruise missiles. Russians evacuated that base before the attack. They won't do that if they could counter American salvo. Use common sense.
What evidence would satisfy you?
What evidence would satisfy you?
You don't have any.

Don't expect wild speculations to be take seriously. Your account gives the impression that Russia can jam much of the American military force. Utter nonsense.

FYI: Tomahawk cruise missiles have anti-jamming system since 1994.
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Every country that could have posed a threat to Israel has been destroyed. Look at Libya, Look at Iraq and Look at Syria. All these countries were thrown into a fabricated civil war but still this forum will go into a sectarian comments. This shows how successful Israeli proxy war is.

The only country that posed a threat to Israel was Iraq, if Saddam was going to make the right decisions for an economic boom there. Syria and Libya never posed an exisistential threat to Israel. Iraq could have been scientific and economic hub of the ME, which is what Israel perceives as an threat.
- UK - France - Germany - Italy - Netherlands - UAE - Jordan - Saudi - Turkey - Israel - Australia - NZ - Japan

Above support the US blindly on Syrian attacks.
- UK - France - Germany - Italy - Netherlands - UAE - Jordan - Saudi - Turkey - Israel - Australia - NZ - Japan

Above support the US blindly on Syrian attacks.
and as we all know, blind people have no vision.

this lot in particular (arab dictatorships and NATO) have a great track record too.


US tries to restore military back channel with Russia after Syria strikes

The Pentagon is attempting to revive a critical military communications hotline between the US and Russia that has become the first geopolitical casualty of Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to attack Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Live Syria bombing: Russia PM calls Trump's airstrike 'good news for terrorists' – live
American military strike hits airbase in Syria in retaliation for what US president called ‘horrible chemical weapons attack’ in Idlib
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By shutting down the so-called deconfliction channel after the missile strike on Russia’s Syrian proxy, Vladimir Putin has dared Trump to choose between attacking Assad and attacking Islamic State, Trump’s priority.

Trump’s missile barrage, reversing his previous indifference to continued Assad rule, now faces conflicting demands from Congress to escalate militarily and from Russia to back down.

The US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, is scheduled to travel to Moscow next week in an attempt to impose an elusive peace on Syria, though its terms have for years been thwarted by Putin’s insistence that Assad remain in power.

The military channel is pivotal for ensuring US and Russian pilots avoid accidentally colliding, confronting one another in midair or attacking each other’s forces or proxies in north-eastern Syria. It also has a significant political component, according to former defense officials: to ensure competing air wars in Syria do not accidentally spiral into a confrontation between two nuclear powers.

Even with the channel in operation since late 2015, several near misses have resulted. The US military repurposed it on Thursday night to warn Russian military forces at the Shayrat airfield that its Tomahawk missile strike was imminent.

In the aftermath of the US airstrikes, the Kremlin denounced them as an “act of aggression in violation of international law”. Putin summoned his national security council to discuss what an official statement said would be the “inevitable negative consequences” in the fight against terrorism. And the Russian defense ministry said it was beefing up its air defenses in Syria.

Design of Tomahawk cruise missile:


How it works?

The missile typically flies at 50 – 100 feet above ground using terrain-following radar, and navigates to its targets using a combination of GPS/INS, computer matching of the land’s radar-mapped contours to the missile’s internal maps (TERCOM), and final matching of the target scene (DSMAC). Once on target the missile can fly a direct horizontal attack mode, trigger preprogrammed detonation above the target, or use a pop-up and dive maneuver.

Block V has a 2-way UHF SATCOM datalink that allows the missile to be redirected in flight, or commanded to loiter over an area and wait for instructions from a Fleet HQ’s Maritime Operations Center.
You don't have any.

Don't expect wild speculations to be take seriously. Your account gives the impression that Russia can jam much of the American military force. Utter nonsense.

FYI: Tomahawk cruise missiles have anti-jamming system since 1994.
Again what evidence would satisfy you?

I ask, because each individual has different "levels" of evidence that he would accept.
Again what evidence would satisfy you?

I ask, because each individual has different "levels" of evidence that he would accept.
Any empirical or scientific explanation of how Russians overcame anti-jamming technologies of Tomahawk cruise missiles? I would also like to see live footage of Russian jamming technologies working on a Tomahawk cruise missile.

Here: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/423363/how-cruise-missiles-would-beat-gps-jammers-in-libya/

Even if you somehow manage to spoof its on-board (anti-jam) GPS navigation system (no concrete evidence of this exists so far), Tomahawk cruise missile will switch to an alternate source of navigation known as TERCOM to reach its target. If even TERCOM fails, Tomahawk will switch to another alternate source of guidance or combination of two.

In short, you cannot spoof or jam a Tomahawk cruise missile. Kindly refrain from speculating about stuff that you don't fully understand.
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