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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

I'm sorry to inform you that the missile strike will have zero impact. Trump has only worsened the situation by dragging America into an armed conflict in Syria. Something that even Obama hadn't done. What will now happen after the missile strikes? A follow up? You can fill in the blanks. Once you start you become party.
Hello! US is involved in Syrian civil war since it began. Trump didn't drag US into it.

Message has been sent and its impact is visible. You can rave about imaginary bravery of Russians but it is going to change nothing. On the other hand, Syrian regime will think twice before using chemical weapons on innocent civilians. Stop championing the criminals in this tragedy.
you can lol as much as you want but that was the agreement

and whatever you said about USA can be said for Russia too

Just give it a break. This desperate attempt by Trump has achieved more humiliation. No one gives a hoot about the missile strikes.

Hello! US is involved in Syrian civil war since it began. Trump didn't drag US into it.

Message has been sent and its impact is visible. You can rave about imaginary bravery of Russians but it is going to change nothing. On the other hand, Syrian regime will think twice before using chemical weapons on innocent civilians. Stop championing the criminals in this tragedy.

LOL Who said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons? Your Western and American sources?

Don't give us that BS argument. Syrian government has categorically denied the use of chemical weapons. If anything the American sponsored rebel groups are responsible for the chemical strike.

LOL at the unknown message. Assad is still in power and the Russians are now intensifying their air strikes against US sponsored rebels. Also, previous agreements with the US are being annulled. If anything, Trump has caused more agitation. The Russians and Syrians are more determined. So much for sending a message.
Just give it a break. This desperate attempt by Trump has achieved more humiliation. No one gives a hoot about the missile strikes.

LOL Who said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons? Your Western and American sources?

Don't give us that BS argument. Syrian government has categorically denied the use of chemical weapons. If anything the American sponsored rebel groups are responsible for the chemical strike.

LOL at the unknown message. Assad is still in power and the Russians are now intensifying their air strikes against US sponsored rebels. If anything, Trump has caused more agitation. The Russians and Syrians are more determined. So much for sending a message.

US humiliated ?? Says the person who believes that the syrian government denial about chemical weapons is true. Ok its time to give it a break
US humiliated ?? Says the person who believes that the syrian government denial about chemical weapons is true. Ok its time to give it a break

Why don't you blame Russia for creating ISIS, AQ and other terror groups while you at it? Stop pretending that your beloved America is free of sin. The whole world knows that the US is responsible for this entire mess. From the failed invasion of Iraq to destabilizing the ME.

Talking about weapons, we are still waiting for the WMDs... Yeah, the supposed WMDs of Saddam. Lairs and crooks. Don't think the world has forgotten.
It wasn't approved by the UNSC which means it was illegal and a show of brute force. First creating lunatics to de-stabilise the country which was peacefully chugging along. And then sending troops in to solve the problem.

Don't you guys in NATO have anything better to do than ruin countries?

And then Europe complains about refugees.
if they stop invading countries who will buy their weapons??
and how will their economies survive
In the span of just 30 minutes, the U.S. military launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syriafrom two Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean Sea.

An hour later, beginning around 8:45 p.m. ET Thursday, the missiles hit their targets at the Shayrat Air Base in Homs Province, where U.S. officials say President Bashar al-Assad’s regime deployed planes that carried out a chemical weapons attack on the Syrian people earlier this week.

Only one of the 59 missiles missed its target, a U.S. official told ABC News, although Russian officials appeared to dispute that, saying only 23 rockets hit the base.

The U.S. official said about 20 Syrian aircraft were destroyed in the process.

Based on the U.S. account, it appears to be an impressive level of accuracy -– just another reason why the Tomahawk was the weapon of choice for this operation.


A US official has confirmed that only 1 of the 59 Tomahawks missed its target. 20 Syrian aircraft were also destroyed.
They probably used old block of tomahawk which is near its expiry date and too expensive to upgrade
Conclusion of Scenario by Russian MOD.

Total of 59 Tomahawk Missiles were fired only 23 hit the target i.e: Shayrat Airbase 36 missed.
Storage depot & 6 Mig-23 in repair hanger & radar station got hit, 10 people have died 4 by missile hit 6 while extinguishing fire 2 Syrians have gone missing.
Runway Taxiways and Syrians AC's were undamaged.
Russians suspended the co-operation with US counterparts after the strike.

Such a wastage of $50 Million.
i'm sure Middle eastern has paid this amount and planned this chemical attack.
The U.S. official said about 20 Syrian aircraft were destroyed in the process.

20 aircraft destroyed? Only 1 missed the target? That doesn't seem to be the case as per footage of airbase and damge to the sites, and 20 number seems ridiculous. The Russians who are on the scene said 6 Mig-23 destroyed.

Of course it's natural for U.S to exaggerate its attack, but it also sounds ridiculous.
It's also possible that there were multiple strikes on single targets. 59 Tomahawks on an airbase and not a single one hit any runways would appear to be the case.
LOL Who said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons? Your Western and American sources?

Don't give us that BS argument. Syrian government has categorically denied the use of chemical weapons. If anything the American sponsored rebel groups are responsible for the chemical strike.
Of-course, Syrian (terrorist) regime will deny its involvement.

LOL at the unknown message. Assad is still in power and the Russians are now intensifying their air strikes against US sponsored rebels. Also, previous agreements with the US are being annulled. If anything, Trump has caused more agitation. The Russians and Syrians are more determined. So much for sending a message.
Do you ever get tired of your fanboy-ish ravings?

Syrian regime had to worry about rebels in this conflict earlier. Now, it has to worry about American attacks. It is logical for this regime to be scared. However, nobody boasts about being scared.

Russians can do whatever they want but they are powerless to stop the Americans and they know it. Your inflated projection of Russian power is a just a fantasy.

20 aircraft destroyed? Only 1 missed the target? That doesn't seem to be the case as per footage of airbase and damge to the sites, and 20 number seems ridiculous. The Russians who are on the scene said 6 Mig-23 destroyed.

Of course it's natural for U.S to exaggerate its attack, but it also sounds ridiculous.
Learn to differentiate propaganda from facts.

Americans have the technology to record an entire operation in real-time and they can show you what really happened.

Russians should be explaining why they chickened out from that base.
They will be annoyed at any thing which stops them from killing children.

Get off the gravy train F**k**g EU freeloaders. welfare queens living of US tits, supporting US strikes on Syria.
Syria is not in America's backyard, it is in EU's/Saudi backyard. Do your own job.

Trump is rapidly losing his core supporters. He is one and done, now the isolationists will leave him in droves, we are already seeing the twitter chatter. Trump is a conman, now firmly in the hands of neocons "Bomb Bomb" McCain group. Trump needs to be impeached, now right will join the left in opposing him.
Having a monkey with a gun in his hand is dangerous, but having an unstable monkey with mental issues with a gun in his hand is a whole another thing.

Another reason indicating why this chemical attack was a false flag attack: If U.S truly believed and knew that Syrian gov was responsible, instead of blabbering only few hours after the extremely suspicious chemical attack that Syrian gov is behind the attack without presenting any proof (while the only ones benefited from such attack were armed terror groups supported by U.S and allies), U.S would allow a fair international inspection to the site of attack to reveal who is actually responsible. But they didn't, and they rushed to bomb Syria based on totally unproven allegations with their lapdogs in region and the world jumping up and down from joy like monkeys.

It's amazing how only after 14 years that U.S started Iraq war, self-admittedly based on a huge hoax and lies, some idiots fell into the very same trap, perhaps a smaller one now.


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