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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Russian air defense system protects its facilities in Syria 'round the clock'

MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Russia’s air defense systems firmly protect the Russian naval facilities in Tartus and at the Hmeymim air base round the clock, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has told the media.

"The S-400 and Pantsir systems provide reliable protection for the Russian air group at the Hmeymim airdrome. Another group of S-300 and Pantsir systems deployed in Syria defends the naval logistics facility in Tartus," Konashenkov said.

He added that "the crews of Russian air defense systems in Syria were on duty round the clock."

Systems in Tartus can't necessarily protect the syrat airbase

And This prompted Russians to bolster defenses in Syria in urgency.
Vladimir Putin has vowed to bolster Assad's air defences following a deadly US airstrike on an airbase in Syria leading to fears the conflict will spiral into all-out war between Russia and the West.

Russian warship the Admiral Grigorovich - armed with cruise missiles and a self-defence system - is docking in Syria today after it was immediately diverted from the Black Sea following Donald Trump's airstrike on al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4388834/America-launches-airstrikes-Syria.html#ixzz4dZ8kWUPx
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You will soon see Iran doing a Cruise missile test.
USA has a war economy, it will go bankrupt without war. Why would Russia/Iran allow USA to enter Syria? It was a stupid move. Now any party in Syria reacting too strong will escalate the situation to no end.

intercepting 36 missiles require a hell lot of interceptors and in a country where even firing a ATGM makes it to the world it is highly unlikely no one caught those interceptors being fired

also highly unlikely the missiles who stumbled midway and fell have not made it to social media
Total missile count isn't disputed by the USA either. USA media is also reporting that 59 missiles were fired but they are silent about how many hit their targets. Russia did publish video proof of the targeted base and claimed only 23 hit their target.
Syria is better off under Bashar than the Islamists he's fighting.
Alawi gangsters took democratic secular Syria.
First they turned it into a Facsist brutal dictatorship.
And when people revolted against it thy bombed it into second Somalia.

fsa etc and isis are the same thing, there are no moderate rebels, they need to be wiped out.
There are no moderate Assadists.

actually they're bigger, go look the maps up.
What matters is GDP, not land area. Do u think Sudan is stronger than UK? :lol:
USA has a war economy, it will go bankrupt without war. Why would Russia/Iran allow USA to enter Syria? It was a stupid move. Now any party in Syria reacting too strong will escalate the situation to no end.

Total missile count isn't disputed by the USA either. USA media is also reporting that 59 missiles were fired but they are silent about how many hit their targets. Russia did publish video proof of the targeted base and claimed only 23 hit their target.
video proof of what ??
and as you have said it yourself they have claimed not proved that only 23 hit the target. When Russian cruise missile failed we saw their pictures :)
There are no moderate Assadists.
good, they're fighting an army of demonic jihadis.

they should carpet bomb the whole of Idlib and retake it just like they took Aleppo.

What matters is GDP, not land area. Do u think Sudan is stronger than UK? :lol:
random superboy joke.
Would we hear about the US reaction to the Russian claims of only 29 Tomahawks hitting the target? I doubt that but lets see what happens.
No reports of Syrian air force in the skies of Idlib. Stark contrast from past. Reports of minimum damage to the airbase and base being operational looks like propaganda
Not cluster.... f....

>It is a calculated move , disable armed forces bearing nations around Israel
>Once the core is gone , arm various factions
>The factions fight each other , we supply weapons from outside (Taking turns supplying factions)
>No one from that region gets to enter our region , our C130 drop weapons overthem
>When the groups kill each other silly , so a Massive sweep bombardment and takeover or install proxy Man
>Trump already stated he wants to keep all oil

Countries that have this "arming rouge factions" policy have no interest in welfare of general population of that country

All being done to Expand and create greater Israel, Trump is Jewish

The strategy is , shake hands and hugs with 8 out of 10 nation and target 1-2 nations at time once the job is done with 1-2 nations then rinse and repeat destruction of infrastructure in other nation , destroy government institutes and stability

Other provisions that look a bit "Planned"

You may note before this recent strike
  • Turmp had met SISI 1-2 days prior to show his love for "SISI"
  • Our General Sahib was invited to have meeting with UK/US delegates I am sure something was dislcosed in private high level discussion
  • Similarly to help develop a divide between China/Russia Trump made sure he was in scheduled meeting with Chinese delegate 2-3 hours after the missile strike
  • Russia was strategically bombed , few days prior to divert their focus to local security


  • When Afghanistan was attacked , other regional countries were told they are safe (including iran / Iraq)
  • When Afghanistan was well destroyed , moved to Iraq as they had a sufficient force and miliatry , infrastructure was destroyed , economy was destroyed and weapons stases were left for various factions in aftermath . Other military forces were told they will not be harmed it is only this "Saddam" guy trouble maker
  • After Saddam was gone then the war become againsts unknown faces and factions but the end goal was same "Destroy" military / central government
  • Same formula used in Libya (The excuse was that it is just 1 guy Qadafi who is problem) the rest of population is not the issue , well country was nicely destroyed and destabalized
  • In Egypt , there was resistance so there was Democratic government there for 2 years after which it was also Toppled
  • In turkey same type of coupe was attempted
So the Pattern really is

For Other people's country:
  • Find factions
  • Arm these factions/ groups
  • Start regional war
  • Display certain videos (in own country to only show selected parts of war)
  • Keep supply of weapons going to arm local factions C130 airdrops
  • Take out the Airports of one side / so the Factions do maximum damage to local governments. Airports are targetted to cause maxium damage from ground war as local government has trouble maintaining order due to lack of Airforce
  • While the countries get destroyed by war , look the other way for 2-4 years let that country weaken on its own
  • If 100,000-500,000 people die to this "artificially sustained" war its is ok because our local media will not cover it , only we will show some fotage when it will be in our interest (i.e false flag operation to discredit Russia etc or Syria)

For own country:

  • All sort of checks and scanners and visa bans

Origins of this Strategy:
"This strategy is quite old and was used with Native Indian tribes in USA , where certain tribes were given immunity if they fought against the other Native Indian tribes who did not cooperate with Immigrant colonies. Initially treaties were formed to consider these friendly tribes friends but as soon as the need was over these groups were also "pushed" out to desert areas to die off. The friendly tribes initially thought that the Immigrant colonies would be sparing them off and giving them equal status which is why they cooperated with US general to pick up arms against other Indian tribes. And in return these tribes were given some property or guns or horses. However when this strategy was implemented over 100-150 year period the end result is quite obvious what happened

There is a reason why there are only 0.05% Native indians in USA now

  • Next what you will see is "Group" of friendly Muslim countries that will come and support these actions , as these few countries have been told in private immunity just like the friendly "Indian Native Tribes" back in day :coffee:. They will meet few representaives and shake hands and promise some gifts or rugs or few consessions on trade deals , promise the eternal love with the friendly tribes. Then the "instigators" will do a press release and smile and say He loves Muslims and they are doing this for benefit for Muslim families and their children

Friendly tribe strategy in action

Another Indian tribes man (smaller clan)


We already did a number on his clan for 8 years give him break for few years

When all the countries in region will be well weakened by regional wars , then the little Israel fully armed with F-35 / Other WMD will expand its borders then even these friendly tribes will be pushed to desert , and luckily Saudia has a big desert as we all know very convinent place for the "friendly tribes"
Last edited:
No reports of Syrian air force in the skies of Idlib. Stark contrast from past. Reports of minimum damage to the airbase and base being operational looks like propaganda
The US states that 58 out of the 59 missiles hit their target.Obvious Russian propaganda is obvious.
People like you, your media and your intel and your politicians made up and repeated the same kind of lies the last time as well about alleged "facts" and "credible intel" and "evidence" that got completely blown up and debunked later on in silence and only some unsatisfying excuses like that unproven story of "USA buying chemical weapons from dealer" just obfuscating and distracting from the matter remained. You even have the "little crying girl telling her horrible made up eyewitness story toldby her parets" on board again. What exactly is different and makes it not WMD 2.0. all over again this time? The slightly more elaborate foreign backed crisis actors on the ground due to experience from WMD 1.0?

The UN investigation collaborated chemical weapon attacks and done by the Syrian Military. You Chinese are simply making excuses for being quiet and giving a rat's a__ if Muslim children are gassed to death. This is not the same as the "last time".
I don't know if this real or fake...

*This could very easily be Russian propaganda*

This was released by the Russian MoD and RT put it up...it shows damage, but I expected this place to be torn apart and the runway looks intact...

what gives?

If russians had stoppes a missile they would publically say so... caz that wud have been the whole point...

1 to show capability... witth its own benefits

2 to show intent...

There is no such claim from russia... only fan boys wishful thinking on this forum

Russian MoD Says US Missile Attack on Syrian Airbase Prepared LongAgo

12:38 07.04.2017(updated 16:29 07.04.2017)

The Russian Defense Ministry said that the US missile attack on a Syrian airbase had been prepared long ago.



Putin Considers US Attack in Syria Aggression Against Sovereign State - Kremlin

On Thursday night, the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha’irat, located about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the city of Homs. US President Donald Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria's Idlib on Tuesday, which Washington blames on the Syrian government.

Russia described the attack as an aggression against a sovereign state.

Following the US military action, Russia decided to suspend its memorandum of understanding on air safety over Syria with the United States, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"It is evident that the US cruise missile strikes against a Syrian airbase have been prepared long before today’s events. A large system of measures of reconnaissance, planning, preparation of flight tasks and bringing the missiles to launch readiness needs to be carried out to prepare such an attack," ministry's spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

According to Konashenkov, the Idlib chemical attack "served only as a formal pretext, while the demonstration of military force took place exclusively due to internal political reasons. "


Russia Suspends Memorandum With US on Flight Safety in Syria - Foreign Ministry

The Russian Defense Ministry considers the US attack on a Syrian airfield in the Homs province a gross violation of a memorandum on the safety of flights over Syria. Thus, Russia has suspended the cooperation with the US aimed to avoid incidents in Syrian airspace.

"We assess such actions of the US side as a gross violations of the memorandum on incident prevention and ensuring security in operations in the Syrian airspace signed in 2015. The Russian Defense Ministry is suspending cooperation with the Pentagon within the framework of this memorandum," Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.



Digging Up the Hatchet: Pentagon's Massive Airstrike in Syria 'Resembles Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya'

The Russian Defense Ministry said the US administrations come and go, while its policies remain the same since the bombings of Yugoslavia, wars in Iraq and Libya.

"The administrations of the United States are changing, but the methods of unleashing wars have remained the same since Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya. And again, the pretext of aggression is not an objective investigation, but allegations, fact manipulation, showing photos and pseudo-vials at international organizations," Konashenkov said.

Only 23 missiles from US destroyers reached the targeted Syrian airfield, it is unclear where the other 36 landed, the ministry said.

"On April 7, at the time between 3:42 and 3:56 a.m. Moscow time [00:42-00:56 GMT] a massive missile attack by 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles was carried out from two destroyers of the US Navy [Ross and Porter], from the Mediterranean Sea, near the island of Crete, targeting Syrian airfield Ash Sha'irat [Homs Province]. According to the Russian data recording technology, only 23 cruise missiles reached the Syrian airbase. It is not clear where the other 36 cruise missiles landed," Konashenkov said at a briefing.

The spokesman stressed that the strike destroyed many facilities and equipment, including six planes.

Two Syrian servicemen are missing as a result of the US attack on an airfield in the country, while four were killed and six were injured extinguishing the flames, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Friday.

"According to the information of the leadership of the Syrian airbase, two Syrian servicemen went missing, four were killed and six received burn injuries during the firefighting," he said.
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