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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

USA just wasted 60 cruise missile to make Trump look like a dangerous man. All these Cruise missile strikes were aime to leave an impression on the Chinese leader currently visiting USA but it will be a bad thing to mess with XI
Where were our "beloved" "Muslim" leaders between 2011 and late 2015 when the Russians finally showed up? Nowhere to be seen. They were afraid of losing their own thrones during the "Arab Spring" mostly and pre-2011 they were tolerating/meeting with/giving medals to the same Bashar al-Assad that was oppressing Syrians. We even invited Bashar as one of the chief guests when KAUST opened. Remember?

Can you also spot Ali Abdullah Saleh on the left? "Great" friend of ours today.

Same story with Ali Abdullah Saleh that we are now fighting in Yemen. Such brilliant policies of our useless leaders.

The only one I have any hope left for is MBS. He is one of us and from our generation.

We see the results of our "beloved" "Muslim" leaders and their policies in the region. We as Muslims and
especially Arabs must be very content seeing what is going on in Syria and elsewhere. But let us continue to blindly follow them. It has worked "fantastically" so far after all. The masses are also very, very content about the entire situation. Especially our brothers and sisters in Syria. They have much "praise" left for our leaders. I am sure of this! Especially those children that were gassed to death recently. "We" could have prevented this but alas. Same old shit and then we wonder why nobody respects Muslims and why we do not even respect each other. Idiots will remain idiots and until they help themselves nobody will help them but use them as a punching bag and nothing else.

Stop defending the indefensible (the silence of our leaders). In times such as those (where people like me are forced to applaud something that we should have done years ago) we need to walk with our heads down and not pretend that
everything is alright or try to save face.

I am sick and tired of this attitude and my views are in the majority. Just take a simple look at the social media. I am being "civil" here in my

Russians and other criminals have been carpet bombing our brothers and sisters day and
night and what have we done? Looked away. Pathetic and those same "Muslim" leaders are talking about helping Palestinians and other nonsense. What a joke. What did our leaders do post-2003 in Iraq other than hand that country over to a bunch of foreigners (Iranian Mullah's)? The list of incompetence is several km long. I will end it here as I don't have the patience nor am I in the mood to discuss such issues on a forum like this.
I understand your position and agree with you but don't use Muslim and Arab synonymously.
Talks about Russian propaganda, resorts to conspiracy theories and western propaganda.

Show a single photoshopped Russian photo depicting a fake cruise missile strike. While you're at it explain how you doctor a video and then show those supposed doctotlred videos.

Russia showing drone footage of Russian cruise missiles, zero editing:

Here is Russian drone footage of aftermath of US cruise missile strike, clearly one would have to be a fool and sipping western propaganda to believe that 58 cruise missiles hit the airfield.

Even jihadists filming a cruise missile strike:

In today's day and age of smart phones and drones it's difficult to spread propaganda about western superiority. The Leopard, Abrams, Merkava and these cruise missiles are overhyped. It's a hard pill to swallow for Western stronk fanboys.
I will ask again.....maybe you re slow....where are the other 36?
The regimes of the sanctioned states killed them

Just like gravity kills, not bombs.

When a person has cancer, don't help that person but make life hell for him and blame the virus for when that person dies. It's easy to talk when they're not your relatives, when your own kid is the one that dies you'll be crying.
60 cruise missiles and only two jet destroyed wow.
1cruise missile cost 12million dollars. 60 cruise missiles= 960million dollars and what objective was achieved?

Russia suspends military communications with US over Syria

Russia has announced that it will suspend a communications channel with the United States - which had been set up to avoid midair incidents between Russian and US planes over Syria.

The move comes after the US conducted air strikes on a Syrian airfield, in response to the alleged chemical airstrike carried out by the Syrian regime in Khan Sheikhoun, according to The Hill.

Russia has claimed the US decision to launch airstrikes was an "act of aggression" and has condemned the bombing.

In a statement about the suspension, the Russian Foreign Ministry said: “Russia suspends the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US."

The communications channel had been set up in 2015, when Russia started to intervene in Syria.

Before this line was established US and Russian aircraft had a few near-misses in the sky.

even if it is 12 which is not it would be 720 million dollars
The surface doesnt looks like a runway .... or is it a runway ?? Notice different layers of soil as the carter is formed


The four hangers in the background got hit, cant tell about the ones on right but the ones on the left did have aircraft in it
I will ask again.....maybe you re slow....where are the other 36?

Are you stupid? Those cruise missiles where fired from the Mediterranean ocean. You think that there are pictures from the depths of the ocean? Syria is also a vast country with large areas that are uninhabited, do you think that a day after the strikes that there will be photos of those cruise missiles?

The US did not find the wreckage of an F-18 that was shot down by an Iraqi Mig until 3 years after the event and it was found by accident.

Clearly a bunch of the cruise missiles missed; Russia confirmed that much and with the drone footage they provided evidence to back their claim.

Again I am still waiting for that Russian propaganda of doctored photos and video :lol:
I understand your position and agree with you but don't use Muslim and Arab synonymously.

There is no difference in relation to Syria and in general, I am afraid.

Anyway so much for the "Russia stronk" rhetoric but we saw that already numerous times when Israel was bombing Syria.

Putin should not bark too much as Russia is no rival for the US should they decide to act in Syria and Putin will obviously not risk a possible WW3 over Al-Assad of all people. A political deal might be reached which is preferred to this insanity going on for another 6 years for practically all parties involved outside of the Iranian Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's who rely/need this unrest. Especially now when strong and quite reliable rumors talk about Al-Assad ditching the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's in favor of Russia and Al-Assad not being interested in groups loyal to the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah's operating in Syria without impunity and without his control.

In any case this attack is the beginning of Al-Assad's eventual end/removal which is positive.
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USA just wasted 60 cruise missile to make Trump look like a dangerous man. All these Cruise missile strikes were aime to leave an impression on the Chinese leader currently visiting USA but it will be a bad thing to mess with XI

LOL just have a look at the American media fantasizing about the effect of these missile strikes. These fools really think they have scared China and Russia. According to US media Xi and Putin are reeling with fear LMAO
Russia just suspended key military agreements with the US -- raising the risk of war

So now the US has jets flying missions against ISIS in eastern Syria mere miles away from Russian jets in western Syria supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Without channels and agreements to communicate, the risk of accidental conflict between the world’s two largest nuclear powers grows.


Now that is what you call a move with actual consequences. Those 60 odd cruise missiles haven't achieved a fraction when compared to such Russian measures.
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