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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Putin can always persuade Assad to move his forces to the coast and declare an indepednent Alawite state. WHich is what the west wants(destruction of Iraq and Syria)
Russian drone footage of Shayrat Air Base after the attack,
"Runway completely undamaged, most bunkers and aircraft intact, out of the 23 of 59 Tomahawk missiles that did not crash or fail, many missiles hit empty fields."

The Russian Defence ministry also pointed to the events that followed the strikes, a large-scale offensive against the Syrian Army carried out by Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front terrorists.

“We hope that this offensive was in no way coordinated with the US,” the ministry said.
Assad regime labels US strike as 'foolish and irresponsible'

Putin agrees with his country's national security council to continue Syria deployment
These missile attacks were to just prove Obama wrong and Trump has take Muslim lives in doing so as USA is not going forward with any more attacks on Assad. Trump just wanted to deliver a message.
Putin has announced to send in more forces to Syria after the attacks on Syrian Air base.
Russian Defense Ministry Decides on Expansion in Syria Follows Putin's Orders

The decision to expand Russia's military presence in Syria is made by the Defense Ministry in accordance with President Vladimir Putin's instructions, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Thursday night, the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha'irat, located about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the city of Homs. US President Donald Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria's Idlib on Tuesday, which Washington blames on the Syrian government.

Plus this provides breathing space for enbattled US president
US army conducted a mission yesterday too killing a top ranking ISIS leader in Syria

Regarding rebels launching an offensive straight afterwards the attack ?? Rebels began offensive on Hama on March 21st and Syrian Army-ISIS frontlines are also active, nothing new there

Syria and Russia has long used this anti-ISIS air campaign as a reason to fight against a no fly zone and has used this campaign as a cover to bombing civilians and gassing them. They cant complain now
UAE expresses support for US military strikes on Assad regime
not necessary, alternatives are there
the reason why terrsit gained foot in iraq and by extension in syria was iraqi shia regime

Most terrorists that have wrecked havoc in Iraq and Syria are Takfeeri Wahabbis. I'm a Sunni but I don't discriminate based on sect.

What are the other options? I hope your answer won't be based on who the US and Saudi Arabia (and Israel) think is a great alternative to Assad. Having a bunch of militant mercenary jihadis ruling the country will be worse for Syria in my opinion.
so the s400 couldn't even stop a tomahawk interesting very very interesting.
China and Pak armies very interested in what happened today especially as s400 and s300 were deployed

I think there was no reason for Russia to consume S400/S300 deployments for these Tomahawks. They do not need to show their capabilities or waste money defending against such Tomahawks that were neither aimed at Russian army nor caused any damage thereto. Russia was also reportedly informed about these before the strike. These Tomahawks only resulted in loss for Syrian Army i.e. an airbase and few MiG23s, which from the Russian perspective is negligible anyway.

I guess it was more of a political message than anything.
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