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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

No its just one thug killing another thug. Invasion happened when iranian militias and army officers barged into syria to slaughter syrian muslims and defend macho man putin's girlfriend assad. DO NOTE your little pet assad did NOT called it act of war but an act of aggression. Syria ceased to be a country to worry "sovereignty" the day that bastard assad started killing innocent protestors.

Whatever that floats your boat.... it's is exactly what I called it, the current status quo in Syria is direct results of same policy in the past 6 years .. I have never said Assad is an angel in white and meanwhile I never believed that protests in Syria was peaceful from the very beginning .. we've seen the same policy in all across central Asia from Baharain, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan ...And Syria is a country with "sovereignty" if Qatar, Turkey, Saudi and Americans stop supporting extremist in this country.
All the chemical weapons were supposed to have been destroyed by now. So hitting a weapons dump (if thats the claim Assad + Russia is going with) that had sarin in it isn't going to cut it.
these so called rebels have been known to carry out chemical attacks against Syrian government troops in the past, these bastards live by the motto: 'war is deceit'

false flag !

Trump is being led astray by the neocons.

Its not a black and white picture in Syria of Assad+Russia vs the monotone homogeneous rebels.

At least give some time for Putin and Russia to file an official response in so we can better see what this was all about....before you start saying "appeasing the neocons".
black and white as far as I'm concerned, you got the Syrian government and it's allies vs scumbag jihadi forces and their many backers in saudi/qatar/turkey,israel,nato,us.

I support the Syrian government and it's allies.

oh, and here's the Russian response:

See....they are precision weapons designed to take out high value targets...cnn reports that they have destroyed multiple radars...oil dumps...runways aircraft's and hardened air craft shelters!!
May be by seeing in movies you may think that a single missile with a conventional war head can take out entire Air base!!
To give you a perspective...the MOAB which largest conventional ordinance has a blast radius of On mile and the war head weighs 15 tons!! Now you do the math...then you'll see the number of 59 believable
But please also asses the damage done here it was nothing. All bunkers stand intact Air base is still being used to launch air raids and the missiles went mostly for the civilian targets and a barracks building came under attack so this was not that all successful attack using 60 cruise missiles and Cruise missiles are the most precise.

Iran, Indonesia condemn US air strike in Syria as UK, Australia give support
And Bashar Al-Assad is a saint? This murderer has been allowed to ruin the lives of millions of people in the region and entire Islamic bloc is watching from distance. On top of this, Russia is trying to protect this criminal and some Muslims are championing this support?

US is the superpower. Understand this.

A superpower on the decline. Understand this as well. Symptom of its decline? Election of Trump.
I support the Syrian government and it's allies.
So called "Syrian government" is nothing but bunch of Alawi gangsters who seized power in military coup and they hold power only thanks to mass genocide and terror made by jihadist Khamenai mercenaries.

oh, and here's the Russian response:

Russia is just tiny bug compare to USA.
US and its allies have created an artifical war in Syria. This is done bt promoting proxies with Islamic names. Once the conflict on the ground becomes intractable, now the political solution being offered is division and break up of Syria.

Whoever thinks US and its western allies intervention in Syria and Middle East is not re align and re jig the map of Middle East lives in a fool's paradise. The idea is to create mayhem and chaos to guarantee Israel's security. This chaos on the the ground eliminates threats to Israel's security as the neocon and 'secular' extremist logic goes.
1) Russians were informed before the strike but no one knows how much time they had to evacuate. One thing is sure, Russian positions were avoided

2) This is one of the biggest airbase. This is Syrian airforce maintains and repairs Su-22. The base is home to 4 squadrons so if they knew about the attack and had the time to evacuate it would have been one massive evacuation which would have caught on camera by near by civilians just like they filmed the base getting hit by missiles

3) 29 out of 59 missiles hit the target, where are the 30 remaining. As we have seen during Russian attacks, the pictures of fallen cruise missile surface very quickly. Nothing yet so far

4) Its all about Morale now, and we are going to see a lot of infowars now. The base did got hit but damage assessment can not be done right now.

5) Coming to propaganda videos/pictures

now there is a S-400 system based in Latakia that can easily cover this base BUT that system is under Russian use, they are not going to stop USA's missiles aimed at Syrian Airforce
then there is S-300 which I think is in Damascus (not sure) but if its there it can also cover the base and it didnt even try
Then there are short range SAMs at the base (SAM-6) and by the looks of pics, they also didnt even try


Source :

I think we should all wait for more information to come, right now there is a lot of ambiguity
US and its allies have created an artifical war in Syria. This is done bt promoting proxies with Islamic names. Once the conflict on the ground becomes intractable, now the political solution being offered is division and break up of Syria.

Whoever thinks US and its western allies intervention in Syria and Middle East is not re align and re jig the map of Middle East lives in a fool's paradise. The idea is to create mayhem and chaos to guarantee Israel's security. This chaos on the the ground eliminates threats to Israel's security as the neocon and 'secular' extremist logic goes.
Yes you are right. IF not the USA, the Alawi gangsters (12% of Syria population) would forever rule Syria.

Alawis have huge support in Syria:

Thats why in 40 years+ rule Alawis never made any elections in Syria.
Thats why they cant take a small village without sectarian gansters from abroad.
Regarding what action Syrian govt is going to take ?

Syria has been bombed in past few year by Israel. Russia and Iran has condemned every time, Syrian govt has talked about retaliation every time and thats it.
Now where are all those talks of trump being a russian agent ?Now he is clearly going against russian interests in the middle east.
Well i guess these politics are not easy to understand for us ordinary people.
so the s400 couldn't even stop a tomahawk interesting very very interesting.
China and Pak armies very interested in what happened today especially as s400 and s300 were deployed
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