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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

This attack is good in the short term to stop assad to resort to his brutish psych. Expect some rapproacment between Trump and Putin, which could bring some respite to Syrian people.
Iran, Russia not to remain silent after US missile attack on Syria – lawmaker


A senior Iranian lawmaker said on Friday that Tehran and Moscow are not going to remain silent after the senseless missile attack by the Trump’s administration on Syria.

The chairman of Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, dismissed the allegation of the possession of chemical weapons by the Assad government and its use as groundless, said a message posted on the parliament’s website.

“The whole world knows that the Syrian government has surrendered its all chemical weapons upon an agreement with the UN. Hence, there are no chemical weapons at the disposal of the Syrian government,” he said.

“On the other hand, chemical weapons are usually used when the army feels defeated in a war. The actions of the Syrian army are successful. It liberated Aleppo and is about to liberate other regions. Why should the party that wins the war take such a step? The Syrian authorities actually have no chemical weapons”, he stressed.

Boroujerdi noted that terrorists have never been afraid of using chemical weapons.

“The allegation of the possession of chemical weapons by the Assad government and its use as groundless is groundless. This is only an excuse for its allies from the US and Europe who defeated in Syria over the last 6 months. They want to distract the attention of the world community and bring the matter to the UN Security Council for consideration”, he added.

On April 7 from 3:42 to 3:56 Moscow time (in Italian from 2:42 to 2:56) from the Mediterranean Sea off Crete 2 destroyers of the US Navy (" Ross "and" Porter ") fired 59 cruise missiles" Tomahawk "against the Syrian air base Shayrat (Homs province). According to Russian media objective control, hit the Syrian military structure 23 missiles. No one knows where the remaining 36 missiles have fallen
- spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Defense, General Igor Konashenkov

According to Russian defense ministry, 59 missiles were fired, 23 hit the base, 36 went missing. May be 36 missiles were intercepted by Russian air defense in Syria.
Now Iran throws its hat in the ring:

Iranian official says his country 'will not be silent' over US strikes on Assad regime airbase
According to Russian defense ministry, 59 missiles were fired, 23 hit the base, 36 went missing. May be 36 missiles were intercepted by Russian air defense in Syria.
You will soon see Iran doing a Cruise missile test.
I think there was no reason for Russia to consume S400/S300 deployments for these Tomahawks. They do not need to show their capabilities or waste money defending against such Tomahawks that were neither aimed at Russian army nor caused any damage thereto. Russia was also reportedly informed about these before the strike. These Tomahawks only resulted in loss for Syrian Army i.e. an airbase and few MiG23s, which from the Russian perspective is negligible anyway.

I guess it was more of a political message than anything.

Its not that simple... stopping the missiles would have been a huge set back for US...

They did not caz they could not... numbers were overwhelming i guess
So called "Syrian government" is nothing but bunch of Alawi gangsters who seized power in military coup and they hold power only thanks to mass genocide and terror made by jihadist Khamenai mercenaries.
Syria is better off under Bashar than the Islamists he's fighting.

fsa etc and isis are the same thing, there are no moderate rebels, they need to be wiped out.

Russia is just tiny bug compare to USA.
actually they're bigger, go look the maps up.

I know what you're saying though, they do dwarf the Russians militarily. Such a shame to see them enter the fight and help al qaeda, isis etc
Personally I applaud this development. The US is getting stuck in yet another war. LOL so much for isolationism. Not to even mention the friction it is going to create with Russia. Trump is trapping America bigly. Keep going Trump because only remote missile strikes won't cut it.

There is saying in Urdu: jab geedar ki maut aati he to woh shehr ki taraf bhaagta he.

Folks, get ready for fireworks. Russia is going to return the favor one way or the other.
That is a foolish argument. US can disengage from Syria right this instant. However, their are additional realities to consider. American defense industry needs business and a conflict in any part of the world is a welcome development for it. American military and other parties buy arms and American defense industry flourishes, stimulating American economy alongside. On the bright side of it, this industry is facilitating innovation and progress in a number of areas.

US is embroiled in conflicts since its inception. This is a component of its foreign policy and economic design. A conflict is a welcome development for it, something to take advantage of.

Russia will do squat. They are not keen to fight a war they cannot win.
According to Russian defense ministry, 59 missiles were fired, 23 hit the base, 36 went missing. May be 36 missiles were intercepted by Russian air defense in Syria.

intercepting 36 missiles require a hell lot of interceptors and in a country where even firing a ATGM makes it to the world it is highly unlikely no one caught those interceptors being fired

also highly unlikely the missiles who stumbled midway and fell have not made it to social media
This is the third time a republican in office started a war against a foreign government. First it was Iraq then Afghanistan and now Syria. What was he thinking I mean everybody (Assad, Rebels, US, Russia, Iran and the Arab states) should put all thier attention to ISIS because they are a true threat to world peace and stability. The chemical attack (if that is what it was) was bad but think of ISIS using mustard gas and for God's sake destroy them before any further moves.
Now Iran throws its hat in the ring:

Iranian official says his country 'will not be silent' over US strikes on Assad regime airbase
I believe its only a matter of making their intent public. Otherwise, Syria and Iraq are crawling with Iranian Militias and Hezb fighting alongside Regime and Russians.
Well we Americans have been thoroughly embarrassed.
Only 23 out of the 59 cruise missiles hit anything and the damage is by all indications minimal with the other missiles not being accounted for.

6-9 aircraft destroyed, a Radar, a mess hall and some light damage to the runway. All of this can be fixed in no tome and the Russians said they will bolster even further their air defense as well as Syria's air defense.

I think the Russians actu ally shot down slme the cruise missiles and a good amount just failed since the tomohawk is widely believed by the Russians to be an old and largely ineffective system.

God... this is dumb

Not to mention the fact that Syria just said it will double down on the militant groups it's been attacking. Nothing was achieved here, all poltical and made the US lol weak.

I assume fully that Iran will now be arming Hezbollah and Syria with more advanced missiles in retaliation for this dumb attack that achieves nothing.
Russian air defense system protects its facilities in Syria 'round the clock'

MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Russia’s air defense systems firmly protect the Russian naval facilities in Tartus and at the Hmeymim air base round the clock, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has told the media.

"The S-400 and Pantsir systems provide reliable protection for the Russian air group at the Hmeymim airdrome. Another group of S-300 and Pantsir systems deployed in Syria defends the naval logistics facility in Tartus," Konashenkov said.

He added that "the crews of Russian air defense systems in Syria were on duty round the clock."

And how could Saudi Arabia support the overthrow of a legal government which is unpopular amongst the public. Isn't that what they are fighting against in Yemen.
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